Sharia Marketing Strategy in the LAZNAS Context: Influencers, Sharia Marketing Mix, Islamic Work Ethic, and Muzakki Loyalty

Influencer Sharia marketing mix Islamic work ethic Muzakki satisfaction Muzakki loyalty LAZNAS


August 1, 2024


This research was conducted to analyze: Sharia Marketing Strategy in the LAZNAS Context: Influencers, Sharia marketing mix, Islamic Work Ethics, Muzakki Loyalty, and Muzakki Satisfaction as Mediating Variables. The research was conducted at the National Amil Zakat Institution in Indonesia, using a quantitative approach, with primary data collected from muzakki registered with LAZ. The data collection method uses the Situational Judgment Test instrument. The data obtained is then processed using SmartPLS. The results show that: Influencers and Sharia marketing mix have no effect on muzakki loyalty to zakat amil institutions, while Islamic Work Ethic and muzakki satisfaction have a significant effect on loyalty. The influence of Sharia marketing mix on muzakki satisfaction is significant, while the influence of Influencers and Islamic work ethics is not significant. Meanwhile, the results of the indirect effect test show that Influencer, Islamic work ethics, and Sharia marketing mix have no significant effect on loyalty with muzakki satisfaction as a mediating variable. The findings from this research are: LAZ's selection of influencers (figures and public figures) is still not appropriate, it is considered not to reflect a polite and Islamic personality, and it is considered that it still does not meet the criteria for credibility and power as an influencer.