Revitalization of Group Envoys in the Indonesian Representative System

Group Envoys Representatives Revitalization


June 18, 2024


The removal of faction envoys from the Indonesian representative system, a legacy of the founding fathers reflecting the character of the Indonesian nation, occurred during the reform era driven by a desire for direct elections and negative perceptions of the New Order regime. This study analyzes the implications of this removal and explores potential solutions to the arising issues. Using a historical and analytical approach, the study examines the evolution of the Indonesian representative system and the founding fathers' rationale for including faction envoys, assessing the impacts of their removal. Findings indicate that this removal has created a gap in representing diverse societal groups within the MPR, potentially obstructing the aspirations of people outside political and regional interests. The study concludes that excluding faction envoys introduces challenges in accommodating the diverse aspirations of the Indonesian people, necessitating thoughtful solutions and mitigation efforts to ensure comprehensive representation until a permanent solution is found.