The Role of Corporate Governance in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Disclosure

Enterprise Risk Management Existence of Risk Management Committee Auditor Reputation Size of the Board of Commissioners


June 10, 2024


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the existence of the risk management committee, the reputation of the auditor, and the size of the board of commissioners on the disclosure of enterprise risk management (ERM). The existence of the risk management committee is measured by a dummy variable proxy, Which is used to gauge auditor reputation, and the total number of commissioners on the board is used to gauge the board's size. The measurement of ERM disclosure as a dependent variable is measured by disclosure items based on the ERM Framework issued by COSO (2004). Using the purposive sample approach, this study examined a subset of businesses that were listed in the LQ45 Index from 2012 to 2014. The data used is obtained from the annual report listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There were 15 companies during 2012-2014 that met the criteria. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the existence of the risk management committee and the reputation of the auditor had a significant effect on the disclosure of enterprise risk management, while the size of the board of commissioners did not have a significant effect on the disclosure of enterprise risk management.