The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior: The Role of Perceived Organizational Support, Proactive Personality and Psychological Safety

Ethical Leadership Proactive Personality Psychological Safety Innovative Work Behavior Perception of Organizational Support


June 10, 2024


This study aimed to examine the effects of moderation of perceptions of organizational support and proactive personality as well as psychological safety mediation in the influence of ethical leadership on innovative work behavior. Data analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using  SmartPLS software version 4 on 195 employees at Bagas Waras Klaten Hospital. The results of this study show a direct and significant influence between ethical leadership and innovative work behavior and perceptions of organizational support, and ethical leadership encourages innovative work behavior mediated by psychological safety. Perceptions of organizational support moderate the relationship between ethical leadership and innovative work behavior. However, in this study, proactive personalities were found not to moderate the influence of ethical leadership on innovative work behavior.