The Mindset of Msme Actors Towards Online Loan Application (Using The Rubicon Model Perspective)

MSMEs Ijen Geopark Online Loans


August 5, 2023


MSMEs receive special attention from the government and economic institutions because of their strategic role in supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The pandemic that hit made the MSME economy decline. Business actors still want their business to run but are hampered by the funds they have. One of the efforts to increase business capital by making an online loan. This study used quantitative methods and the type of data used was primary data, namely the results of distributing questionnaires with questionnaires using the concept of the Rubicon model. The population selected in this study is MSMEs in Banyuwangi Regency. There is a Predecisional (X1) influence on Online Loans (Y). CrossingRub (X2) affects Online Loans (Y). In the Postdecisional variable, there is no Postdecisional influence (X3) on Online Loans (Y). In the SustainingAc variable, there is an influence of SustainingAc (X4) on Online Loans (Y). It requires a wise and planning approach, online loans can be a valuable tool for business people to achieve their business goals