Economic Development In Accordance With Pancasila and The 1945 Constitution

Economic development; Pancasila; finance


November 16, 2022


Economic development as part of national development is one of the efforts to realize just and prosperous people's welfare based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Research methods used in solving problems include analytical methods. The image caption is placed as part of the image title (figure caption) instead of being part of the image. The methods used in completing the study are written in this section. Is corporate financing in the form of providing capital goods with regular payments by companies that use these capital goods, and can be purchased or extended for a period based on residual value. There is also the notion of leasing according to Prof. R. Subekti, S.H. in his book "Many Agreements". This is nothing other than a lease agreement that has developed among entrepreneurs, where the "lessor" leases a company equipment (machinery) including service, maintenance and others to the "lessee" for a certain period of time