The Effect of Situational Leadership Style of Madrasah Principals Against Work Motivation and Teacher Performance at MTS Riyadlul Huda and Mts Assakinah, West Bandung Regency

Leadership Style Situational Motivation Teacher Performance


January 25, 2023


Currently the issue of the quality of education is the main topic of discussion. The quality of education is generally associated with the level of achievement achieved by the ability of students to achieve results. The purpose of this research is to identify; the influence of the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal on the work motivation and performance of teachers at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah, West Bandung Regency. This study uses a Mixed Methods Research approach, namely research that combines quantitative and qualitative methods with a sequential explanatory model (sequence of proof). Quantitative and qualitative data collection using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that; 1) The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher work motivation is positive and significant, 2) The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher performance is positive and significant, 2) The situational leadership style of the madrasah principal is no different quantitatively from qualitatively, at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah West Bandung Regency.