Post-Divorce Communication in Families with Children

Communication Divorce Children


December 20, 2022


Conflicts between adults often affect children who are involved in the separation of their parents. On the one hand, parental conflict is a difficult and troublesome experience for the whole family, especially for children whose daily lives are used to the presence of both parents. This study aims to find out how post-divorce communication in families with children. This research method uses scoping review using two articles originating from national articles and international articles. The results from the first article show that there is a lack of communication or agreement on a common strategy for risk mitigation, remote schools are often a site of disagreement when one parent feels that they are doing more than their fair share of coordination and oversight, and different perspectives on science this is expected to lead to future bickering when making a joint decision about whether to vaccinate children. While other articles explain the application of three communication patterns from single mothers to their children, namely permissive (freeing), authoritarian (controlling) and democratic (directing) communication patterns.