Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 1 No. 2 December 2022
Aldian Yusup,
Raodatul Jannah
Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa INVADA Cirebon,
Universitas Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Economic development is very important for a developing country like
Indonesia. The success of a country's economic development can be seen from
economic indicators, one of which is the unemployment rate. This study aims to
analyze the causes of unemployment in Indonesia. The method used is scoping
review by analyzing journals from various online databases such as Pubmed and Google Scholar. Based on the results of research
from two journals, it can be shown that the causes of unemployment in Indonesia
are population, human development index, level of education, lack of adequate
skills, minimal employment in the area, and limitations in receiving
Keywords: Unemployment; Causes of Unemployment; Scoping Review.
This article is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
The economic
development of a country can be seen from several economic indicators. One of
them is the unemployment rate. Based on the unemployment rate, it can be seen
the condition of a country, whether its economy is growing or slow and or even
experiencing setbacks. In addition to the unemployment rate, it can also be
seen the inequality or gap in the distribution of income received by the people
of that country. Unemployment can occur as a result of the high rate of change
in the workforce which is not matched by the existence of jobs that are quite
broad and the percentage of employment that tends to be small. This is due to
the low growth rate of job creation to accommodate a workforce that is ready to
work (Novriansyah, 2018).
Unemployment is
one of the main problems that every country always faces. When talking about
the problem of unemployment, it means not only talking about social problems
but also talking about economic problems, because unemployment apart from
causing social problems also has an influence on the economic growth of a
country, especially developing countries such as Indonesia (Ishak, 2018).
characteristic of development is the occurrence of a population explosion, as
is the case in Indonesia. The total population of Indonesia, based on data from
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for December 2018, is 265 million people,
but given the limited sources of production on the one hand and on the other
hand the limited ability of the government associated with such a large
population makes it unable to accommodate all workforce in the world of
business/work. Conditions in developing countries such as
Indonesia, the economic growth achieved is also accompanied by an
increase in Indonesia's population. This condition is what triggers
unemployment and unfortunately every year the number of unemployed continues to
increase, because each increase in the number of labor
force is not matched by the expansion and capacity of employment opportunities (Sugianto & Permadhy, 2020).
Data from the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) open unemployment rate in Indonesia in February
2020 was recorded at 05.01 percent (Indayani & Hartono, 2020). The
increasing number of unemployed in each country has an impact on economic
growth in a country. One of the causes of the large number of unemployed is the
lack of jobs and the lack of expertise of job seekers, including educated
worker seekers. The government must be able to immediately provide a solution
regarding the high unemployment rate for the progress of the country's economy (Franita & Fuady, 2019).
Unemployment can
be suppressed by the government with its policies, if the government can
correctly make a policy regarding unemployment then the problem of unemployment
will be resolved, but if on the contrary if the government's policy fails then
the problem of unemployment will still exist and does not rule out the
possibility of increasing unemployment (Johan et al., 2016).
to Arksey & O'Malley in Widiasih et al., (2020) scoping review is
a method used to identify in-depth and thorough literature obtained through
various sources with various research methods and has a relationship with the
research topic.
was taken from various electronic databases, namely PubMed and Google Scholar.
Data collection was carried out in several stages. First, enter keywords
related to the topic in the online database search. Then,
selecting articles through inclusion and exclusion criteria. Finally, analyze the articles obtained through the first and second
Table 1.
Relevant Research
No |
Title, Year, Researcher |
Research Purposes |
Interventions/Methods of
Measurement/Analysis |
Results |
1 |
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang
Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka di Provinsi Lampung (Periode
2009-2015) (Sisnita & Prawoto, 2017). |
To analyze how much influence Population, Regional
Minimum Wage, and Human Development Index have on Unemployment in Lampung
Province. The object of research in this study is the cause of unemployment
in Lampung Province by taking data from 12 regencies and 2 cities from 2009
to 2015. |
Literature study, namely
techniques for obtaining information through records, literature,
documentation and others that are still relevant. |
Causes of
unemployment: -
that the total population has a positive and significant effect on the open
unemployment rate. -
Regional Minimum Wage has no significant effect on the unemployment rate. -
The Human
Development Index has a positive and significant effect on the open
unemployment rate. |
2 |
Faktor Penyebab
Pengangguran Dan Strategi Penanganan Permasalahan Pengangguran Pada Desa
Bojongcae, Cibadak Lebak Provinsi Banten. 2020 (Sugianto & Permadhy, 2020). |
To find out the factors that cause unemployment and strategies for dealing with
unemployment problems in Bojongcae Village, Cibadak Lebak, Banten Province, 2020. |
Quantitative and
qualitative analysis techniques (mix method) that focus on field conditions
and the community in accordance with the research area. This research method
prefers to use in-depth analysis techniques, namely examining problems on a
case-by-case basis because the qualitative methodology believes that the nature
of a problem is one will differ from the nature of the other problems. |
One of the factors causing
unemployment is in terms of education, not having adequate skills, minimal
employment in the area and limited information access. |
Based on the table above, the two
articles explain the causes of unemployment in Indonesia.
In the first article, the causes of unemployment in
Indonesia are:
Total population
With population growth that continues
to increase, this will cause a problem in the population, including employment
which explains that the absolute increase in population will certainly have an
impact on the number of East Java's workforce. Also, the high population can
even create a separate burden for each region because job opportunities are
increasingly limited and are not matched by the large population which will
then have an impact on the unemployment rate.
Human development index
If the human development index
increases, it will increase the unemployment rate.
In the first article, there are two
variables that have a positive effect on unemployment, namely: population and
human development index. And there is one variable that has a negative effect,
namely: the regional minimum wage, the minimum wage does not affect the
unemployment rate, meaning that a change in the minimum wage will not affect
the open unemployment rate. So it can be concluded that if the minimum wage
increases, the open unemployment rate will decrease.
In the second article, the causes of unemployment in
Indonesia are:
The minimum level of recent education
among residents makes it difficult for residents to find jobs due to their
minimal skills and knowledge. The quality of existing education is reflected in
the number of schools or places of education and the available infrastructure.
Do not have adequate skills
some residents who have more skills
they have for entrepreneurship.
Minimal job opportunities in the area
The problem of wages makes residents
want to find work outside their area, but due to limited knowledge, it makes it
difficult for them to get these jobs.
Limitations receive information
There is no information to find work
according to the abilities or skills that residents have, so residents tend to
stay in the village following in the footsteps of their parents who work as
farmers, farm labourers, traders or household helpers.
Based on the results of research on
two journals, it can be concluded that the causes of unemployment in Indonesia
are population, human development index, level of education, lack of adequate
skills, minimal employment in the area, and limitations in receiving
Franita, R., & Fuady, A. (2019). Analisa Pengangguran di
Indonesia. Nusantara ( Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial ), 2, 88�93.
Indayani, S., & Hartono, B. (2020). Analisis Pengangguran
dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi sebagai Akibat Pandemi Covid-19. Perspektif: Jurnal
Ekonomi & Manajemen Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, 18(2),
Ishak, K. (2018). Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi
Pengangguran Dan Inflikasinyaterhadap Indek Pembangunan Di Indonesia. IQTISHADUNA:
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Kita, 7(1), 22�38.
Johan, K., Marwoto, P. B., & Pratiwi, D. (2016). Analisis
Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Inflasi Dan Investasi Terhadap Pengangguran Di
Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Progresif Manajemen Bisnis (JIPMB), 13(2),
Novriansyah, M. A. (2018). Pengaruh Pengangguran dan
Kemiskinan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Gorontalo. Gorontalo
Development Review, 1(1), 59�73.
Sisnita, A., & Prawoto, N. (2017). Analisis Faktor-Faktor
yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka di Provinsi Lampung (Periode
2009-2015). Journal of Economics Research and Social Sciences, 1(1),
1�7. https://doi.org/10.18196/jerss.v1i1.9057.
Sugianto, & Permadhy, Y. T. (2020). Faktor Penyebab
Pengangguran Dan Strategi Penanganan Permasalahan Pengangguran Pada Desa
Bojongcae, Cibadak Lebak Provinsi Banten. Jurnal IKRA-ITH Ekonomika, 2(3),
Widiasih, R., Susanti, R. D., & Hendrawati, C. W. M. S.
S. (2020). Menyusun Protokol Penelitian Dengan Pendekatan Setpro: Scoping
Review. JNC, 3(3), 171�180.
Copyright holders:
Aldian Yusup, Raodatul Jannah (2022)
First publication
AJEMB � American Journal of Economic
and Management Business