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American Journal of Economic and Management Business


 e-ISSN: 2835-5199

Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2024


The Effectiveness of Virtual Office Applications in The Internal Representative Office of The Financial and Development Supervision Agency of Bengkulu Province


Khadijah Ayu Komala Devi1, Titiek Kartika Hendrastiti2, Gushevinalti3

University Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3



This study aims to examine the effectiveness of utilizing Virtual Office (VO) Applications within the internal environment of the Representative Office of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province. The background of this research is driven by the need to enhance work efficiency and effectiveness through the use of digital technology in the public sector. This study combines descriptive and analytical approaches, employing surveys and interviews with BPKP Bengkulu employees. The analysis focuses on policies and developments in digital technology and their impact on the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia. The findings indicate that the effectiveness of VO application usage is influenced by several factors, including employees' digital literacy levels, technological infrastructure, and management support. These findings provide valuable input to support the implementation of Good Governance and digital governance in Indonesia.

Keywords: Virtual Office Applications, Effectiveness, Bureaucratic Reform, Good Governance, Digital Governance.


In line with bureaucratic reform, recent years have also been widely implemented with programs that support the No One Left Behind Move Mentor better known as the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs 2030) which also have the same ideals, namely the progress and welfare of a country. Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs 2030) is a form of global and national commitment in an effort to improve community welfare (Diouf, 2019). SDGs 2030 contains 17 goals grouped into 4 pillars, namely social development, economic development, environmental development, and legal and governance development. In practice, the SDGs are a refinement of the more comprehensive Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), namely involving more countries, expanding funding sources, emphasizing human rights, and opening space for community organizations (CSOs), media, business actors, academics and experts to be actively involved (Kelana et al., 2021). The government faces various pressures and demands in the economic, political, environmental, and social fields to provide responsible services (Rahman et al., 2023). So that Digital Governance makes it possible to respond to these pressures more efficiently and in a more transparent and accountable way and support the realization of SDGs through the provision of sustainable, comprehensive and fair public services for everyone. The use of technology is predominantly used by the government to provide information and services for the community (Roberts et al., 2017). In addition, digitalization in the public sector provides an opportunity to support the achievement of SDGs by improving the effectiveness of public service delivery, including reaching underdeveloped or rural communities (ElMassah & Mohieldin, 2020). Thus, public services are evenly distributed and everyone can access services without exception (Kelana et al., 2021).

The existence of a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 3 of 2003 concerning national policies and strategies for the development of E-Government, this is a seriousness of the government in the development of E-Government in Indonesia, which was developed in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-based Government (SPBE). In realizing the government's mission, the Bengkulu Provincial government also supports the success of the mission by issuing an order written in the Bengkulu Provincial Governor's Regulation (Pergub) Number 9 of 2022 concerning the Electronic-Based Government System of the Bengkulu Provincial Government. Based on the Pergub, and as participation support to the government, the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province technically developed an innovation in the form of an application called Virtual Office (VO). To improve representative performance services as part of the resilience of public institutions in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and support efficient and effective digital transformation in Government Agencies, there are instructions to all employees to implement Virtual Office (VO) applications as Co-Working Space media in the BPKP representative environment of Bengkulu Province.

One of the innovations of VO BPKP Bengkulu can be felt through the display of the Head of Representative Agenda which was previously still manual, now it can be accessed online by all employees. So that employees do not have to visit the secretary section to see the schedule of activities of the head of the representative (Edinov, 2023). The agenda of the head of the representative has also been integrated with the email of the head of the representative so that there will be notification of activities directly to the head of the representative for each activity agenda (Organization, 2019).  BPKP Bengkulu Virtual Office also presents data and information related to the condition of the general and financial departments, so that information can be conveyed transparently to all employees, and can be used as a reference for making policies/decisions quickly and precisely by authorized officials.

The Priority Supervision Agenda (APP) which is a reference for BPKP's work is also easily monitored after the existence of the Bengkulu BPKP VO. The Head of Representative is also easy to answer questions from regional agencies and other agencies related to the role and work of BPKP to what extent (Ahyaruddin & Akbar, 2018). In its initial journey, Virtual Office or VO was launched on November 2, 2020 in order to simplify the organization's business processes to be more modern so that it can achieve the goals of the BPKP of Bengkulu Province more efficiently. The Head of BPKP Bengkulu Representative explained that the launch of the Virtual Office  Application was carried out as a medium of support for Regional Governments throughout Bengkulu Province for decision making, the creation of this Virtual Office application was also based on a common desire to optimize existing infrastructure to be more useful. For this reason, Virtual Office began to be built and received support from internal and external parties to be able to transform administration digitally (Herbert, 2017).

In the digital era 4.0 which continues to grow rapidly, data has become a very valuable commodity and is very vital for its existence (Munirathinam, 2020). Data can be useful for decision-making at all levels of society, lately, the government has been faced with a convoluted or complicated bureaucracy, for this reason, the presence of Virtual Office is expected for BPKP Bengkulu Province to able to take a role in helping governors, mayors and regents to make policies systematically with valid and accurate data. BPKP Bengkulu Province focuses on assisting and guarding fund accountability in carrying out supervision of local government administration in the hope that it can be a means of making it easier for related parties to carry out the tasks that have been mandated.

With these conditions, Virtual Office then began to be built and received support from all parties to transform administration digitally and build supporting devices for all employees in carrying out their duties to overcome problems or challenges of environmental conditions and work systems that are still not optimally implemented by the government. All work that has been done should be well documented so that it can be analyzed (data analysis), used as decision-making material, and reused without repeating the same work in order to continue to improve the quality of supervisory work in BPKP Bengkulu Province.

BPKP Bengkulu Province representative initiated the Application Virtual Office This is a place to shelter, bridge, and connect the intellectuals of each employee to be able to discuss quality and document the results of their intelligence so that they can be complemented and used by other employees in supporting assignments. Who builds Virtual Office? All employees who build Virtual Office This, even those users who gave small comments and thumbs up will be processed by the system in order to continue to provide increasingly quality search results.

With the Virtual Office (VO), all employees' professional work needs have been prepared to make it easier for internal employees of BPKP Bengkulu Province to do their work by utilizing all the features that are already available in the Virtual Office application, allowing collaboration with every personnel and stakeholder. Any intellectual data generated can also be accumulated and reused to improve the quality of employee performance products. Each employee of BPKP Bengkulu Province has their own ID to access all features available in Virtual Office (VO). This Virtual Office (VO) Application is created due to sudden and unexpected problems, uncertain and rapidly changing time changes, the available budget is very limited and employee mobility is limited (Harritz, 2018). Momentum and needs based on very rapid technological developments are the right momentum to be able to transform the organization's public services into more modern so that they can achieve goals more efficiently (Fernandez & Rainey, 2017).

The problem faced in the implementation of the effectiveness of Virtual Office (VO) carried out by employees in the internal environment of the BPKP office of Bengkulu Province is that they are less able to maximize the features available in the Virtual Office such as those in the Library feature, employees in the internal office environment are less able to maximize these features due to the limited ability of human resources to process the latest information related to public services, performance transparency, and other information. This must require an effort to empower human resources or employees in the internal environment of the BPKP office of Bengkulu Province, both in the form of training, education and appeals from organizational leaders (Sarjono & Sulistiadi, 2018). The purpose of Virtual Office was to make it easier for employees to use and implement the application to be more effective in the future (Iatsyshyn et al., 2019). From the observations of researchers that the infrastructure owned, especially auxiliary tools to operationalize online services with limited capacity of facilities, certainly hampers services, especially in online-based services because they cannot accommodate services and have not been able to adjust to the rapid flow of information in the midst of electronic-based services, based on the explanation above, therefore researchers interested in raising a research entitled "The Effectiveness of Virtual Office  Applications in Internal Representative Offices of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province"

The purpose of this study is to find out the causes and reasons for how actually BPKP Bengkulu Province employees in the effectiveness of utilizing Virtual Office Applications that have been built to facilitate office activities at BPKP Bengkulu Province Representatives. And provide input deemed necessary to support the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in Indonesia which is an effort to make fundamental updates and changes to the government administration system in order to realize good governance towards the era of digital governance.



This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that aims to understand how employees of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province utilize Virtual Office Applications (Audela, 2022). The focus of this research is the effectiveness of using the application in the BPKP office environment of Bengkulu Province, especially in optimizing office activities in accordance with the principles of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) regulated in Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018.

The object of research is BPKP Bengkulu Province employees who use Virtual Office Applications (Roberts et al., 2017). This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the application, by considering the extent to which this application is used to facilitate office activities. This research data is sourced from primary and secondary data. Primary data are obtained through interviews, observations, and direct documentation in the field. Interviews were conducted with various related parties, including the Head of BPKP Bengkulu Province, BPKP employees, and the Virtual Office Application Development Team. Secondary data is obtained through official documents and regulations related to the use of digital technology within BPKP (Mukhlis et al., 2021).

This study uses purposive sampling techniques to determine informants who are considered relevant and have the information needed (Palinkas et al., 2015). The main informants in this study were employees of BPKP Bengkulu Province, especially those who were directly involved in the use and development of Virtual Office Applications. To collect data, researchers used three main techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. Researchers made direct observations on the use of Virtual Office Applications by BPKP employees (Wijianto et al., 2020). These observations include an understanding of how the application is used in daily activities and the factors that affect the effectiveness of its use. Interviews are conducted using pre-prepared interview guidelines, while documentation involves the collection and analysis of relevant documents, such as related regulations and policies, as well as application usage reports.

The data obtained were analyzed using qualitative analysis with a narrative strategy. This process involves investigating individual or group activities in utilising Virtual Office Applications and retelling the information obtained in narrative form. The researcher combines the views of the informant with the researcher's own interpretation to provide a more comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of this application. This technique allows researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the informant's world and present a more realistic and holistic view. With this approach, the research is expected to provide deep insight into the factors that affect the effectiveness of using Virtual Office Applications in the BPKP environment of Bengkulu Province, as well as provide recommendations to increase the use in the future.



The Effectiveness of Virtual Office Applications  in the Internal BPKP Representative Office of Bengkulu Province

Along with the development of news and communication technology, human life activities in many sectors are undergoing changes (Revathi & Aithal, 2019). Similarly, in the public service sector carried out by the government, the development of information and communication technology has given birth to a public service model carried out through E-Government (Savandha & Azzahra, 2024). The effectiveness of public services based on Virtual Office applications in the internal BPKP Office of Bengkulu Province is reviewed through the concept of E-Government, which is a government activity that uses news and communication technology tools to increase the capacity of better employee human resources and improve the effectiveness of employee performance through  Virtual Office Applications.

Efforts to form an electronic-based government system are carried out by the Bengkulu Provincial Government through the BPKP of Bengkulu Province using the Virtual Office Application program (Fauzian, 2023). Virtual Office application is a software or program used by BPKP Bengkulu Province to integrate all employees who experience limited access to performance information between employees. and further effectiveness regarding employee performance needs in the form of daily activity dashboards, performance inputs, performance agendas, per-field performance information and so on.

Regarding the use of information technology infrastructure development within the BPKP office environment of Bengkulu Province, Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 3 of 2003 concerning national policies and strategies for the development of E-Government makes this a seriousness of the government in the development of E-Government in Indonesia, which was developed in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-based Government (SPBE). In realizing the government's mission, the Bengkulu Provincial government also supports the success of the mission by issuing an order written in the Bengkulu Provincial Governor's Regulation (Pergub) Number 9 of 2022 concerning the Electronic-Based Government System of the Bengkulu Provincial Government. Based on the Pergub, the Bengkulu Provincial Government through the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province technically developed an innovation in the form of an application called Virtual Office (VO). To improve representative performance services as part of the resilience of public institutions in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and support efficient and effective digital transformation in Government Agencies, there are instructions to all employees to implement Virtual Office (VO) applications as Co-Working Space media in the BPKP representative environment of Bengkulu Province.

For example, in article 16 of the Bengkulu Provincial Governor Regulation Number 9 of 2022 concerning the Electronic-Based Government System of the Bengkulu Provincial Government, there are the following points:

1.   Regional Apparatus identifies the selection of ICT systems by considering:

a.   Program Achievements;

b.   Program Needs;

c.   Program output; and

d.   Terms of Reference.

2.   Identification of the selection of ICT systems as referred to in paragraph (1), is set forth in the form of documents containing:

a.   Needs analysis; and

b.   Analysis of the benefits of the planned selection of the system.

3.   Based on the identification results as referred to in paragraph (1), the Regional Apparatus may consult and submit a request for system selection to the Agency.

As for how to use the Virtual Office application,  namely logging data, the user must first generate an account using e-mail. Then register using entering the e-mail address to get the user (user account). How to use the Virtual Office application using how to access the BPKP page of Bengkulu Province using a domain then login username and enter a password (password). The advantages of using Virtual Office based on the results of observations made by researchers, are as follows:

1.   Make archiving documents easier because they are in soft copy form so there is no need for archive space.

2.   Make it easier to manage the administration of employee performance.

3.   Optimizing the communication process and coordinating employee performance because it is integrated.

4.   Reduce paper usage.

5.   Easily search for performance data for each employee if needed; and

6.   Human Resource Optimization where by using this application the necessary human resources do not need much and time to complete performance tasks becomes faster.

The functions of the Virtual Office  application based on the results of the researcher's observations are as follows:

1.   Facilitate performance in accessing employee performance and increase employee performance productivity.

2.   Improve the quality of regional equipment services.

3.   Increase enlightenment to all employees to respect intellectual property rights and always use legal software.

4.   Improve the process of openness and accountability within the government.

5.   Summarizing transactions through the integration of government systems and operational circulation of government systems can be done faster.

6.   Realizing BPKP Bengkulu Province employees who are literate in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through public services based on Virtual Office Applications.

7.   Introducing an effective and efficient public service system for its users.

Efforts and alternative solutions in an effort to improve internet-based public services in the context of implementing E-Government through increasing the Effectiveness of  Virtual Office  Applications in the internal environment of BPKP Bengkulu Province are relevant when referring to the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) revealing the principles of SPBE, among others, regarding effectiveness and efficiency. The content contained in the Presidential Regulation can be understood that the Government requires an electronic-based system in which there are actors involved to reach a consensus to solve the problems at hand.

Because of the Presidential Regulation of Republik Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE), the Bengkulu Provincial Government through the BPKP of Bengkulu Province tries to provide a response to the problems and problems that occur, namely by establishing and building good communication and cooperation in order to achieve the effectiveness of the Virtual Office application in the internal environment of the BPKP office of Bengkulu Province. Based on the regulations contained in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) revealing the principles of SPBE, among others, it can be understood that there are important components in the Theory and Concept of Virtual Office Application Effectiveness, including:

1.   Effectiveness of BPKP Bengkulu Virtual Office

Effectiveness in the implementation of E-Government or in digitizing the public service system should be easily accessible to government apparatus optimally (Sidorenko et al., 2020), for this reason, the government needs to reform services through digitalization of governance in accordance with Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE), one of the principles in the implementation of government-based systems electronics (SPBE) i.e. effectiveness. The effectiveness of the Virtual Office in the internal environment of the BPKP Province Bengkulu office is the optimization of resource utilization that supports a successful Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) in accordance with organizational needs. This research uses interviews with several informants consisting of the Financial and Development Supervision Agency of Bengkulu Province, including the Head of BPKP Bengkulu Province, as the leader who directs the organizational movement. BPKP Representative Employee of Bengkulu Province, because it is a research subject that has not been built and developed by BPKP Employees themselves. Virtual Office Application Development Team is responsible for creating and developing Virtual Office  Applications to facilitate service performance activities at the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province which takes care of administrative needs so that it is necessary to use virtual offices. Some questions include the use of virtual offices. Based on responses from informants regarding the effectiveness of Virtual Office.

Virtual Office is an application used to assist internal employees of the BPKP office of Bengkulu Province in managing administrative needs . The main purpose of procuring this application is to provide convenience and further shorten the time required to manage employees' needs.

The ease of managing hybrid work that requires a long process is a problem faced by employees at the BPKP office in Bengkulu Province (Agustina et al., 2019). This is a special concern for BPKP Bengkulu Province in providing the best facilities for human resources within the BPKP Bengkulu Province office. In addition, this application helps synergize between employees in the Provincial BPKP office environment.

The Virtual Office application can be a solution to synergize between fellow employees in the BPKP office environment of Bengkulu Province to be able to help employees with a better and faster process. With the ease of accessing employee data for apparatus devices, especially if you need data related to employee performance. Based on the results of interviews with informants related to the advantages of using Virtual Office applications, getting a good or positive response because it is able to increase the productivity of human resources from employees in the BPKP office environment of Bengkulu Province.

The Virtual Office application provides convenience in managing employee performance because it cuts administrative management time and makes employees not confused to complete work because there is no need to come directly to the BPKP Bengkulu Province office. It is as the informant said:

"Easy to use, easy to understand, and can be a solution to facilitate employee administrative management. At least there is no need to come to the office in the near future to get work done." (Interview on January 8, 2024 via mobile phone)

Archiving employee performance data requires a good system for long-term storage and high security, especially regarding employee performance data. Since a law regulates the use of electronic systems, using Virtual Office applications is better than manually managing employee performance human resources.

The results of interviews with informants regarding the shortcomings of using Virtual Office applications revealed mixed responses, but all agreed regarding server and internet network problems.

Based on the results of interviews, informants revealed various shortcomings of using Virtual Office applications  , both from the system and from facilities and infrastructure as well as human resources that can support the running of the system. This needs to be a special concern for the local government, especially related to server problems  that are often an obstacle.

2.   Virtual Office Efficiency  BPKP bengkulu

Efficiency according to Mulyadi (2007: 63) suggests that efficiency is the accuracy of ways, efforts or performance in running something by not wasting time, energy and costs, efficiency also means the ratio between inputs and outputs or costs and profits in the process of implementing digital transformation in the implementation of public services. As a direct impact on the implementation of public services, the government needs to focus on developing its main digital public services first and divide clear roles between government agencies and existing ICT units, such as Information Data Centers or Information Systems and Financial Technology Centers. These key services include digital identity and data exchange platforms between institutions. Thus, basic individual verification services are available to access digital public services and also between agencies can connect various services and exchange data securely and reliably in real-time so that the efficiency of implementing electronic-based government systems (SPKE) can be achieved.

Before using the Virtual Office application, the employee performance system in the internal environment of the BPKP Bengkulu Province office was synchronized with public service standards based on MENPAN Decree No. 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 at the BPKP Bengkulu Province.

Based on the results of interviews, informants revealed various challenges related to the use of Virtual Office applications, including data updating, the speed of completing document processes that are not always well monitored and limited human resources related to information technology competencies that can support the application's running. Of course, this will occur if there is no maximum improvement effort.

The implementation of Virtual Office applications based on the context of efficiency is also the basis for employees and existing human resources to improve employee relations related to coordination and communication lines. The efficiency of implementing this Virtual Office application has a very positive impact on employees in the internal office environment of BPKP representatives of Bengkulu Province because the presence of the application greatly facilitates and supports the speed of coordination and communication lines between employees. BPKP Bengkulu Province really appreciates the presence of this Virtual Office application because the level of trust between employees that occurs is high and the level of conflict that occurs is almost non-existent or can be said to be very low.

Based on the results of interviews with the Head of BPKP Bengkulu Province Representative and Employees in the internal environment of the BPKP Bengkulu Province representative office, it was stated that the condition of trust among employees was good and the level of conflict that occurred was relatively low because the ease of access to complete this work could be done anywhere and anytime.

Regarding the implementation of Virtual Office applications in the internal environment of the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province, apart from the regulation of the Governor of Bengkulu Province Number 9 of 2022 concerning the Electronic-Based Government System of the Bengkulu Provincial Government, there are special Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are made, obeyed and carried out by all employees.

The standardized service standards include service mechanisms when the mechanism for implementing Virtual Office applications, performance procedures, administrative products, vehicles and infrastructure and employee competence in implementing the effectiveness and efficiency of Virtual Office applications in the internal environment of the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province.

1.   Virtual Office application implementation mechanism

The implementation of Virtual Office applications is the new norm. Which in its implementation uses administrative elements as well as neat (appearance) and orderly (use) elements. The mechanism for implementing Virtual Office applications that are standardized for employees in the internal environment of the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province contains simplicity. The simplicity in question is a procedure for implementing Virtual Office applications that are easy to understand and practical to implement. Services that meet the standards in its implementation do not make it difficult for employees in need because the Implementation Mechanism of the Virtual Office application is a form of new work procedures, the primary thing done in work procedures is the relationship between employees in completing their work. If the Virtual Office server experiences problems, the Mechanism for Implementing Virtual Office applications in the internal environment of the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province must go through a relatively time-consuming mechanism.

2.   Performance Procedure

When completing or the period of time needed to complete all the specified performance completion processes starting from the submission of work programs to the completion of performance can be maximized as quickly and concisely as possible. Seeing that the work completion procedure takes a relatively long and rigid time, each employee needs a short and precise completion time so as not to be made to wait for each other. Openness about the completion period in the management of performance completion is very important to support the implementation of the effectiveness and efficiency of  Virtual Office applications in the internal environment of the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province. If the service mechanism has been completed and employees feel the convenience, then the meaning of effectiveness and efficiency will soon be realized.

3.   Administration Products

The Administration Product that will be done is in sync with the provisions that have been set. Administration products are the responsibility of the BPKP Virtual Office application development team of Bengkulu Province. If it is imposed on employees who in fact do not fully understand related to the application, then the determination of the administrative product is determined based on mutual agreement.

4.   Facilities and Infrastructure

The facilities and infrastructure to be received must be in accordance with the stipulated provisions. Facilities and infrastructure received by employees in the form of education and training on how to use and implement this Virtual Office application effectively and efficiently. Facilities and infrastructure are facilities that concern the interests of many employees, so what is expected is that this Virtual Office application product is expected not to contain errors and obstacles at all. The application process must also be in accordance with the understanding to be obtained.  So far the virtual office application used by employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province has slowly been adjusted to what they expected. However, restoration efforts still have to be carried out. Facilities and infrastructure that indicate the success of an application of Virtual Office applications must be supported by some physical evidence such as the existence of personal computer devices at work, good internet, and the use of gadgets by employees. The use of Virtual Office applications requires a stable connection or network, this is supported by the installation of wifi and increased internet speed to facilitate the upload of employee work data to the server.

5.   Employee Competence in Implementing the Effectiveness of Virtual Office Applications

Employees in the internal environment of the Representative office are in fact in the implementation of Virtual Office applications have been quite good. Supported by socialization/technical guidance on the operation of Virtual Office applications. Socialization as well as technical guidance provided by the BPKP Virtual Office application development team of Bengkulu Province to all employees starting from the introduction, operation and overcoming technical problems in the Virtual Office application system. The IT-based information delivered aims to improve the performance of human resources in BPKP Bengkulu Province Representatives so as to realize good governance, development, and restoration of performance completion processes and the effectiveness of implementing Virtual Office applications at BPKP Bengkulu Province.


The Effectiveness of Virtual Office Applications  in Internal BPKP Provincial Representative Offices


Based on the results of observations and interviews with employees of the Representative of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province on the use of Virtual Office applications  related to the focus of research on the effectiveness of  Virtual Office Applications in the internal Representative Office of the Financial and Development Supervision Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province, as well as with literature studies on various documents and data derived from open source Then the following analysis is produced:

Since the beginning of the formation of the Virtual Office application in 2020, until 2024 Virtual Office has experienced quite a lot of development to answer the needs of human resources in it to facilitate the activities of employees to be more effective and efficient. The addition of the latest features includes:


Mandan (SupervisorySupportManagement)

Figure 1. Virtual Office  Super visor Support Management (Mandan) View

The Supervision Support Management (MANDAN) menu provides features that can help provide information about the plan and implementation of BPKP supervision of Bengkulu Province such as expenditure plans (external service objectives and types of expenditures), and implementation plans (each field).


Spoiled (Performance Management)

Figure 2.Virtual Office Performance Management Display (MANJA)

With this feature, employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province can report and enter performance results related to all problems and work carried out at BPKP Bengkulu Province. Reports inputted by employees will be received and can be seen by the Head of Representative, Secretary and Employees in each field in accordance with the main duties and functions. The Head of Representative responded to the report's follow-up through the application. Heads of Representatives, Secretaries and Employees in each field can interact with each other and provide responses.


General (General Section Monitoring)

Figure 3.In general features, employees can access one of the available services, namely personnel data at BPKP Bengkulu Province online



Secretary (ChiefSecretaryofRepresentative)

Figure 4.

Virtual Office ChiefSecretary (Sekper) Display

This feature can monitor the access of correspondence files, the process of mail files and the status of incoming mail files. This feature also functions as a journal agenda for numbering and archiving (current year) correspondence processed by BPKP Bengkulu Province Representatives. Previously, the SEKPER feature only functioned as an outgoing letter numbering, but along with the development, the SEKPER feature can also monitor the course of incoming letters (dispositions) and whether a reply letter has been issued or not, In addition, this feature also takes place activities ranging from compiling letter drafts to issuing letters that have been signed electronically, so that in the process it no longer uses paper/paper less And it can be monitored online what the position of the letter has arrived at.

In this discussion, researchers focused on observing the principles of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) based on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE), namely the effective and efficient principles of Virtual Office Applications. This study discusses the effectiveness of an information system application, namely  the Virtual Office application  of BPKP Bengkulu Province based on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) which assesses the main principles in the application of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) from 2 main principles, namely:

1)  The Effectiveness of Virtual Office at BPKP Bengkulu Province

The first principle assessed is the effectiveness of the implementation of Virtual Office applications where this is used to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of information technology systems desired by an organization. The principle that determines the assessment of the success of an organisation in making public service applications is convenience. The presentation of applications based on the organization's official website makes it easier for employees to access the website trustfully, just enter a username and password. Then the suitability, when viewed from the number of users is as expected, namely all employees from BPKP Bengkulu Province from each field including the Head of Representative and Representative Secretary of BPKP Bengkulu Province. Next is the availability of features in an information system making it easier for users. The features of the Virtual Office application have been described above, where the existing features help employees and heads of representatives implement and complete performance. Employees are comfortable with the features displayed on the application menu because it is easy to understand and does not take a long time to adjust.

The response time of the system can affect the user's attitude in using the application system. This response time is only tested on the official website platform so it is necessary to test the user response time on special applications on Android and iOS. The response given to the implementation and completion of performance is quite fast because Virtual Office applications are basically implemented effectively anywhere and anytime. The use of this application is very helpful for BPKP Bengkulu Province employees in doing and completing existing work, but sometimes this application still experiences problems or problems due to the unstable server security system in the Virtual Office application.

The quality of information available in the Virtual Office application is easily understood by employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province, the menu display and information presented are easy to understand but users who understand only a small part of employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province besides employees who have entered the age of 40 years and over experience obstacles to be able to adapt to  Virtual Office applications even though the features provided are quite easy to understand for all BPKP employees of Bengkulu Province. The completeness of the system is expected to produce information that can meet the needs of employees with the completeness of menus and features, the relevance of the effectiveness of implementing Virtual Office applications is intended where if employees use a system, the information produced is useful in helping the employee work process. Of course, not just the information produced by this application because this application is a Co-Working Space application that will provide all the needs of its employees so it will greatly help the work of employees who work and utilize the facilities in the BPKP representative office of Bengkulu Province. In this study,  this Virtual Office application has a great influence on employees and the implementation and completion of performance procedures.

The application of this Virtual Office application is also current, meaningthattheinformationproducedbythesystemisuptodateorupdatedinformation.  This Virtual Office application presents data that is always updated at any time. One example is the Supervision Support Management (MANDAN) feature, where the Head of BPKP Bengkulu Province Representative can monitor the work of employees in each field in real time. The accuracy of the information generated by the system is accurate and reliable information. In implementing Virtual Office applications, the data provided must be accurate so that effectiveness and efficiency can be applied optimally.

2)  Virtual Office Efficiency at BPKP Bengkulu Province

Efficiency according to Mulyadi (2007: 63) suggests that efficiency is the accuracy of ways, efforts or performance in running something by not wasting time, energy and costs, efficiency also means the ratio between inputs and outputs or costs and profits in the process of implementing digital transformation in the implementation of public services in this case regarding the efficiency of Virtual Office at BPKP Bengkulu Province. In measuring the efficiency of implementing Virtual Office applications, an application information system requires the participation of its employees, especially the Virtual Office application development team. The efficiency of implementing Virtual Office applications is the main characteristic as an assessment of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE), this application is reliable. The point of being relied on is the ability of employees to run an information system that provides commitment and dedication to the implementation and completion of performance.  This Virtual Office application prioritizes the effectiveness and efficiency of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).

The implementation of this Virtual Office application also presents empathy for all employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province. Empathy is the attitude and willingness shown by employees to do and complete their work. BPKP Bengkulu Province employees in each of their fields provide information and data optimally related to solving problems to be solved together. Then in the speed of employee reaction in responding to the implementation of the Virtual Office application or in the use of information systems, not all employees get a fast response because employees who enter the age of 40 years and over in doing and completing work through this Virtual Office application require more time.

At the user stage, the use of the output of an information system by employees is assessed based on the characteristics and competencies of the level and way in which employees are able to utilize Virtual Office applications. In general, Virtual Office applications have been implemented efficiently, it's just that because the website security system is one of the obstacles in doing and completing employee work.

The impact of the information system and data from this Virtual Office application is real and can be felt by BPKP employees of Bengkulu Province. Some of the benefits that can be felt directly are for BPKP Bengkulu Province employees, among others, the implementation of this Virtual Office application can cut operational costs (Cost Effective) in terms of paper use, facilitate data collection by employees because all information BPKP Bengkulu Province is always up to date so that it will add to the database The existing ones make it easier to monitor employee work procedures because there are features that contribute to supervising the performance process so that it can make it easier for the employees themselves. Then the convenience felt by employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province includes making it easier for employees to do and complete work because they no longer need to always go to the office for this, simply through the application which can be accessed from their respective homes, making it easier for employees to provide aspirations and competencies in the field of Technology and Information to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality of employee performance at BPKP Bengkulu Province besides that it also makes it easier for employees to be able to interact, communicate and coordinate between employees at BPKP Bengkulu Province.

The work completion process before the presence of the Virtual Office application was found that the work system at BPKP Bengkulu Province that had been running was done manually. The system that runs manually starts when submitting a letter of recommendation to the Head of BPKP Bengkulu Province, filling in attendance. I make work agendas and check work files daily, monthly, and yearly. The manual system, the service mechanism that runs manually at this time, is not effective and efficient because what is expected from the process period to completion takes a relatively long time. BPKP employees of Bengkulu Province often increase working hours that should not be needed.

With the Virtual Office application that makes work settlement online, the conflict over complicated service mechanisms in the main task system of employee functions and work settlement at the BPKP of Bengkulu Province will run better. The database storing employee work data will be more organized, so that later it will minimize data search time, and data will be practical to access and use again. The process of implementing and completing work using Virtual Office applications, then the implementation of work procedures and so on will be more effective and efficient. Efficient because employees do not need to go through time-consuming work procedures, employees can complete work by doing employee work through login or logging into the Virtual Office application as a result of not spending time. Effective because with the Virtual Office application, employee work data filled through related forms can be personally entered into the employee work database, the data was exclusive to the process with only a short time until the work procedure has been completed. This is very beneficial because employees can avoid procedures that are "complicated" and should not need to be done and also employees do not need to access work information and data for long so that it can be completed immediately.

The existence of procedures for implementing and completing employee work online provides assurance to employees that they receive access to data and information on quality that can be accounted for, can focus on doing work as well as a communication tool between employees who use information providers in an effort to increase performance productivity, as a sense to measure the quality and effectiveness of performance and become a sense of monitoring and performance appraisal.  Make optimal performance improvements. Performance improvement is absolutely mandatory because productivity and performance effectiveness involve very broad aspects of life.

In essence, the implementation of Virtual Office applications is a transformation. The function of the issue technology in this framework is to provide fundamental changes with respect to the process of government administration in the latest era. The government tries to balance the reality of Co-Working Space in the sense that if in the past employees were required to go through complicated work procedures and wait a long time to complete work, then after the presence of the Virtual Office application to complete work, the person concerned is not obliged to come to the office or wait long to get employee information and data because everything can be done online via smartphone or the internet. The features available in the Virtual Office application facilitate all employees so that they have no difficulty in operating it.



The results of this study show that the implementation of Virtual Office applications in the internal representative office of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Bengkulu Province has a significant impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of public services. This finding is different from previous research on digital transformation in public services, which emphasized the implementation of digital transformation in general. This research focuses on how the implementation of Virtual Office applications can be carried out effectively and efficiently, especially in the context of public services for human resources in BPKP Bengkulu Province. From the analysis conducted, it was found that the effectiveness of implementing Virtual Office applications in BPKP Bengkulu Province depends heavily on the awareness and commitment of all parties involved. The importance of mutual trust between related parties, including BPKP Bengkulu Province employees and the application development team, is key in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing this application. In addition, the seriousness of understanding and commitment of employees in operating Virtual Office applications optimally is also a determining factor for success in achieving excellent public services. In order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing Virtual Office applications, it is recommended that communication and coordination between employees be improved, application security systems improved, and regular education and training provided to employees. Thus, it is hoped that the implementation of Virtual Office applications at BPKP Bengkulu Province can provide optimal benefits for all related parties, including employees and the community who are recipients of services.



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Copyright holders:

Khadijah Ayu Komala Devi, Titiek Kartika Hendrastiti, Gushevinalti (2024)

First publication right:

AJEMB – American Journal of Economic and Management Business