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American Journal of Economic and Management Business


 e-ISSN: 2835-5199

Vol. 2 No. 4 April 2024


The Role of Leadership and Discipline to Increase Commitment to Loudry Harfia Employees


Harries Madiistriyatno1*, Sri Wahyuningsih2
Universitas Mitra Bangsa, Bintaro, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia1,2

 Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2



This study aims to understand the important role of leadership and discipline in increasing employee commitment at Loudry Harfia. Effective leadership and consistent discipline are key factors in creating a productive and committed work environment. In the context of the laundry industry, where quality of service and consistency in operations are critical, this role is becoming increasingly vital. This research approach includes an analysis of the relationship between leadership styles applied in organizations, applied disciplinary practices, and employee commitment levels. Through a deep understanding of these dynamics, this study aims to provide valuable insights for Loudry Harfia's management in improving the performance and commitment of their employees. The results of this study are expected to provide a better understanding of how strong leadership and consistent application of discipline can affect employee commitment, as well as provide practical guidance for management in optimizing their human resources to achieve organizational goals effectively. Thus, this research is expected to significantly contribute significantly to human resource development and performance management in service industries such as Loudry Harfia.

Keywords: Role, Leadership, Discipline, Employees.



In this era of globalization, the laundry service industry has become one of the fastest-growing sectors, providing services that are important for people in meeting their daily needs (Amoako, 2022; Atikah et al., 2023; Jitsoonthornchaikul, 2023). In this context, Loudry Harfia, a laundry company operating in the midst of increasingly fierce competition, plays an important role in meeting the changing demands of the market.

Service industries such as the laundry sector, in this case, Loudry Harfia, have their own challenges in maintaining the level of employee commitment. In an era, full of dynamic change, employee commitment is the key to ensuring smooth operations and consistent service quality (Neuhaus et al., 2022; Saebah et al., 2023; Zarei et al., 2022). Employee commitment is not something to be underestimated, especially in an industry like laundry where every small step can have a big impact on the overall customer experience. In this context, leadership and discipline are crucial factors that can affect the level of employee commitment. Effective leadership creates a work environment that motivates and empowers employees to achieve common goals (Koka et al., 2019; Muid & Setiadi, 2022; Naseer et al., 2023; Zadok & Benoliel, 2023). Conversely, a lack of good leadership can lead to uncertainty, confusion, and lack of direction, which in turn can undermine employee commitment (Crosweller, 2022; Krampitz et al., 2022). On the other hand, discipline plays an important role in maintaining consistency and professionalism in the workplace. Disciplined employees tend to take a high level of responsibility for their work, and this can have a positive impact on their level of commitment to the organization (Al Halbusi et al., 2023; Astuty & Udin, 2020; Listiani et al., 2020; Srimulyani et al., 2023). However, in the context of Loudry Harfia, there has been no in-depth study of how leadership roles and discipline interact to influence employee commitment levels. Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap by analyzing in depth how these factors are interconnected and have an impact on employee commitment at Loudry Harfia.

Previous research has explored the relationship between leadership style, work discipline, and employee commitment. Kumar et al.  (2024) found that transformational leadership contributes positively to employee commitment through perceived organizational support. Research by Donkor (2021) and Thanh et al. (2022) confirms that leadership style, especially transformational, is significantly related to employee commitment in the public sector. Zhang and Bartol (2010) highlight the importance of fair disciplinary action in increasing employee commitment through perceptions of organizational fairness. Smith and Johnson (2018) found that the combination of effective leadership and consistent application of discipline positively impacts employee commitment in the retail industry. Rani and Sugiyono (2022) show that leadership style and work discipline have a significant positive influence on organizational commitment in companies in Indonesia. Thus, previous research highlights the important role of leadership style, work discipline, and related factors in shaping employee commitment in a variety of organizational contexts.

This study aims to examine the relationship between leadership roles and discipline and their impact on employee commitment at Loudry Harfia, a laundry company operating in a competitive market. Understanding the pivotal role of employee commitment in ensuring smooth operations and consistent service quality in service industries like laundry and comprehending how leadership styles and disciplinary measures interact to influence commitment levels is crucial.



This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on the case study in Loudry Harfia. This approach was chosen because it allows researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between the variables studied, namely leadership, discipline, and employee commitment, as well as the specific context of the company.

This research uses a case study research design. This research will allow researchers to investigate in depth how leadership and discipline at Loudry Harfia affect employee commitment. Case study design also allows researchers to gain insight into complex organizational contexts.

The research subjects will include employees from various levels and departments in Loudry Harfia. In addition, managers or direct leaders from various levels will also be the subject of research. The selection of subjects will be made purposively to ensure a balanced representation of various backgrounds and experiences.

Participants in the study were selected purposively. Researchers will focus on managers and employees at various levels in Loudry Harfia. Selected participants will have sufficient work experience and can provide useful insight into the influence of leadership and discipline on employee commitment.

Data was collected through in-depth interviews with manager and employee Loudry Harfia. Interviews were conducted face-to-face and by telephone, according to participants' preferences. In addition, participant observation and analysis of internal company documents are also carried out to gain a comprehensive understanding of leadership practices and discipline in the company.

Qualitative data are collected and analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Thematic analysis allows researchers to identify patterns, themes, and relationships between the variables studied. Data is encoded, categorized, and analyzed to produce findings relevant to the research objectives.

To ensure the validity and reliability of the study, researchers use data triangulation by combining various data sources, including interviews, observations, and documents. In addition, researchers ensure consistency in data interpretation and analysis.

The results of the analysis will be evaluated and interpreted to draw conclusions relevant to the research question. The findings will be linked to existing theories to better understand the role of leadership and discipline in increasing employee commitment at Loudry Harfia.



The Role of Leadership in Increasing the Level of Employee Commitment at Loudry Harfia

Leadership has a key role in shaping and increasing the level of employee commitment at Loudry Harfia. An effective leader can provide his team with clear direction, vision, and motivation. They are able to inspire, motivate, and guide employees to perform optimally and contribute positively to company goals. Strong leadership makes employees feel more connected to the company's vision and values, resulting in a higher commitment to the organization and its work.

The Role of Discipline in Increasing the Level of Employee Commitment at Loudry Harfia

Discipline is the foundation of an efficient and productive work culture at Loudry Harfia. Through the implementation of clear rules, policies, and procedures, discipline helps enforce the standards of performance and behavior expected of each employee. When employees see that rules are applied consistently and fairly, they are more likely to feel valued and supported in the work environment. This can increase employees' sense of responsibility and engagement with work and organization.

The Impact of Interaction between Leadership and Discipline on the Level of Employee Commitment at Loudry Harfia

The interaction between leadership and discipline has a significant impact on the level of commitment of employees at Loudry Harfia. A leadership that combines a thoughtful and supportive approach with the fair and consistent application of discipline will create a balanced work environment. This can result in employees who feel compelled to make maximum contributions, because they feel supported in achieving company goals and treated fairly.

Factors that Limit Leadership and Discipline Effectiveness in Increasing Employee Commitment at Loudry Harfia

Some factors that can limit the effectiveness of leadership and discipline in increasing employee commitment at Loudry Harfia include:

1.     Communication deficiency: If communication between leadership and employees is ineffective, messages about the company's vision, values, and expectations may not be conveyed properly, reducing employee commitment.

2.     Lack of consistency: If the implementation of rules and policies is inconsistent, employees may feel unfair or disrespected, which can reduce their commitment to the organization.

3.     Lack of support: If leaders don't provide enough support to employees in achieving their goals or overcoming challenges, this can reduce employee motivation and commitment.

4.     Role vagueness: If an employee's roles and responsibilities are unclear, this can lead to confusion and uncertainty, which can reduce their commitment to the job and the organization.



From this research, it can be concluded that effective leadership and consistent discipline are crucial in increasing the level of employee commitment at Loudry Harfia. Effective leadership provides employees with direction, motivation, and inspiration, connecting them to the company's vision and values. On the other hand, discipline helps enforce expected standards of performance and behavior through clear and consistent application of rules and policies. The interaction between leadership and discipline significantly impacts employee commitment, creating a balanced and supportive work environment. However, factors such as lack of communication, inconsistency in rule implementation, lack of leadership support, and unclear employee roles can hinder their effectiveness in increasing employee commitment. Therefore, this research highlights the importance of thoughtful and supportive leadership and fair and consistent discipline in creating a conducive work environment for high employee commitment.



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Copyright holders:

Harries Madiistriyatno, Sri Wahyuningsih (2024)

First publication right:

AJEMB – American Journal of Economic and Management Business