American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
(company) based on a certain unit of time or measure. This understanding contains a
broad interpretation, especially in terms of the approach and scope of the study and the
use of criteria or indicators to determine work performance or performance. Defining
performance that refers to the achievement of work results (achievements or
performance), in terms of approach and scope of study may be done from individual or
organizational aspects.
Performance is a function of motivation and the ability to complete a task or job
someone should have a certain degree of willingness and level of ability. A person's
willingness and skills are not effective enough to do something without a clear
understanding of what will be done and how to do it. Performance is a real behavior that
everyone displays as work achievements produced by employees in accordance with their
role in the organization. Employee performance is very important in the organization's
efforts to achieve goals (Rivai, 2016)
In the last decade, organizational politics especially the way employees and
managers perceive it has become one of the very interesting fields to study in business
administration, management and applied psychology. The study states that the way
employees feel this way in the workplace is termed political climate, power struggles,
influence tactics and ethical decisions that contain many meanings (Vigoda-Gadot, 2007).
For example, organizations that perceive more politics naturally also perceive fairness as
low and less ethical (Vigoda-Gadot & Vashdi, 2012)
Siswanto et al., (2023) defines organizational politics as the process by which
organizational actors or groups build "power" to influence goal setting, criteria or
operational decision-making processes in order to meet their interests. Ferris et al., (2018)
define organizational politics as the use of power and influence in organizations.
Organizational politics in this case points to the need to power and influence a person.
Therefore, organizations must use organizational politics in managing and improving the
work productivity factor of their employees.
According to Vigoda-Gadot, (2016) the high level of politics in organizations often
presents injustice and unfair distribution of resources among employees and also among
external clients. The environment and atmosphere may also result in reduced employee
performance, high levels of stress and tension Jalagat, (2017), low levels of job
satisfaction, reduced commitment to the organization and added negative reactions from
employees such as low quality service, increased employee turnover and high actual
turnover rates (Nasution, 2017).
Shaleh & Firman, (2018) examines that organizational politics has a relationship
and influence on how employees view organizational responsibility and commitment.
Employee commitment to the organization is one of the important behavioral aspects that
can be used to evaluate, develop and achieve the success of organizational goals.
Employees who perform well will get job guarantees from organizations that will help
employees plan their careers and provide promotions as a guarantee of career
development. Instead, employees will provide commitment and loyalty in work to the
organization (Ulfa & Anis, 2016). If employees have good performance and commitment
to the organization, the organization will provide rewards, bonuses, promotions to
employees so that employees get satisfaction in working at the organization. In this case,
the satisfaction expected by employees is satisfaction with salaries, benefits, insurance,
work environment and so on.
Similar research conducted by Cropanzano et al., (1997) proved that organizational
politics is negatively related to organizational commitment, job satisfaction and OCB, but