American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
Analysis of The Influence of Organizational Politics on Organizational
Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Performance and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
Denny Rudy, Manuel Lambi
STIE Mah-Esia Manokwari, Indonesia
This research aims to examine the relationship and influence of political organizations on
organizational commitment, job satisfaction, performance, and organizational citizenship
behavior at the Manokwari Regency Social Service. This research is explanatory, namely
examining the influence of organizational politics on organizational commitment, job
satisfaction, performance, and organizational citizenship behavior. This research data was
obtained from a questionnaire filled out by responses from the Manokwari Regency
Social Service. The population and sample of this research were 69 respondents. Research
data processing uses simple linear regression. The research results show that political
organizations have a relationship with organizational commitment and work performance
but have no relationship with organizational citizenship behavior. Political organizations
also influence organizational commitment but do not necessarily influence performance
and organizational citizenship behavior. Meanwhile, other results state that job
satisfaction does not meet the validity test.
Keywords: Organizational Politics, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction,
Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Every organization of any form, whether a business organization, a government
organization or a social organization, always wants to achieve some goal. These goals
can be achieved by using human resources and other organizational resources such as
funds, materials and equipment effectively and efficiently. One of the organizational
resources that play an important role in achieving organizational goals is that these
resources cannot be completely replaced by other organizational resources. Human
resources are decisive for the success of the organization (Dessler & Varrkey, 2017).
One of the main aspects of management work related to human resources is the
aspect related to employee performance and the management part that manages this is
better known as performance management. From the management literature, various
concepts about performance are known. In general, refers to the results (achievements or
performances) of work achieved by people or groups of people in an organization
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
(company) based on a certain unit of time or measure. This understanding contains a
broad interpretation, especially in terms of the approach and scope of the study and the
use of criteria or indicators to determine work performance or performance. Defining
performance that refers to the achievement of work results (achievements or
performance), in terms of approach and scope of study may be done from individual or
organizational aspects.
Performance is a function of motivation and the ability to complete a task or job
someone should have a certain degree of willingness and level of ability. A person's
willingness and skills are not effective enough to do something without a clear
understanding of what will be done and how to do it. Performance is a real behavior that
everyone displays as work achievements produced by employees in accordance with their
role in the organization. Employee performance is very important in the organization's
efforts to achieve goals (Rivai, 2016)
In the last decade, organizational politics especially the way employees and
managers perceive it has become one of the very interesting fields to study in business
administration, management and applied psychology. The study states that the way
employees feel this way in the workplace is termed political climate, power struggles,
influence tactics and ethical decisions that contain many meanings (Vigoda-Gadot, 2007).
For example, organizations that perceive more politics naturally also perceive fairness as
low and less ethical (Vigoda-Gadot & Vashdi, 2012)
Siswanto et al., (2023) defines organizational politics as the process by which
organizational actors or groups build "power" to influence goal setting, criteria or
operational decision-making processes in order to meet their interests. Ferris et al., (2018)
define organizational politics as the use of power and influence in organizations.
Organizational politics in this case points to the need to power and influence a person.
Therefore, organizations must use organizational politics in managing and improving the
work productivity factor of their employees.
According to Vigoda-Gadot, (2016) the high level of politics in organizations often
presents injustice and unfair distribution of resources among employees and also among
external clients. The environment and atmosphere may also result in reduced employee
performance, high levels of stress and tension Jalagat, (2017), low levels of job
satisfaction, reduced commitment to the organization and added negative reactions from
employees such as low quality service, increased employee turnover and high actual
turnover rates (Nasution, 2017).
Shaleh & Firman, (2018) examines that organizational politics has a relationship
and influence on how employees view organizational responsibility and commitment.
Employee commitment to the organization is one of the important behavioral aspects that
can be used to evaluate, develop and achieve the success of organizational goals.
Employees who perform well will get job guarantees from organizations that will help
employees plan their careers and provide promotions as a guarantee of career
development. Instead, employees will provide commitment and loyalty in work to the
organization (Ulfa & Anis, 2016). If employees have good performance and commitment
to the organization, the organization will provide rewards, bonuses, promotions to
employees so that employees get satisfaction in working at the organization. In this case,
the satisfaction expected by employees is satisfaction with salaries, benefits, insurance,
work environment and so on.
Similar research conducted by Cropanzano et al., (1997) proved that organizational
politics is negatively related to organizational commitment, job satisfaction and OCB, but
Denny Rudy
not significantly related to performance. Organizational politics as an independent
variable affects the dependent variables namely organizational commitment, job
satisfaction, performance and OCB. Similarly, Wulani, (2004) research proves that
organizational politics is negatively related and affects organizational commitment, job
satisfaction, performance and unrelated and affects OCB. Researcher Siswanti, (2006)
states that organizational politics has a negative relationship and influence on
organizational commitment, job satisfaction and is positively related to performance and
OCB. Organizational politics as an independent variable affects the dependent variables
namely organizational commitment, job satisfaction, performance and OCB.
Based on the background and some previous research that has been described
above, the formula of the problem in this study is: How the Influence of Organizational
Politics on Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Performance and
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Empirical Study at the Manokwari District Social
The study uses a quantitative approach and is an explanatory research that examines
the influence of organizational politics on organizational commitment, job satisfaction,
performance and OCB. This research data was obtained from a questionnaire filled out
by responses to the Manokwari District Social Office. The population of this study was
69 respondents. Determination of samples using saturation techniques, all populations
were used as samples, namely as many as 69 respondents. Data processing using simple
linear regression.
Test Validity and Reliability
Validity testing is carried out by factor analysis using the SPSS (Statistical Product
Service Solution) program version 11.5 for windows to see whether the measuring device
can be accounted for the accuracy of its measurement or the extent to which the measuring
device can measure what should be measured.
Reliability testing is carried out to assess whether or not the measuring device used,
the higher the reliability of a measuring device, the more precise the measuring device.
The results of the reliability test are shown by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient which shows
the reliability of interitem consistency or tests the consistency of respondents in
answering all items. Each item according to its construct, which has an interitem
correlation of < 0.3 is said to be unreliable (Hair et al., 1998). Meanwhile, a construct that
has Alpha reliability < 0.6 means unreliable, Alpha reliability range 0.7 means quite
reliable, and Alpha reliability > 0.8 means very reliable (Sekaran, 2000).
Table 1 Summary of Validity Test Results and Reliability Test for Each Variable
Number of items
Number of
invalid items
of valid
Organizational Politics
Organizational Commitment
Job Satisfaction
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
Based on the results of the validity test that has been carried out, it can be seen that
of the 51 items tested, there are only 30 items that pass the validity test and can be used
for subsequent testing. However, in reliability testing, the job satisfaction variable cannot
be used for future research because it has a Cronbach alpha value that does not meet the
requirements, which is only 0.481. Thus, only 4 variables will be tested in this study,
namely organizational political variables, organizational commitment, performance and
Hypothesis Test
Simple linear regression analysis is used to examine the relationship and influence
between independent variables i.e. organizational politics on dependent variables i.e.
organizational commitment, performance and OCB. For the variable of job satisfaction,
further testing cannot be done because it does not pass the reliability test. Therefore,
hypotheses 2a and b cannot be overtaken in this study. Simple linear regression analysis
calculations are performed using the help of the SPSS application program version 11.5
for Windows. Full results can be seen in table 2 below.
Table 2 Simple Linear Regression Test Results (standardized coefficient β), N=69
Variabel Independen
Organizational Commitment
Marital Status
Last Education
Length of Work
Organizational Politics
Source: Data processing,2023
Description: Significance at *** p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.001
Table 2 above shows that organizational politics was negatively associated with
organizational commitment = -0.435, p = 0.024) and was shown to have an influence
on commitment (R² = 0.273; p = 0.002). Thus, hypotheses 1, a, and b are supported. Other
results obtained that organizational politics were related to performance but not
significantly (β = -0.016, p = 0.931). But on the other hand, the results of the regression
test show that organizational politics actually have an influence on performance (R² =
0.169; p = 0.001), then hypothesis 3 a is not supported and hypothesis 3 b is supported.
Other findings from the study showed that organizational politics were positively
associated with OCB but not significantly = 0.359, p = 0.066). While organizational
politics also have no influence on OCB. Thus, hypotheses 4 a and b are not supported.
The results show that organizational politics have a negative and significant
relationship and have an influence on organizational commitment. This means that if
employees feel the high level of politics in the organization, this will have an impact on
the commitment of their organization. Politics in organizations applied by organizations
aims to help employees to achieve organizational goals in requiring employees to have
an attitude of ownership, loyalty, responsibility as obligations that must be carried out by
employees in the organization. In addition, organizational politics also affect
organizational commitment, because the organization uses and applies its rules, policies
Denny Rudy
and power as politics to employees. In this situation, employees feel pressured and
dissatisfied with the organization, so employees do not have good organizational
commitment or employees have low commitment to the organization.
Maslyn & Fedor (1998) measured organizational commitment using affective
commitment scales, finding that organizational commitment was significantly negatively
associated with perceived organizational politics. According to Wulani (2004) that
organizational commitment is a very relevant form affected by disappointment on the
organization. Affective commitment is closely related to the compatibility between the
values and goals of each individual with the organization, so that employees will form
bonds with nonpolitical organizations, because in the long run the organization will meet
their needs. Thus, the high level of organizational politics in the organization that is felt
by employees, it will have an impact on their commitment to the organization.
The results of this study support previous research conducted by Mujiatun et al.,
(2019) research which concluded that organizational politics felt by employees will relate
to and have an impact on employee commitment to the organization.
The results of a simple linear regression analysis showed that organizational politics
were negatively related to performance but not significantly. On the other hand,
organizational politics have an influence on performance and prove significant. The
results of this study are the same as the results of research conducted by Wulani, (2004)
that organizational politics is negatively related to performance but not significant. The
results of this study found that organizational politics had a significant effect on
performance. This study does not support the research conducted by Cropanzano et al.,
(1997) which found that organizational politics has a significant relationship and
influence with performance, and research conducted by Siswanti, (2006) in that
organizational politics is related to performance.
The results of this study state that there is really a relationship between
organizational politics and employee performance, because the politics applied by
organizations to achieve their goals require employees to utilize knowledge, expertise,
opportunities and motivation to increase efficiency, effectiveness and productivity at
work. In addition, organizational politics also affect employee performance, because
organizations use and implement regulations, policies and their power as politics to
identify, measure, encourage, evaluate and reward employee performance. In this
situation, employees do not feel motivated at work, but feel depressed, disturbed,
unproductive in working at the organization, so that employees do not have good
performance or performance. This indicates that the perception of organizational politics
felt by employees in the organization will affect employee performance or will reduce the
level of employee performance.
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is individual behavior that is free, not
directly or explicitly related to the reward system and can improve the effective
functioning of the organization (Organ & Konovsky, 1989). This definition is not
overshadowed by the terms voluntary, reward or intention of the actor but rather behavior
should support the organizational, social and psychological environment more than just
the technical core. OCB is able to increase organizational success through the
organization's ability to allocate resources effectively. Organizational experts as well as
practitioners are well aware of the importance of the determinants that can give rise to
OCB in organizations. OCB is able to increase organizational success through the ability
of the organization to allocate its resources effectively.
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
The results of regression analysis showed that organizational politics had a positive
relationship and did not significantly affect OCB. The results of this study are contrary to
research conducted by Wulani, (2004), that organizational politics is not related and does
not have a significant effect on OCB. However, the results of this study are contrary to
the research of Cropanzano et al., (1997) which states that organizational politics has a
negative relationship and has a significant effect on OCB.
On the other hand, this study is the same as the research conducted by Vigoda-
Gadot, (2016) that organizational politics is positively related and significantly affects
OCB. This research shows that organizational politics is positively but not significantly
associated with OCB. This may be because politics implemented and carried out by the
company is not considered important and mandatory to be carried out by employees.
There is no sanction from the organization if it is not implemented and followed properly
by the politics so that organizational politics does not affect OCB. OCB is not influenced
by organizational politics felt by employees, maybe employees will have a good OCB
even though it is influenced by organizational politics. In short, the presence or absence
of politics in the organization does not affect the OCB of employees to the organization.
The results of this study show that organizational politics felt by employees in the
organization will have an impact on low employee commitment. These results support
previous studies. Other results found that organizational politics has no relationship with
performance, but still affects employee performance. In other words, although not to
relationships, if employees feel that politics in the organization will have an impact on
their performance. This research is in line with the research of Cropanzano (1997) and
Wulani (2004), that organizational politics is positively related and has no effect on OCB.
In line with the results of Vigoda's research (2002; in Siswanti, 2006), that the OCB of
Manokwari District Social Service employees is influenced by politics in the organization
or not.
In this study, the variable of job satisfaction did not pass the reliabiliats test, in future
studies it is highly recommended to be able to use items from other researchers or increase
the number of items, considering that in this study only used 3 items. Research on
organizational politics is indeed very interesting to study. Therefore, similar research
needs to be carried out by subsequent researchers. For this reason, further research needs
to be carried out by the next researcher by reviewing other variables that are relevant to
the demands of the organization.
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Copyright holders:
Denny Rudy, Manuel Lambi (2024)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business