American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 10 Oktober 2023
Muhamad Nasir
Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional, Indonesia
The development of technology brings developments in various areas of life including
the field of business economics. This development brings its own challenges for a
business leader. For this reason, the need for various skills of a future business leader
including management skills. This study aims to analyze the importance of management
skills in a future business leader. The research method uses a literature study method with
a qualitative approach. The data analysis used is tiangulation, namely with Data
Reduction, Data Display, Conclusion Drawing / Verification. The results of the study
found that
Keywords: business, management, leader
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Organization is a system in which there is a cooperative relationship between a
group of people to achieve a goal. One of the factors that support the success of an
organization is the existence of human resource management (HR). Quality human
resources are people who have high skills, abilities, and work ethic. Every institution or
agency needs employees who have high personalities and have the ability and ability to
make decisions. The application of discipline aims to improve discipline by employees
in the institution or institution has high productivity. One form of optimizing HR
management is the role of leadership (Mahmud, 2019).
A leader is essentially someone who has the ability to move others while being able
to influence that person to do something in accordance with the goals to be achieved
(Junaidi, 2018). A leader in an organization becomes a milestone in achieving
organizational goals (Toruan et al, 2021). So that leaders are required to be able to
skillfully guide the organization towards a new strategic direction (Suhartono et al, 2020).
In addition to being expected to be able to be capable and skilled, they should also be
willing and have the sincerity to work effectively and efficiently. Abilities and abilities
will be less meaningful if they are not followed by work morale and employee discipline
in realizing goals (Fazrien et al, 2014).
The role of the leader in directing team members is the most important issue. The
role of a team leader is different from the traditional leader role performed by first-line
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 10 Oktober 2023
supervisors. Four specific roles of the leader. First, team leaders are liaisons with external
constituents. Second, the team leader is the one who solves the problem. Third, the team
leader is the conflict manager. Lastly, the team leader is the coach (Suherman, 2019).
A leader must also be able to perform management functions. The management
function consists of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. In this management
function, it is clearly seen that leaders are obliged to influence the people under them so
that they always continue to carry out their duties and functions well and have high
devotion to the organization (Pabetta, 2017). Leaders have an important role in moving
people in their organizations. Therefore, in organizations, leader figures with strong
characters are needed so that it is easy to manage all aspects in their organizations
(Iswanto, 2023).
Previous research conducted by Talibo (2018) is that management is very important
to regulate all activities, both formal and non-formal activities. Activities in households,
schools, companies, organizations, communities, foundations, Islamic boarding schools
and so on in order to realize pre-planned activities. Because management is a cooperative
activity, the participation of organizational members is very important. An organization /
institution will not run smoothly if each member does not do good cooperation with each
Unlike previous research, the novelty of this study is the existence of business
leader objects where technology is increasingly developing and affecting various aspects
of life including in the field of business economics. So the importance of management
skills of a business leader in overcoming various challenges that arise. Thus, this study
aims to analyze the importance of management skills in a future business leader.
The research method used is a literature study method with a qualitative approach.
Literature study is a method by collecting data by understanding and studying theories
from various literature related to the research (Adlini et al, 2022). Qualitative research
aims to gain a masterful understanding of human and social problems, not describe the
surface part of a reality as qualitative research with positivism (Fadli, 2021).
The data analysis used is triangulation which is an attempt to check the validity of
data or information from different points of view of what has been done by researchers,
the method is by Data Reduction, Data Display , Conclusion Drawing / Verification
(Alfansyur &; Mariyani, 2020).
A leader is someone who leads, by initiating social behavior by organizing,
showing, organizing, or controlling the efforts / efforts of others, or through prestige,
power or position (Kartono in Putra, 2019). Currently the business market has grown
rapidly, this provides significant demands to be observant in capturing market
opportunities to create their own market opportunities and not wait for opportunities to
come by themselves, and this is one of the tasks of leaders in a company. Today, most of
the success in a company is from effective sales results (Manalu &; Sitinjak, 2022).
Globalization today brings various consequences in the business field. When a
company (organization) plans to enter the global market, country boundaries are unable
to limit the company from foreign competitive pressures, so the company's success is
largely determined by the leader's ability to adapt to his environment including
opportunities and challenges. As a business leader must prepare and understand well the
Muhamad Nasir
steps that need to be done. Business leaders need a global vision and perspective in order
to achieve the company's goals and management effectively. The process can start from
increasing competitiveness, products produced, knowledge of the global environment,
observing competitive strategies to policy changes made to the assessment of business
performance. Leaders must be able and have extensive experience of cultural diversity
(Nazwirman, 2020). Factors that influence leaders according to Widyani (2021) include:
a. Personality (personnel) past experience and expectations of the leader
b. Expectations and behavior of superiors
c. Characteristics of expectations and behavior of subordinates
d. Expectations and behavior of colleagues.
According to Henry Mintzberg in Juliani (2016) there are 3 roles / roles that are
usually carried out by leaders in an organization, namely:
Interpersonal Role / Personal Role, namely:
a. As a Head Figure, the leader is a figure / example for the organization.
b. As a leader, the leader functions as the leader of the organization, directing, giving
orders, guidance and giving instructions to the members of the organization.
c. As Liaison, the leader serves as a liaison for the organization. Liaison between
managers, liaison with employees, liaison with unions, governments, customers,
competitors, suppliers, and shareholders.
Decision Making / Role of Decision Making, namely:
a. Functioning as an Entrepreneur, is a factor of expertise that must be possessed by
leaders in accordance with their leadership level. A leader must be independent, have
b. Functions as a disturbance handler, meaning that as a leader, it must be able to remove
obstacles that can block the running of the company.
c. Functions as Resource Allocation, able to divide production factors owned by the
organization including capital resources, human resources, natural resources,
entrepreneurs and fabricating machines.
d. Functioning as a Negotiator means being able to negotiate with employees, unions,
governments, banks, customers, competitors, suppliers, and shareholders,
Informational Role / Role of Information Sources
a. Monitor and Disminator, leaders must be able to monitor and filter various information
for the benefit of the organization.
b. Spoke person, serves as a speaker for the organization.
Leaders in carrying out their leadership must master and continue to develop
various leadership skills and competencies. Leadership skills are very important to
continue to be developed so that they will be able to align, create and empower the
organization they lead, and will also achieve success as expected. Development of
necessary Skills such as interpersonal skills, trust building skills and decision making
skills (Bakhtiar, 2022).
Skills are behaviors acquired through learning stages, skills derived from rough or
uncoordinated movements through gradual training of irregular movements that gradually
turn into smoother movements, through the process of coordination discrimination
(difference) and integration (unity) so that a skill is obtained needed for a specific purpose
(Yulisetiarini et al, 2022). One of the skills that future business dreamers possess is
management skills. Management is a process to regulate something done by a group of
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 10 Oktober 2023
people or organizations to achieve the goals of the organization by working together to
utilize the resources owned (Gesi et al, 2019). The purpose of management in general is
a systematically structured effort to improve the quality of a group, organization or
institution (Winda in Fransinatra et al, 2019). The management functions according to
Rismayanti &; Sagay (2018), namely:
Is the rationale for goals and the preparation of steps that will be used to achieve
goals. Planning means preparing all needs, carefully calculating what are the obstacles,
and formulating forms of implementation of activities that are intended to achieve the
goal of Organizing (Organizing) Organizing (organizing) is as a way to gather people and
place them according to their abilities and expertise in the work that has been planned.
Actuating, which is to move the organization to run in accordance with the division of
work and move all resources in the organization so that the work or activities carried out
can run according to plan and can achieve goals.
Supervision (controlling) is to monitor whether the movement of this organization is in
accordance with the plan or not. As well as supervising the use of resources in the
organization so that they can be used effectively and efficiently without anyone deviating
from the plan.
Management skills are critical for future business leaders as they play a central role
in helping companies achieve their goals and face the ever-changing challenges in the
global business environment. Here are some reasons why management skills are so
1. Achievement of Corporate Goals: Management skills assist leaders in designing,
planning, and executing strategies to achieve corporate goals. Without good
management skills, companies may struggle in achieving the desired results.
2. Operational Efficiency: Management skills help in efficient management of resources,
time, and costs. Good leaders can optimize operational processes to increase
productivity and reduce waste.
3. Good Decision Making: Management involves the ability to make good decisions.
Good leaders must be able to carefully analyze information, consider risks, and make
strategic decisions.
4. Effective Leadership: Management skills include strong leadership abilities. Effective
leaders can inspire, motivate, and direct team members to achieve common goals.
5. Human Resource Development: Future business leaders must be able to identify and
develop talent within the organization. Management skills play an important role in
the management and development of employees to ensure the long-term growth and
success of the company.
6. Adapting to Change: The business environment is always changing, and management
skills assist leaders in adapting quickly to changing technology, regulations, and
industry trends. Adaptability is essential for the survival of the company.
7. Effective Communication: Leaders who have good management skills can
communicate clearly, both with team members and external stakeholders. Effective
communication helps in conveying the vision, strategy, and goals of the company.
Muhamad Nasir
8. Problem Solving: Management skills involve problem-solving abilities. Good leaders
must be able to identify problems, analyze their root causes, and develop effective
9. Business Ethics: Management skills also include understanding business ethics and
corporate social responsibility. Future business leaders must conduct business with
high integrity and ethics.
10. Improved Sustainability: Good management skills assist companies in developing
sustainability strategies that can support long-term growth and minimize negative
impacts on the environment and society.
Overall, management skills are the foundation of future business leaders' success.
They assist leaders in managing companies efficiently, planning for the future, and facing
ever-changing challenges. Leaders who understand and develop their management skills
will be more likely to achieve long-term success in the dynamic business world.
Management skills are a key aspect in future business leadership. They help leaders
plan, organize, take good decisions, and direct teams effectively. These skills also support
operational efficiency, human resource development, adaptation to change, and effective
communication. With strong management skills, business leaders can achieve company
goals, maintain competitiveness, and lead companies to long-term success.
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Copyright holders:
Irfan Azis, Maulina Nabila (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business