American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 10 Oktober 2023
supervisors. Four specific roles of the leader. First, team leaders are liaisons with external
constituents. Second, the team leader is the one who solves the problem. Third, the team
leader is the conflict manager. Lastly, the team leader is the coach (Suherman, 2019).
A leader must also be able to perform management functions. The management
function consists of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. In this management
function, it is clearly seen that leaders are obliged to influence the people under them so
that they always continue to carry out their duties and functions well and have high
devotion to the organization (Pabetta, 2017). Leaders have an important role in moving
people in their organizations. Therefore, in organizations, leader figures with strong
characters are needed so that it is easy to manage all aspects in their organizations
(Iswanto, 2023).
Previous research conducted by Talibo (2018) is that management is very important
to regulate all activities, both formal and non-formal activities. Activities in households,
schools, companies, organizations, communities, foundations, Islamic boarding schools
and so on in order to realize pre-planned activities. Because management is a cooperative
activity, the participation of organizational members is very important. An organization /
institution will not run smoothly if each member does not do good cooperation with each
Unlike previous research, the novelty of this study is the existence of business
leader objects where technology is increasingly developing and affecting various aspects
of life including in the field of business economics. So the importance of management
skills of a business leader in overcoming various challenges that arise. Thus, this study
aims to analyze the importance of management skills in a future business leader.
The research method used is a literature study method with a qualitative approach.
Literature study is a method by collecting data by understanding and studying theories
from various literature related to the research (Adlini et al, 2022). Qualitative research
aims to gain a masterful understanding of human and social problems, not describe the
surface part of a reality as qualitative research with positivism (Fadli, 2021).
The data analysis used is triangulation which is an attempt to check the validity of
data or information from different points of view of what has been done by researchers,
the method is by Data Reduction, Data Display , Conclusion Drawing / Verification
(Alfansyur &; Mariyani, 2020).
A leader is someone who leads, by initiating social behavior by organizing,
showing, organizing, or controlling the efforts / efforts of others, or through prestige,
power or position (Kartono in Putra, 2019). Currently the business market has grown
rapidly, this provides significant demands to be observant in capturing market
opportunities to create their own market opportunities and not wait for opportunities to
come by themselves, and this is one of the tasks of leaders in a company. Today, most of
the success in a company is from effective sales results (Manalu &; Sitinjak, 2022).
Globalization today brings various consequences in the business field. When a
company (organization) plans to enter the global market, country boundaries are unable
to limit the company from foreign competitive pressures, so the company's success is
largely determined by the leader's ability to adapt to his environment including
opportunities and challenges. As a business leader must prepare and understand well the