American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 9 September 2023
Entrepreneurial education and training in students plays an important role in
preparing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to start and manage a business
effectively. There are three categories of essential skills: technical, managerial, and
entrepreneurial skills. Technical skills refer to specific proficiency in a particular area, for
example in product or service development. Managerial skills involve the ability to
organize, plan, and manage resources. While entrepreneurial skills include creativity,
innovation, and the spirit of effort needed to start and run a business. Effective education
and training methods include case-based methods, which provide understanding through
real case scenarios, project-based methods, which allow hands-on experience in
developing business projects, and simulation-based methods, which introduce realistic
simulation situations in a business environment. Through this approach, students can be
prepared with a solid foundation of skills and knowledge to achieve success in
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