American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 9 September 2023
Medika Oga Laksana
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia
National news is one of the mass media products that has an important role in conveying
information to the public. In the production process, national news requires the right
business management strategy in order to produce quality products and meet market
needs. This study aims to examine business management strategies in national news. This
study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques in this study were
carried out with literature studies obtained from Google Schoolar by exploring journals,
books and other information relevant to the research. The data that has been collected is
analyzed using three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.
The results showed that business management strategies in national news can be grouped
into two, namely content management strategies and marketing management strategies.
Content management strategies in national news include selecting news topics, writing
news, editing news, publishing news. While marketing management strategies in national
news include news promotion, online marketing and offline marketing. With the right
business management strategy, national news can improve its quality, readership,
revenue, and image.
Keywords: Strategy, Business Management, National News
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
In the era of globalization, competition is increasing In various sectors, this is
because people are faced with many choices in choosing and accessing entertainment or
news. This situation has an impact on the competition of national news media. National
news refers to reports or coverage that includes events and events of a national nature,
meaning that news occurs at the national level in a country. This coverage highlights
important and relevant issues that affect society at large, such as political, economic,
social, cultural, and other important events that have an impact on the national level.
National news coverage is often presented by mass media, such as television stations,
newspapers, online news sites, and other media outlets (Nazhira et al., 2016).
National news is one form of mass media that plays a major role in conveying
information to the public. The process of producing national news involves not only the
provision of actual information from various fields, but also requires the implementation
of appropriate business management strategies. This strategy is necessary so that every
Niza Wibyana Tito, Januar Eko Prasetio, Dian Indri Purnamasari
aspect of compiling, editing, and delivering news can meet the desired quality standards
and match market needs.
Strategic management is the practice of managing the resources of an enterprise
with the aim of achieving predetermined targets and objectives. The management of the
company's resources has a crucial role in the possibility of growth and development of
the company, especially considering the ever-changing business growth patterns. The
strategic management process covers a number of aspects within the company, including
the determination of specific goals and objectives, analysis of competitors in similar
industries, evaluation of internal factors of the company, as well as the assessment of the
company's strategic performance. This is done to ensure that every strategy taken can run
effectively and smoothly (Effran et al., 2023). By implementing effective business
management strategies, national news can provide high-quality and relevant information
to audiences, so as to meet the expectations of readers or viewers, and remain competitive
in an increasingly competitive information market.
Previous research by Saepudin (2018) examined the marketing strategy of Islamic
banking in Banyumas. Another study by Putri (2023) examines marketing strategies and
business management assistance for cracker small business groups in Kenjeran, Surabaya
City. The absence of research on business management strategies in national news is a
novelty in this study. The limitation of this study is national tita on mass media online
news sites. This study aims to examine business management strategies in national news.
This study used qualitative research methods. According to (Moleong, 2017)
qualitative research is research that intends to understand phenomena about what is
experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation, action and
others holistically and by means of description in the form of words and language, in a
special natural context by utilizing various natural methods. The subjects of this study
were Kompas.com and Detik.com. Data collection techniques in this study were carried
out with literature studies obtained from Google Schoolar by exploring journals, books
and other information relevant to the research. The data that has been collected is analyzed
using three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.
Business strategy is a model that links marketing strategy to strategic direction in
general. It maps product-market strategies i.e., market penetration, product
development, market development and diversification on matrices that show existing
products versus new products along one axis and existing markets versus new markets
along another axis (Putri, 2023). Strategic Management aims Isnaini (2022):
1. Implement and evaluate selected strategies effectively and efficiently.
2. Assess performance, review the situation, and make adjustments and corrections if
there are deviations in the implementation of the strategy.
3. Constantly update the strategy to align with changes in the external environment.
4. Re-evaluate existing business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
5. Innovating products to always be in accordance with consumer preferences.
The benefit of Strategic Management is that it provides a framework for solving
strategic problems in the company, especially those related to competition. Thus,
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 9 September 2023
managers are invited to think creatively and strategically (Sidiq, 2015). The magnitude
of this benefit is also utilized in the national news mass media. National News is
broadcast in various forms of media such as television, radio and the focus of research
this time is national news on online news sites (Lestari et al., 2018).
An online news site is an online platform where actual information is presented
in various formats, such as articles, videos, images, and text, which can be accessed
by users over the internet. Online news sites provide news reports on current events
from various fields such as politics, economics, entertainment, sports, health, and other
topics. Its existence allows internet users to access information and stay up to date
regarding events happening around them. Here is an example of an online news site:
Figure 1. National News Media Kompas
Launching from the kompas page, Kompas.com is a pioneer among online media
platforms in Indonesia, first present on the internet on September 14, 1995 under the name
Kompas Online. At first, Kompas Online or KOL, which was accessed through
kompas.co.id, presented replicas of Kompas newspaper articles on that day. The aim is
to provide services to Kompas daily readers in hard-to-reach areas through the regular
Kompas distribution network. With the presence of Kompas Online, especially in eastern
Indonesia and abroad, readers can enjoy Kompas daily on the same day without having
to wait for several days.
In an effort to improve services, in early 1996, the address of Kompas Online was
changed to www.kompas.com. With this new address, Kompas Online is increasingly
popular among loyal readers of Kompas who are abroad. Realizing the huge potential of
the digital world, Kompas Online evolved into a separate business unit under PT Kompas
Niza Wibyana Tito, Januar Eko Prasetio, Dian Indri Purnamasari
Cyber Media (KCM) on August 6, 1998. Since then, Kompas Online is more commonly
referred to as KCM. During this time, KCM visitors not only get a daily replica of
Kompas, but also the latest news throughout the day. The number of KCM visitors soared
along with the growth of internet users in Indonesia (Margianto & Syaefullah, 2012).
Accessing information from the internet becomes an inseparable part of everyday life.
The digital world continues to evolve over time, and KCM is adapting.
On May 29, 2008, this news portal changed its name to Kompas.com, returning to
the Kompas brand which has been known as a media that presents meaningful journalism.
Several new news sections were added, and the productivity of news presentation was
improved to provide readers with current and up-to-date information. The rebranding
Kompas.com aims to establish itself as a reference for quality journalism amid the flow
of unclear information (Eddyono, 2020). Another popular national news media is
Detik.com, here is the appearance of the website:
Figure 2. National News Media Detik.com
detik.com news site is the result of the work of PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom
(Agrakom), which was founded in October 1995 (officially in January 1996) by four
individuals: Budiono Darsono, Abdul Rahman, Didi Nugrahadi, and Yayan Sopyan. PT
Agrakom is engaged in the creation of web services and builds cooperation with various
leading clients, including PT Astra International, Kompas Gramedia, PT Timah, United
Tractor, BCA, Infomedia, Bank Mandiri, and others. The Detik.com server was ready for
use on May 30, 1998, but only really came online with full news on July 9, 1998. The
date was later set as the founding day of the Detik.com by Budiono Darsono, Yayan
Sopyan, Abdul Rahman, and Didi Nugrahadi. Initially, news coverage Detik.com focus
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 9 September 2023
on political, economic, and information technology issues. However, after the political
situation became more stable and economic conditions improved, Detik.com decided to
add entertainment and sports news coverage. Various news sources Detik.com come from
the development of information from various sources directly connected to the location
of the event, as well as the contributions of a number of journalists in various regions
(Kirana, 2022).
Business management strategies in national news can be grouped into two, namely
content management strategies and marketing management strategies (Diana & Laila,
2021). A content management strategy on national news includes a series of processes
that include:
1. News Topic Selection
The initial stage in content management is the selection of news topics that are
relevant, interesting, and important to readers, this involves the process of setting an
agenda, identifying current issues, and evaluating emerging issues in various fields,
such as politics, economics, social, and environment.
2. News Writing
Once the topic is chosen, the journalist team will conduct research, interviews,
and investigations to produce informative, accurate, and relevant news content. News
writing must pay attention to aspects of presentation that are interesting and easy to
understand by the audience.
3. News Editing
The editing process is very important in content management including
evaluation and refinement of news content which includes aspects such as the truth of
information, proper writing, correct grammar, and attractive presentation.
4. News Publication
Once the writing and editing process is complete, the news is published into the
relevant platform involving the use of various channels, ranging from online platforms
such as websites or news applications, to physical channels such as newspapers or
magazines. News publications must pay attention to the right time so that it can be
immediately accessed by readers according to their needs and interests (Faiza & Firda,
Marketing management strategies in national news include various steps to expand
reach and increase reader interest, including:
1. News Promotion
News promotion aims to increase exposure and understanding of the news
content offered. Can be done through advertising campaigns, promotional spots, and
the use of social media to introduce and attract audience interest in certain news.
2. Online Marketing
Online marketing involves efforts to market news through online platforms such
as news websites, news apps, and other digital channels. Online strategies include
search engine optimization (SEO), online ad targeting, and engaging digital content
strategies to reach internet-based readers.
Niza Wibyana Tito, Januar Eko Prasetio, Dian Indri Purnamasari
3. Offline Marketing
Although news tends to move to digital platforms, there are still real-world
marketing efforts that involve collaboration with traditional media entities, promotion
in events or conferences, or the use of print media such as banners or flyers.
This combination of online and offline marketing strategies aims to reach a wider
audience and build better awareness about national news brands among the public
(Lisapaly et al., 2022). All of these strategies focus on increasing reader engagement
as well as retaining and attracting a larger audience (Chakti, 2019). With the
implementation of the right business management strategy, national news can
experience improvement in various aspects. This includes improving the quality of
news, increasing the number of readers, revenue, and image it has
Business management strategy in national news is an important thing to do in order
to produce quality products and meet market needs. The study of business management
strategies in national news considers two main aspects, namely content management and
marketing strategies. In content management strategy, focus on topic selection, writing,
editing, and news distribution. Instead, marketing management strategies are focused on
promotion, online marketing, and offline. Research shows that implementing the right
strategy in both of these aspects has the potential to improve news quality, increase
readership, revenue, and national news reputation. Thus, a comprehensive and effective
business management strategy plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance and
sustainability of the national news business.
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Copyright holders:
Medika Oga Laksana (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business