Niza Wibyana Tito, Januar Eko Prasetio, Dian Indri Purnamasari
3. Offline Marketing
Although news tends to move to digital platforms, there are still real-world
marketing efforts that involve collaboration with traditional media entities, promotion
in events or conferences, or the use of print media such as banners or flyers.
This combination of online and offline marketing strategies aims to reach a wider
audience and build better awareness about national news brands among the public
(Lisapaly et al., 2022). All of these strategies focus on increasing reader engagement
as well as retaining and attracting a larger audience (Chakti, 2019). With the
implementation of the right business management strategy, national news can
experience improvement in various aspects. This includes improving the quality of
news, increasing the number of readers, revenue, and image it has
Business management strategy in national news is an important thing to do in order
to produce quality products and meet market needs. The study of business management
strategies in national news considers two main aspects, namely content management and
marketing strategies. In content management strategy, focus on topic selection, writing,
editing, and news distribution. Instead, marketing management strategies are focused on
promotion, online marketing, and offline. Research shows that implementing the right
strategy in both of these aspects has the potential to improve news quality, increase
readership, revenue, and national news reputation. Thus, a comprehensive and effective
business management strategy plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance and
sustainability of the national news business.
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