
American Journal of Economic and Management Business



Vol. 1 No. 2 December 2022


Implementation of Management Functions in Bridal Makeup Studio


Teti Kuswati

Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial � AKK, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Human civilization encourages the development of business opportunities, one of which is bridal makeup services. The need for bridal makeup services continues to increase, giving rise to business competition. In facing increasingly fierce business competition, important management activities are of concern. Management is an effort to manage the company in order to achieve common goals. Management functions include: planning, organizing, preparing personnel, directing, coordinating, funding, and preparing reports. The method used in this writing is literature review, through searching articles on the internet and reviewing articles. The keywords used in the article search were management functions, salon management, bridal makeup business, salon marketing strategy, implementation of management functions, beauty makeup. From these keywords, several related articles/journals were found. Some of these articles are then used as a reference, reviewed and reviewed using supporting references. Human resource planning, workforce withdrawal, workforce selection, organizational orientation, HR development, employee work evaluation, awarding are important factors that need to be carried out in the bridal makeup service business.

Keywords: Management; Implementation of Management functions; Bridal Makeup Services.

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



Human civilization continues to develop along with the times. This encourages people to continue to innovate in order to meet increasingly complex needs. The development of business opportunities arises along with the increasing complexity of human needs. One of them is the need for bridal makeup services.

The increasing need for bridal makeup services has led to intense competition. This is marked by the mushrooming of the bridal makeup business. Products and prices offered also vary, each has its own characteristics and advantages. Besides competing in innovation, intense competition requires wedding makeup service managers to pay attention to the implementation of management functions in order to be able to compete and excel in the competition.



The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of management functions in bridal makeup services. The method used in this paper is literature review, through searching articles on the internet and reviewing articles. The keywords used in the article search were management functions, salon management, bridal makeup business, salon marketing strategy, implementation of management functions, beauty makeup.

Some of the writings that are referenced in this literature review include: Overview of beauty salon business management in the East Padang sub-district (Rianda et al., 2015), Management of beauty salon businesses in West Payakumbuh sub-district (Nildawati et al., 2016), Management of entrepreneurship training in bridal makeup to grow independence of students at LKP Rosye Bandung city (Sari et al., 2021), Management of course institution leaders in fostering the quality of bridal makeup educators (Rostini, 2019), Implementation of management functions in the makeup division for bridal services at Adji Wedding Gallery (Hidayah, 2014).

Besides that, there are also several other supporting articles that are used as references, including: Application of the management function as a method of increasing employee work (Rismayanti & Sagay, 2018), The effect of management functions on employee job satisfaction in the asri rahayu home industry in the Majalengka region (Zanah & Sulakasana, 2016), Implementation of public management functions (Mairizon, 2013), Implementation of management functions in Islamic educational institutions (Maujud, 2018), Implementation of management functions of PT Kurnia Bintang Sentosa Bekasi (Widiawati, 2015), Implementation of management functions in rantau kiwa sub-district office, North Tapin sub-district, Tapin district (Hamdi, 2020), Implementation of management functions in improving the quality of education (Aljufri, 2013).

The main article is then used as a reference, reviewed and reviewed using existing journals and supporting references.



Management is a management effort within the company in order to achieve common goals. Every company needs good management. The company's management functions include: planning, organizing, preparing personnel, directing, coordinating, funding, and preparing reports.

Planning is an effort to set work to achieve the goals that have been set. This function includes decision making. Organizing is the systematic integration of interdependent parts into a unified whole. Organizing is very vital for a bridal makeup service business and is the main key in grouping activities to achieve common goals.

The preparation of personnel is the preparation of company personnel starting from recruitment, development to the realization of employees who can provide maximum efficiency. Briefing is a leadership activity to provide assignments, guidance and instructions so that common goals can be achieved. The coordinating function is an effort to create good cooperation in order to achieve management goals. Funding is a management function that describes revenue and expenditure plans in each activity. Preparation of reports is a report on the results of activities carried out by employees, in oral and written form, and can be accounted for.

From a review of related articles, several companies have implemented management functions, although some are still not optimal. The results of a review of beauty salon business management in the East Padang sub-district (Metsy Rianda, 2015) show that the implementation of management functions is still in a poor category. In research conducted by Nildawati (2016) regarding the Management of beauty salon businesses in the West Payakumbuh sub-district, it provides an overview of the percentage of respondents' achievements related to the implementation of management functions in the poor to moderate category range.

The next journal with the title Management of bridal make-up entrepreneurship training to foster student independence at LKP Rosye Bandung city (Mega Sari, 2021) concluded that the LKP had implemented several management functions including planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, and controlling. However, there is no further explanation regarding other management functions such as personnel preparation, direction, coordination and funding.

The management of course institution leaders in fostering the quality of bridal make-up educators (Deti Rostini, 2019) includes several functions including planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. The application of management functions in the make-up division for bridal services at the Adji Wedding Gallery (Naning Hidayah, 2014) has been implemented quite well, including the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising.

� All management functions are an integral part that cannot be separated and are interrelated with one another. If one of these functions does not work, the company's goals will not be achieved. With the existence of a literature review to describe the application of the management function in this bridal makeup business, it is hoped that it can help business actors achieve company goals and be competent in a healthy manner.

Bridal Makeup Service Business

Bridal make-up service business, namely a business institution in the field of make-up that specifically serves or provides wedding services. The bridal makeup service business can make it easier for the bride and groom to prepare for the wedding both in aisle decorations, bridal make-up, wedding dress, catering, entertainment, documentation, building, and those related to weddings, therefore the bridal makeup studio can provide wedding packages according to with customer wishes.

Management Definitions

Management comes from the word "to manage" which means to manage. Substantively, management contains activities whose content is management. From this meaning, several important points emerge, namely what is managed, how to manage it, for what it is managed and who manages it. In other words, management is a process and effort together to achieve a common goal.

In management, decision-making can be said to be the art of leading a company in a broad sense. Processing of a company related to efforts to make decisions is a creative process to create situations and conditions that must be chosen or vice versa.

The creative process in decision making requires intelligence. Smart is a reflection of intelligence and the power of instinct in choosing and making decisions. Smart in finding ways or methods as well as solutions to the problems faced. The intelligence of a leader in

Making decisions can be seen from identifying a problem, compiling alternatives, analyzing alternatives and taking concrete action as the best decision-making.

Management has several important points, including:

1.    Management must have a predetermined goal

2.    Management is a blend of art and science

3.    Management is a systematic, cooperative, coordinating, integrated process in the utilization of its elements

4.    Management requires a process of cooperation between groups of people in an organization

5.    Management is based on division of work and responsibility

6.    Management is only a means to an end

Management Objectives

With management as an organizational tool, it is hoped that all goals can be achieved. Mobilizing the organization in such a way that it is carried out to minimize wastage of both materials for the achievement of common goals.

Some experts also define management as the science and art of managing the process of utilizing human resources and other resources effectively and efficiently in order to achieve set goals. From this definition it can be concluded that the purpose of management is to realize the effective and efficient utilization of all resources so that the goals set can be achieved.

Management Function Implementation

1.    Planning

Planning is an effort to plan activities to be carried out so that the goals set can be achieved. The product of planning is a work program. This is closely related to the decision-making process which requires the ability to visualize and look ahead to produce the best pattern of action for the future. Planning activities in the bridal makeup service business involve Planning for Bridal Makeup Services, Planning for Bridal Makeup Service staff, Planning for Makeup, videos, photos, invitations, and souvenirs, Target planning, Budget planning, Facilities and infrastructure planning, Customer planning.

According to Siagian, there are four basic ideas in planning, among others:

a.    Limited resources do not limit the goals to be achieved. To achieve this, it is necessary to have an understanding of the resources that are already available, are in the process of being made available, or are the resources that will become available.

b.    Companies must not ignore conditions and situations in society, both positive and negative.

c.    The company is a "social organization" so that it cannot be separated from responsibility, both the leadership's responsibility to subordinates, the leadership's responsibility to the company, the company's responsibility to customers and society.

d.   Companies in such a way must create a climate of good cooperation. This is related to the existence of human limitations as a member of the company both physically, mentally, biologically.

The product of the planning management function is a goal-directed plan. The plan as a result of planning at least includes several, including:

a.    What is the company's goal. In this case, bridal make-up services, wedding dresses, accessories, aisles, souvenirs, photos, videos, etc.

b.    The reason why this goal needs to be achieved, for example, is related to the large demand for bridal makeup services which has given rise to competition between bridal makeup studio entrepreneurs, so that companies are required to be able to compete in a healthy manner.

c.    How the company will be run, both the company's goals, costs, and work procedures. In this case it concerns the type of makeup that will be provided by the company in carrying out bridal makeup services, in accordance with the agreement that has been selected at the customer's request.

d.   When will the activity take place? This is related to the scheduling of work activities. This activity starts from the application, Siraman, Midodareni, Ijab qobul to the wedding reception, even if it is possible until the committee is disbanded

e.    Who will be involved in the implementation of the activity. This process concerns any human resources who serve as make-up artists, fashion stylists, bun stylists, aisle stylists, etc. As well as regarding the budget costs that must be provided in the implementation of bridal makeup services.

f.     Assessment of the activities that have been carried out, which are being carried out and which have not been completed.

g.    Identification of factors that may influence implementation. This process is followed by adjustment activities and changes to plans if something needs to be changed along the way.

2.    Organizing

Organizing includes several activities, including: determining the structure, job functions, duties and responsibilities, as well as the relationship between functions. In the make-up service business, this management function includes organizing bridal makeup services, organizing staff, organizing facilities and infrastructure, and organizing work programs. Each must understand what to do and when to do it.

The product of the organizing management function is organization. Organizations can be viewed from two perspectives, namely the organization as a container, and the organization as a process. Organization as a process focuses on the relationship between people in the organization, and therefore is dynamic. While the organization as a container is static, is a place for administration and management.

The dynamic interactions between people in organizations give rise to two kinds of relationships:

a.    Formal relationship. This relationship includes organizational structure, work procedures, hierarchies, and so on. Usually regulated in the legal basis for company establishment (Perpres, Permen, Perda, Deed: among others)

b.    Informal relationships. This relationship is based on individual relationships, common interests, common expertise, common interests, and others from the members of the organization. Several steps are needed in implementing the organizing management function, including:

1)   The formulation of the tasks of each unit and the placement of the implementation to carry out these tasks.

2)   Relationship placement.

3)   The division and classification of actions in a certain unit.

4)   Giving authority to each member who will carry out the action.

3.    Formation of personnel

The preparation of personnel is the activity of placing the position of company employees, including the process of employee recruitment, education, training, utilization and development of human resources effectively.

Janet B. Parks (2007: 338), the personnel management function has several objectives, including:

a.    Realizing an effective, cooperative and integrated work mechanism.

b.    Realizing employee synergy in accordance with all duties and obligations.

c.    Encouraging employees to maximize efficiency and efficiency.

d.   Make it easy for employees to complete their duties properly according to their respective areas of expertise.

According to (Hani, 2000), several aspects in the implementation of the personnel management function are:

a.    Human resource planning

This aspect includes activities to fill certain positions in the company. This step requires planning, among others; (1) determine what positions need to be filled, what skills are needed, and the amount needed, (2) consider the conditions of demand and supply of employees, and (3) understand the potential labor market.

Fulfilling the need for new workers can be reached through 2 sources, namely from within the company and from outside the company. Sources from within the company are obtained through promotions and position transfers. Sources from outside the company are filtered from advertisements, friends of company employees, schools, labor departments, and others.

b.    Labor withdrawal

Withdrawal of new employees is carried out to fill vacant positions due to old employees either retiring, dying, resigning or being terminated due to a certain policy.

c.    Labor selection

In this stage, an assessment of the characteristics and characteristics of prospective employees is carried out in order to get the most capable workforce and meet the requirements of the position

Employee selection includes several stages, namely announcement of registration, registration stage, test, and announcement of selection results. Participants who are declared as new employees of the company are participants who pass the final selection.

d.   Organizational orientation

Orientation is a probationary period provided with guidance and mental preparation. Some companies use the orientation period as one of the selection stages and is generally referred to as the probationary period. The probationary period ends until the employee is accepted as a permanent employee.

e.    Employee training and development

Employee training and development aims to obtain competent and trained employees who can carry out their duties efficiently. Companies need to conduct regular training and development to increase the knowledge and skills of employees so that their achievements and work results can be maximized.

f.     Assessment of the implementation of employee work

The benefits of evaluating employee work include being the basis for making decisions, for example for bonus payments. Besides that, it can also be a tool and provide advice to employees. The assessment team consisted of leaders, psychologists and members. Assessment is based on work performance and career system.

g.    Giving remuneration and awards

Giving remuneration and awards is a means to motivate employees to work better. Giving remuneration requires a large fee so it needs to get attention so that it is effective.

4.    Briefing

Briefing is part of leadership activities including providing motivation, role models and guidance so that employee performance can be optimal. The application of management functions in the bridal makeup service business involves directing work mechanisms, directing members and directing work. This is important to be carried out by the leadership of the company and is very much needed according to their respective fields.

The meaning of the directive management function is motivating, leading, and decision making. In this management function, the leader plays the most important role. Therefore, according to Kramers quoted (Amir, 2006), guided leaders have several characteristics, including:

a.    Creating product innovations to adapt to the times.

b.    Set a role model regarding enthusiasm and persistence in work.

c.    Can develop and utilize the best ideas

d.    Understand the critical role of culture, and manage its implementation to effect the necessary changes.

The four components that need to be involved in the implementation of the directive function system are:

a.    Lead

According to (Montgomery & Hines, 1990), Leadership is a process in which an individual has influence over other individuals and inspires, motivates, and provides direction for the achievement of common goals.

b.    Motivating

According to (Armstrong, 2002), motivation is a condition in an individual that causes other individuals to behave in a certain way to achieve certain goals. Motivation can provide an overview of the reasons a person behaves in a certain way at work.

c.    Communication

According to Jhon Ganet (2002: 108), the meaning of communication is sharing information between two or more people in order to achieve mutual understanding.

d.   Control

Control is the process of evaluating whether the objectives can be achieved or not and the discovery of causative factors as the basis for further action.

5.    Coordination

Coordination is the process of aligning managerial elements into an integrated system. An integrated system is a system that maintains a harmonious, harmonious, systematic relationship and does not overlap on one side. The implementation of the coordinating management function in the bridal makeup service business involves coordinating work mechanisms.

One of the goals of management is coordination which is formed from the basic processes of planning, organizing, preparing personnel, leading and controlling. Therefore, the coordinating function is an important part of management in an effort to achieve group goals. It can even be said that the coordinating function is the core of management functions, implicit and inherent in all other functions.

Coordination is the ingredient of all other management functions. This can be described in details as follows:

a.    Coordination through Planning

Planning is a means of coordination through the unification of several plans both from discussion and exchange of ideas.

b.    Coordination through Organizing

Coordination is the most important part of the management function of organizing. Organizing is a collaboration carried out by a group of individuals to achieve the same goal. The organizational structure is the main thing in the organizational management function, including: leaders, deputy leaders, secretaries, and others.

Organizing function:

1)   Providing knowledge and educating members of the organization

2)   Provide a new experience for members

3)   Provide direction and rules to members

4)   Improve the capabilities and skills of members

c.    Coordination through Staffing

A manager must ensure that each of its members gets the right job according to their education, abilities and skills.

d.   Coordination through Briefing

The directive management function can work well if a harmonious environment is created between leaders and employees.

e.    Coordination through Controlling

Through the control management function, leaders must ensure that performance in the field is coordinated with the performance set according to company standards.

The conditions for achieving good coordination include:

1)   Availability of work contracts, facilities, and smooth relationships for all parties in the organization.

2)   Clear and appropriate division of labor.

3)   Carry out activities in accordance with the correct stages and maintain the quality of work continuously.

4)   Building motivation for cooperation between employees and leaders.

6.    Compilation of reports

Preparation of reports is reporting the results of activities carried out by members of the organization related to their respective tasks. In the bridal make-up service business, the implementation of the report preparation management function includes activities related to the preparation of operational reports for bridal make-up services, preparation of budget reports, and preparation of target reports.

The management function of preparing reports can provide information to leaders regarding developments within the company. This information is very important for leaders to determine the next steps.

7.    Funding

The fund management function controls the company by carrying out accounting and fiscal planning regarding the budget needed by the company. Funding management function aims to prevent the budget issued by the company from swelling.



Management is a management effort within the company in order to achieve common goals. Every company needs good management. Likewise in the bridal makeup studio.

The company's management functions include: planning, organizing, preparing personnel, directing, coordinating, funding, and preparing reports. All of these functions are an inseparable unit and are interrelated with one another.

Human resource planning, workforce withdrawal, workforce selection, organizational orientation, human resource development, employee evaluation, awarding are important factors that need to be carried out in the bridal makeup business.




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Copyright holders:

Teti Kuswati (2022)

First publication right:

AJEMB � American Journal of Economic and Management Business