American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 9 September 2023
an important area that needs to be strengthened. Cirebon's local TV mass media can
improve their efforts in promoting excellent programs and increase interaction with
viewers through social media and more effective marketing campaigns. Furthermore,
more efficient financial management is an important element in business management
strategies. Cirebon's local TV mass media need to ensure that their financial resources are
used wisely, and that investments in technology and human resources are made
strategically. Improving content quality, strengthening marketing strategies, and
managing finances more efficiently are some recommendations that can help Cirebon's
local TV mass media to face the challenges of competition in the digital era and remain
relevant in meeting the needs of local viewers. By implementing these changes, they can
strengthen their position in the local media market.
Further research can use more comprehensive research methods, such as quantitative
research methods or mixed research methods. This will provide more accurate and
comprehensive research results. In addition, further research can expand the scope of
research by involving more local Cirebon TV mass media. This will provide a more
complete picture of Cirebon's local TV mass media business management strategy.
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