Akhmad Syafi’I, Shobichah, Alifiatun Asyifah
e. Have a Chance to Compete with Large-Scale Businesses: Before the advent of digital
marketing, MSME business owners did not have the opportunity to compete with
larger businesses. This is due to the fact that consumers are still unfamiliar with MSME
products. Because the MSME digitization system is easy to use, the goods sold by
MSMEs are becoming better known by consumers.
In business, not only good managerial skills are needed but also the ability to adapt
to changing circumstances. One form of adaptation that is very crucial in this
technological era is digitalization in business management. Digitalization has many roles
and benefits in setting up or managing both micro and macro scale businesses. Through
digitalization, many aspects of management can be carried out more efficiently and
effectively with a high level of accuracy. Therefore, digitalization is not only used in one
aspect of management, such as marketing for example, but can also be used since the
production process. Digitalization is not only limited to online marketing using social
media, but also the use of artificial intelligence both in the production process and
financial management.
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