
American Journal of Economic and Management Business



Vol. 1 No. 1 November 2022




Sulhan Manaf

Universitas Dayanu Ikhsanuddin, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Globalization has a major influence on the order of human life, so that society has its own challenges, including competitiveness and the performance of human resources which are then exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the effect of global challenges, managerial challenges and environmental challenges to increase competitiveness and human resource performance in the Covid-19 era. This study uses a quantitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire in the form of Google Docs which was distributed to several social media platforms as well as by exploring journals, books and other information relevant to the study. The results of the study show that global challenges, managerial challenges and environmental challenges partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on increasing the competitiveness and performance of human resources. The results showed that global challenges and environmental challenges partially and simultaneously had a significant effect on increasing competitiveness, while managerial challenges did not have a partial significant effect but simultaneously had a significant effect. Then the variable test results of global challenges, managerial challenges and environmental challenges partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on improving human resource performance.

Keywords: Global Challenge, Managerial Challenge, Environmental Challenge, Increasing Competitiveness, Human Resource Performance

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



The rapid progress of science and technology, especially in the field of transportation and communication, has "narrowed the distance" between one country and another. Competition is becoming more open and the business environment is increasingly complex. This condition encourages companies to prepare themselves to enter the global market (Mulyani, 2002). The era of globalization provides direction on how a nation is required to have both comparative advantage and competitive advantage which must lead to the realization of the nation's competitive power. Unpreparedness to face global competition which is characterized by competition in quality can result in a decrease in self-confidence as a nation, a condition which must be avoided (Chadhiq, 2006).

There are various types of challenges faced in the era of globalization such as Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges. Global challenges (quality challenges) are challenges faced by institutions in the context of market expansion towards global markets as well as efforts to prepare human resources to work abroad. The next challenge is a social challenge which includes institutional challenges regarding how to manage diverse employees, changes in the composition of the workforce, as well as challenges to improve employee skills or abilities in reading, writing, and ability. Furthermore, the challenge of high-performance work systems (high performance work system challenge), which includes challenges faced by companies in order to integrate new technology with work design. (Chadhiq, 2006). Whereas Managerial challenge is a team-based leadership development experience where leaders practice their management skills in realistic scenarios with employees (Abilitie, 2022). Environmental challenges in organizational and management studies originally referred to the limitations imposed by the external environment on the survival of organizations. In the last decades of the 20th century, the term has denoted the survival of organizations and the natural environment. This transformation occurs simultaneously in corporate environmental management practices and in organizational and environmental studies (Orssatto, 2001). This challenge needs to be faced with the preparation and role of human resource management, including the competitiveness and performance of human resources Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, Tenth Global Edition (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2006).

The role of human resource management has undergone changes in line with the emergence of various developments. The rapid progress of science and technology, especially in the field of transportation and communication, has reduced the distance between nations. Competition is becoming increasingly open and the business environment is increasingly complex. The role of human resources that is bigger than before is very necessary. Initially, human resources that were bigger than before were needed. Originally human resources were seen as a cost, but now human resources are an investment that must exist and are an absolute requirement for the ongoing operations of an organization. In the past, workers were exploited, work relations existed between workers and employers, but now workers are maintained and are partners in the organization. The increasing role of human resource management is an unavoidable result of the various companies that occur. Companies that compete in current competitive conditions are faced with increasingly competitive, dynamic and uncertain conditions. Competition and changes that occur require companies to be able to adapt to changes and developments that occur through company management, especially those related to global competition issues (Warsono, 2017).

����������� According to Antan in (Pio & Asaloei, 2016) The phenomenon of business competition that is currently rife, raises new challenges and opportunities for every company to be able to understand and conceptualize effective corporate organizational management through the management or management of Human Resources. Human Resource Management is recognized as a global issue and an integral part of competitiveness in the globalization arena. It is undeniable that all problems that arise in the development and competition of companies that arise originate from humans and can only be resolved and managed by humans. Therefore, an important concept emerged that was recognized as the key to excellence in the field of Human Resources, namely through the right people in the right place at the right time.

This phenomenon was then exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic which caused many people to be forced to lay off work, resulting in increased job competition as well. Therefore, in this competitive era, it is necessary to increase the competitiveness of individuals and their performance. Based on the background of these problems, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title "The Effect of Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges to Increase Competitiveness and Human Resource Performance in The Covid-19 Era"



This research uses quantitative research methods. Quantitative research method is a research method that is based on positivistic (concrete data), research data in the form of numbers that will be measured using statistics as a calculation test tool, related to the problem under study to produce a conclusion (Sugiyono, 2014). The descriptive approach in this study is intended to create an objective picture or description of a situation using numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data as well as the appearance and results (Arikunto, 2010).

This research took 100 samples from the population of employees of private companies in Indonesia using a random sampling technique. The sampling technique of random sampling is that the sampling of members of the population is carried out periodically without regard to the existing strata in the population. This method is used when members of the population are considered homogeneous (Garaika & Darmanah, 2002). Because of this, it allows researchers to obtain respondents according to the amount generated.

This research data collection technique uses a questionnaire in the form of Google Docs which is distributed to several social media platforms.














H1: Global Challenge has a significant positive effect on increasing competitiveness

H2: Managerial Challenge has a significant positive effect on increasing competitiveness

H3: Environmental challenges have a significant positive effect on increasing competitiveness

H4: Global Challenge has a significant positive effect on improving the performance of human resources

H5: Managerial Challenge has a significant positive effect on improving the performance of human resources

H6: Environmental challenges have a significant positive effect on improving human resource performance

H7: Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges jointly influence increased competitiveness

H8 : Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges jointly affect the improvement of human resource performance



Validity test

The validity test is intended to test how well the research instrument measures the concept that should be measured. The validity test was carried out by calculating the correlation between the score of each item and the total score so that the Pearson Correlation value was obtained (Matondang, 2009). The results of the validity test can be seen in table 1:

Table 1

Validity test


Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2- tailed)


Global Challenges (X1)




Managerial Challenges (X2)




Environmental Challenges (X3)




Competitiveness (Y1)




Human Resource Performance (Y2)





Based on the data in table 1, it can be seen that all instruments have a Pearson correlation value greater than r Table = 0.195 (N=100) and a Sig. (2-tailed) the correlation for all items is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 so that it can be concluded that all statement items are declared valid.

Reliability Test

Reliability is an index that shows the extent to which a measuring device can be trusted or relied on. This shows the extent to which the measurement results remain consistent when done twice or more for the same symptoms, using the same measuring instrument (Widi, 2011). According to Kendra, a measuring instrument is said to be reliable if it produces the same results even though measurements have been made many times (Sugiono, Noerdjanah, & Wahyu, 2020). The criterion used is a construct or variable that is said to be reliable if it gives a Cronbach Alpha value > 0.6. The results of the reliability test are presented in Table 2 below

Table 2

Reliability Test



Cronbach Alpha



Global Challenges (X1)






Managerial Challenges (X2)



Environmental Challenges (X3)



Competitiveness (Y1)



Human Resource Performance (Y2)



Partial Test (T Test)

The t test is an individual partial regression coefficient test that is used to determine whether the independent variables (X1 and X2) individually affect the dependent variable (Y) (Wardani & Permatasari, 2022). The results of the T test include the following:

����������� Based on the results of this analysis, a significance t value of 0.004 <0.05 was obtained and a calculated t value of 2.991 > t table 1.983, then Ho1 was rejected Ha1 was accepted. So partially it can be concluded that Global Challenge (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Competitiveness (Y1).

����������� Based on the results of this analysis, a significance t value of 0.119 > 0.05 is obtained and the t value is -1.294 <t table 1.983, so Ho1 is accepted, Ha1 is rejected. So partially it can be concluded that Managerial Challenge (X2) has no significant effect on Competitiveness (Y1).

����������� Based on the results of this analysis, a significance t value of 0.000 <0.05 was obtained and a calculated t value of 4.547 > t table 1.983, then Ho1 was rejected Ha1 was accepted. So that partially it can be concluded that Environmental Challenge (X3) has a positive and significant effect on Competitiveness (Y1).

Based on the results of this analysis, a significance t value of 0.000 <0.05 was obtained and a calculated t value of 3.533 > t table 1.983, then Ho1 was rejected Ha1 was accepted. So partially it can be concluded that Global Challenge (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Human Resource Performance (Y2).

Based on the results of this analysis, a significance t value of 0.048 <0.05 was obtained and a calculated t value of 2.004 > t table 1.983 then Ho1 was rejected Ha1 was accepted. So partially it can be concluded that Managerial Challenge (X2) has a positive and significant effect on Human Resource Performance (Y2).

Based on the results of this analysis, a significance t value of 0.000 <0.05 was obtained and a t count value of 10.076 > t table 1.983, then Ho1 was rejected Ha1 was accepted. So partially it can be concluded that Environmental Challenge (X3) has a positive and significant effect on Human Resource Performance (Y2).

Multiple Linear Regression Test

Multiple linear regression analysis aims to find out and predict whether the independent variable (X) has an effect on the dependent variable (Y) and how much influence the three independent variables have on the dependent variable (Y) in this study (Yusuf, 2017).

In this study, multiple linear regression tests were used to determine the seventh hypothesis (H7) of the effect of Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges together on increasing competitiveness, the results of the study show that:

A significant value was obtained of 0.00 which is less than 0.05, referring to the decision-making guidelines, it means that Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges together have a significant positive effect on increasing competitiveness.

Then, to answer the eighth research hypothesis (H8) regarding the influence of Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges together have an influence on improving the performance of human resources.

A significant value was obtained of 0.000 which is less than 0.05, referring to the decision-making guidelines which means that Global Challenges, Managerial Challenges and Environmental Challenges together have a significant positive effect on improving human resources.



Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that:

1.     Partially, it can be concluded that Global Challenge (X1) has a positive and significant effect on increasing Competitiveness (Y1).

2.     Partially it can be concluded that Managerial Challenge (X2) has no significant effect on increasing Competitiveness (Y1).

3.     Partially it can be concluded that Environmental Challenge (X3) has a positive and significant effect on increasing Competitiveness (Y1).

4.     Partially, it can be concluded that Global Challenge (X1) has a positive and significant effect on increasing Human Resource Performance (Y2).

5.     Partially, it can be concluded that Managerial Challenge (X2) has a positive and significant effect on increasing Human Resource Performance (Y2).

6.     Partially it can be concluded that Environmental Challenge (X3) has a positive and significant effect on increasing Human Resource Performance (Y2).

7.     Global Challenge (X1), Managerial Challenge (X2), and Environmental Challenge (X3) simultaneously affect the increase in competitiveness

Global Challenge (X1), Managerial Challenge (X2), and Environmental Challenge (X3) simultaneously affect the improvement of Human Resource Performance



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Copyright holders:

Sulhan Manaf (2022)

First publication right:

AJEMB � American Journal of Economic and Management Business