American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2023
Ike Meilani Fajarsari
Politeknik Masamy Internasional, Banyuwangi
MSMEs receive special attention from the government and economic institutions because
of their strategic role in supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The
pandemic that hit made the MSME economy decline. Business actors still want their
business to run but are hampered by the funds they have. One of the efforts to increase
business capital by making an online loan. This study used quantitative methods and the
type of data used was primary data, namely the results of distributing questionnaires with
questionnaires using the concept of the Rubicon model. The population selected in this
study is MSMEs in Banyuwangi Regency. There is a Predecisional (X1) influence on
Online Loans (Y). CrossingRub (X2) affects Online Loans (Y). In the Postdecisional
variable, there is no Postdecisional influence (X3) on Online Loans (Y). In the
SustainingAc variable, there is an influence of SustainingAc (X4) on Online Loans (Y).
It requires a wise and planning approach, online loans can be a valuable tool for business
people to achieve their business goals.
Keywords: MSMEs; Ijen Geopark; Online Loans
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
The development of digital technology continues to affect the business world in
rapid and significant ways (Ratten, 2020). The growth of e-commerce continues to be the
dominant trend worldwide. Consumers are increasingly relying on online shopping to
purchase goods and services, prompting traditional companies to adapt to more digital
business models (Fu et al., 2020). The increased accessibility of technology and resources
has made it possible for anyone to create innovative solutions to existing problems. The
emergence of smartphones is one of the technological developments that are growing
rapidly. In 2022 Indonesia ranks fourth in the world in terms of smartphone users, with
192 million users in Newzoo quoted (Sadya, 2023).
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2023
Figure 1 data of Smartphone user countries in the world
Smart phones can be used to do many things, such as interact through social media,
pay online, and send messages through instant messengers. The Internet and digital
technology have provided easier and wider access to information. Advances in
technology have changed the way people interact and communicate with each other.
Better connectedness allows people to share views, experiences, and ideas globally
(Kwantes & Chung-Yan, 2016). This allows people to seek knowledge, learn about new
things, and access news and information from various sources, as a result by having
access to various perspectives and points of view, the mindset of the community becomes
more open and diverse.
Business activities cannot be separated from technology, technology facilitates
various forms of innovation and creativity by providing a platform that makes it easier
for people to create new products or services (Coelho & De Brito, 2013). One form of
combining information technology and financial services that can make transactions
carried out quickly without worrying about distance is fintech. One of the factors driving
the growth of fintech innovation is the change in consumer perspective on the importance
of having an internet connection that allows transactions to be made quickly and easily
(Rizvi et al., 2018). One type of business in the fintech industry is online loans. Online
loans are a type of loan that can be applied for and processed online through platforms or
websites that provide loan services electronically (Wahyuni, 2020). Online loans have
characteristics such as, the loan application procedure is carried out online through a
website or mobile application, the process is faster, and without collateral. The ease of
borrowing funds is more efficient and increasingly popular among the community.
MSMEs have an important role in the economy because they contribute to creating
jobs, increasing economic growth, and acting as innovators in various business sectors
(Franquesa & Vera, 2021). The scale of MSMEs is smaller than large companies,
management control is needed to continue to assist MSME owners in managing their
businesses efficiently and effectively (Nopiyani, et al., 2022). The COVID-19 pandemic
not only has an impact on the economic aspect but also has an impact on the consumption
behavior of needs in the community, including MSMEs. Many MSMEs experienced a
decline in income due to decreased demand and restrictions on economic activity during
the pandemic as well as suboptimal internal controls (Amin, Meilani, Agus, & Firdaus,
2023). In addition, MSMEs also find it difficult to obtain additional capital to maintain
Ike Meilani Fajarsari
their operations. After the pandemic, MSMEs continue to struggle to survive by finding
creative ways to survive, innovate and adapt to changing situations. One way to survive
by increasing capital is by borrowing on online loans. This is because the process is faster
and loan funds can be disbursed in a short time after approval. But it is undeniable that in
some cases with online loans, if the borrower cannot manage loan payments properly, the
borrower can face sanctions in the form of fines or penalties.
In the perspective of the action phase model, Rubicon provides an explanation of
the stages of decision-making behavior (Liu, Lai, Hwang, & Tu, 2022) (Kim, Shin, &
Lee, 2020). According to the Rubicon model there are four phases of one's actions, in this
theory describing the mental and emotional processes that occur when a person decides
to take action and overcome obstacles in achieving those goals. First, the predecision
phase is where potential goals are evaluated using a mindset of considering to decide on
a choice. Second, the phase of crossing the rubicon is to have made a choice and started
making that decision. The third phase, postdecisional, is the ability to face the
consequences of the decisions they have taken and remain committed to the actions they
have chosen. Last is the sustaining action phase, where consistency and constancy are
needed to achieve the desired goals. Based on the background description above, this
study answers the problem, what is the mindset of MSMEs regarding the use of online
loan applications using the Rubicon perspective?
Based on the method used, this study uses quantitative methods and the type of data used
is primary data, namely the results of questionnaire distribution. Quantitative method is a
form of scientific approach that examines the problem of a phenomenon, and sees
possible links or relationships between variables in the research determined (Nugroho,
Meilani, Solikin, Era, & dkk, 2023). The population selected in this study is MSMEs in
Banyuwangi Regency. Sampling in this study was taken using purposive sampling
techniques. Here are some criteria that must be owned by MSME respondents:
1. MSME businesses are still running until 2023
2. MSME Actors in Banyuwangi Regency
3. MSME actors have or are using online loan applications
The following table is a descriptive analysis of the results of data processing
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Predecisional (X1)
CrossingRub (X2)
Postdecisional (X3)
SustainingAc (X4)
LoanOnline (Y)
Valid N (listwise)
Through the table above we can see the number of question instruments, the
amount of data used, know the minimum and maximum values and also the average value
with standard deviation.
Table 2 Partial T-Test Table
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 7 July 2023
Std. Error
Predecisional (X1)
Crossingrub (X2)
Sustainingac (X4)
A. Dependent Variable: Loanonline (Y)
Based on the SPSS table 'Coefficients' above it is known that the significance
value (Sig) of the Predecisional variable (X1) is 0.000, because the value of sig. 0.000 <
0.05, then it can be concluded that H1 is accepted. This means that there is a Predecisional
(X1) influence on Online Loans (Y). In the CrossingRub variable (X2) is the value of sig.
0.000 < 0.05, then it can be concluded that H2 is acceptable. This means that there is an
influence of CrossingRub (X2) on Online Loans (Y). In the Postdecisional variable (X3)
is equal to the value of sig. 0.771 > 0.05, then it can be concluded that H3 is rejected. This
means that there is no Postdecisional (X3) influence on Online Loans (Y). In the variable
SustainingAc (X4) is equal to the value of sig. 0.00 > 0.05, then it can be concluded that
H4 is accepted. This means that there is an influence of SustainingAc (X4) on Online
Loans (Y).
Testing the Effect of Predecisional (X1) on Online Loans
Based on the results above that the Predecisional variable (X1) is 0.000, because
the value of sig. 0.000 < 0.05, then it can be concluded that H1 is accepted. At this stage,
MSME actors may be aware of problems or goals to be achieved, but have not made
concrete decisions to act. The pandemic is enough to make activity activities decrease so
that business turnover and capital also fall. The desire to raise capital is quickly thought
of by business actors, and with many promotional media about online loans supporting
the interest of business actors to increase capital from online loans.
Testing the Effect of CrossingRub (X2) on Online Loans
Based on the results above that the CrossingRub variable (X2) is 0.000, because the
value of sig. 0.000 < 0.05, then it can be concluded that H2 is acceptable. At this stage,
MSME actors get a turning point when making decisions to act and actively taking action
to achieve goals or overcome problems. Loans to banks have been carried out but have
not been sufficient capital to turn back the wheels of business. For these problems,
business actors are moving to borrow funds through online loan applications, Before
making online loans, MSME actors have sought information from various media sources
and partners about how to borrow online.
Testing the Effect of Postdecisional (X3) on Online Loans
Based on the results above that the Postdecisional variable (X3) is 0.771, because the
value of sig. 0.771 > 0.05, then it can be concluded that H3 is rejected. At this stage,
MSME players have no obstacles or problems in carrying out the online loan process.
The online loan is quite easy to do and the process of disbursing funds after approval is
also fast. But the consequence that must be faced is the return of funds that must be on
time, out of the time specified in the agreement there is a high interest. Business actors
admit that immediately liquid funds become a pleasant thing, but if funds are not managed
properly they must be prepared to face the consequences.
Ike Meilani Fajarsari
Testing the Effect of SustainingAc (X4) on Online Loans
Based on the results above that the variable SustainingAc (X4) is 0.000, because
the value of sig. 0.000 < 0.05, then it can be concluded that H4 is acceptable. At this stage,
consistency and constancy are required to achieve the desired goal. If successful, one can
achieve positive results and overcome obstacles that may arise on the way to that goal.
MSME actors must consistently manage money well in order to pay principal and interest
debts within the agreed time.
MSMEs have an important role in the economy because they contribute to creating
jobs, increasing economic growth, and acting as innovators in various business sectors.
Many specific assistance and support programs are aimed at assisting MSMEs in
improving their competitiveness, access to markets, access to capital, and innovation
capabilities. It is important for MSMEs to have a management control system that suits
their scale and business needs. Online loans have become a popular alternative for many
business actors, especially MSMEs, in finding additional sources of funds to support their
business operations and growth. Business actors who borrow funds on online loans often
look for convenience and comfort in the application process which can be done online
through platforms or applications. The quick and easy process allows them to gain access
to funds quickly, which is invaluable in addressing urgent needs or business opportunities
that come out of the blue. MSME players must prioritize the use of funds for business
purposes that support business growth and sustainability, not for unnecessary expenses.
Need a thoughtful and planning approach, online loans can be a valuable tool for business
people to achieve their business goals.
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Copyright holders:
Ike Meilani Fajarsari (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business