American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
Widia Ningsih, Aisyah Nurjanah
Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia
In the digital era and the development of information technology, social media has
become an important communication tool for many businesses. The purpose of this study
is to understand and analyze how Instagram social media, especially the @greenpublisher
account, is used as an effort to strengthen customer trust. This research uses qualitative
research methods, while data collection techniques are carried out by literature studies
sourced from Google Schoolar and Instagram. The data that has been collected is then
reduced, presented and conclusions are drawn. The results showed that Green Publisher
strengthens customer trust through Instagram social media by subscribing to verified
badges, informing reviews and transparency through the story highlight feature, providing
free consultation services and showing institutional competence by uploading videos and
photos on feeds.
Keywords: Utilization; Social Media; Reinforcement; Customer Trust
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
In the digital age and the development of information technology, social media
has become one of the important communication tools for many businesses. Advances in
information technology and wide internet penetration have changed the way businesses
interact with customers, one of the products of this technological advancement is social
media. Social media is a participatory form of its users because they can provide positive
or negative comments. The use of communication and information technology that
facilitates access to information, provides information, or as a means of satisfying needs
for its users (Mutiah et all, 2022).
The existence of social media allows businesses to build and expand their reach,
reach a wider audience, and establish closer relationships with customers. The utilization
of social media is also implemented by a scientific publication institution, namely Green
Publisher on Instagram @greenpublisher.id. Green Publisher utilizes Instagram social
media to increase customer trust in its products. Trust is the foundation of a business.
Trust is an awareness and feeling that customers have to trust a product, and is used by
service providers as a tool to establish long-term relationships with customers (Diza et
all, 2016).
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
Customer trust helps build strong relationships between businesses and customers.
Trust can make customers feel comfortable and confident to make transactions with
businesses repeatedly. In addition, customer trust also has a positive impact on business
reputation. Customers who have trust in a business tend to leave positive reviews and
recommend the business to others, this can improve the business image and help attract
new customers.
Previous research conducted by (Utami, 2021) shows that business
communication through Social media trust is proven to have positive implications for
increasing customer engagement. Maintaining Social media trust is crucial for business
communication. If you are unable to maintain Social media trust in business
communication, customer engagement may decrease. Similar research was also
conducted by (Anggraeni et all, 2019) which states that consumers who actively
participate in social networking (social networking) will become more familiar with the
brand, which will then increase consumer confidence, and consumer confidence will
increase consumer loyalty. Sedanglam in research (Aprilya, 2017) explains that trust
requires a continuous effort and interactive marketing through Instagram allows users,
both consumers and potential consumers to interact on an ongoing basis and this is where
trust in the brand will arise and even increase.
The novelty of this research is from the object of research itself, namely that there
has been no research examining the use of Instagram social media in service companies.
In addition, another novelty is the verified feature that was recently launched by meta on
Instagram and has been implemented by Green Publisher, which is one aspect of novelty
that was not examined in previous studies. The purpose of this study is to understand and
analyze how Instagram social media, especially the @greenpublisher account, is used as
an effort to strengthen customer trust.
This research uses qualitative research methods, according to (Sugiyono, 2018)
qualitative research methods are research methods based on philosophy used to research
on scientific conditions (experiments) where researchers are instruments, data collection
techniques and qualitative analysis emphasize more on meaning. Data collection
techniques are carried out by literature studies sourced from Google Schoolar and
Instagram. Literature study is a data collection technique by examining books, literature,
notes, and various reports related to the problem to be solved (Nazir, 2003). The data that
has been collected is then reduced, presented and conclusions are drawn.
Social media marketing can be a solution as a means of interacting, exchanging
information and presenting products or services to increase trust. The utilization of social
media as a marketing tool is done because this marketing strategy offers various
opportunities to achieve business goals, one of which is building brand trust (Zulfikar,
2017). According to (Kim & Ko, 2010) trust is considered one of the keys to improving
relationships with customers or with a particular brand, and it has been recognized, trust
is a core variable for building long-term relationships with customers. Companies from
various industries have tried various things to increase customer trust, one of which is
Green Publisher.
Widia Ningsih, Aisyah Nurjanah
Green Publisher is a publication institution that has been officially registered with
Business Identification Number: 0304220013798. Green Publisher has also been
registered as a member of IKAPI and also consistently holds webinars every month to
contribute to academia. Green Publisher has 8 internal journals and more than 30 partner
journals, various indexes and scoupes Green Publisher provides book publication services
and IP management as well as assistance in converting final assignments into books or
articles. Green Publisher has been established since 2018 and until now has helped
thousands of authors to publish journals and books from nationally accredited to highly
reputable. Green Publisher has also successfully organized international conferences.
Green Publisher has various portfolios and official legal entity status, however, this
does not make this institution feel sufficient with this status. Green Publisher also
continues to follow technological developments such as websites, TikTok and Instagram
as a means of marketing and strengthening customer trust. The Instagram application has
become a popular means to broadcast information easily and very quickly, such as in the
display of images or photos in the form of managing photos, editing photos, and sharing
to other social networks. Here is the official Instagram of Green Publisher in figure 1:
Figure 1. Instagram Green Publisher
Social media trust is the trust gained in the social networking environment for the
reputation of the product/service/organization that makes customers have the confidence
to engage with communication on social media (Golbeck & Hendler, 2004). Green
Publisher's efforts to increase customer trust on Instagram include subscribing to verified
badges every month. This verified badge is a factor that can increase customer trust, this
is because this badge is a sign of authenticity or authenticity from the institution, thus
avoiding fake accounts that have the potential for fraud. This effort also fulfills the points
of Perceived web vendor reputation and Perceived web site quality according to research
(Aprilya, 2014) which can affect customer trust. Perceived web vendor reputation
concerns how other people view the company which results in a good or bad company
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
name and everything related. Meanwhile, Perceived web site quality aims to give a good
impression of his online shop. In this case, Green Publisher applies this verified badge as
an effort to give customers a positive view of the company.
Another effort made by Green Publisher on its Instagram to increase customer
trust is to utilize the story highlight feature on Instagram. Instagram has introduced a story
highlight feature where posts that have been uploaded can be saved into a personal archive
and can be viewed again (Mufiddah, 2019). Green Publisher utilizes story highlights to
store some important information that can be seen by potential customers in addition to
those in the feed, including information about legality, cooperation and reviews from
Figure 2. Green Publisher Story Highlight
Transparency in an organization can also create a sense of trust, this transparency
effort is also created by Green Publisher towards its team. In the Instagram story highlight
@greenpublisher.id, this institution transparently shows the team working behind it.
Educational background is also added as an effort to create trust in customers that this
institution is operated by competent employees. The concept of transparency is closely
related to honesty, in conveying information the institution must be honest (Nofitasar,
2020). This honesty is one of the factors that can create customer trust, this is in
accordance with research conducted by (Kumadji et all, 2014).
Trust is a form of feeling. Trust is a cognitive process that occurs in the human
mind. Consumer emotions play an active role in trust formation between customers and
banks. The key to this trust relationship is experience. If positive experiences are often
experienced by consumers, consumers put trust in the product and vice versa (Suhardi,
2006). This positive experience is proven by Green Publisher with customer reviews on
its story highlights to attract new potential customers. Meanwhile, existing customers are
given a positive experience during the deal process. In addition, Green Publisher provides
free consultations to new and existing customers, this positive and informative
consultation experience is also an effort to increase customer trust.
Green Publisher also utilizes the feeds feature on Instagram to increase customer
trust. This feeds feature is in the form of video and photo uploads, Green Publisher's
Instagram posts are filled with infographics, such as information about journal
publications, and various tips when writing scientific articles. This information shows
Widia Ningsih, Aisyah Nurjanah
that Green Publisher has qualified knowledge and competence in the field of publication
and writing scientific articles.
Figure 3. View of Green Publisher's Instagram Feeds
Trust is measured in two dimensions, namely, competence and competence
policy, which can lead to brand trust (Li et al., 2008). Customers will have trust in a brand
if they feel that the brand has the necessary knowledge and skills in meeting their needs.
Competence trust involves customers' belief that the brand has the technical expertise,
experience, and proficiency in producing quality products and providing satisfactory
Green Publisher uses several strategies through Instagram social media to strengthen
customer trust. First, Green Publisher subscribes to the verified badge, which is an official
verification mark from Instagram. This shows that Green Publisher is a legitimate and
trusted account. Second, Green Publisher uses the story highlight feature to inform
reviews and transparency. Green Publisher can store and display relevant content, such
as customer reviews or testimonials, so that customers can see evidence of satisfaction
from other users. Third, Green Publisher provides free consultation services, which can
help customers solve problems or provide advice related to publication and writing
scientific articles, showing that Green Publisher cares about customer needs and is
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
committed to providing the necessary assistance. Finally, Green Publisher demonstrates
institutional competence through video and photo uploads on feeds. Green Publisher
shares content related to journal publications and provides useful information and tips on
writing scientific articles. Thus, Green Publisher strengthens customer trust by providing
evidence of competence and the quality of services they offer through Instagram social
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Copyright holders:
Widia Ningsih, Aisyah Nurjanah (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business