American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
Vika Fransisca, Wahyu Eko Saputro
Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada Cirebon, STMIK WIT Cirebon, Indonesia
The aim of this study is to create leaders who shape the future with the required
management skills. Case studies conducted of leaders who successfully shape the future
show that strategic vision development skills, transformational leadership, and innovation
capabilities are key to success. The results show that future leaders need to have skills in
developing a strategic vision that inspires and provides direction for the organization.
They must also be able to foster a culture of innovation, transformational leadership, and
manage change effectively. Surveys and questionnaires reveal the importance of
sensitivity to change, the ability to manage conflict, and the ability to build strong teams
in the context of future leadership. Literature analysis highlights the importance of self-
development and continuous learning for future leaders. The ability to use technology and
digital innovation is also a significant factor. Group discussions add perspectives on
effective communication, inclusive leadership, and developing relationships with
stakeholders. In a comparative analysis between successful and less successful leaders,
the key difference lies in the ability to deal with change and manage conflict. Based on
the results of this study, it can be concluded that leaders who shape the future need to
master management skills which include developing strategic vision, transformational
leadership, innovation, sensitivity to change, managing conflict, and building strong
teams. Support in the development of these skills will be important in producing effective
leaders in achieving future organizational success
Keywords: leader; future; Management
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
The future of organizations and companies is determined by leaders who are able
to look ahead, anticipate change, and steer teams to success (Doz & Kosonen, 2010). In
this ever-evolving era, leaders are not only expected to manage current operations, but
also to shape a sustainable and innovative future. In this context, the management skills
required by leaders are becoming increasingly important (Savolainen, 2014).
Future leaders must possess a combination of management skills that enable them
to take on complex challenges, inspire teams, and create productive and collaborative
work environments (Amanchukwu et al., 2015). In this introduction, we'll explore some
of the management skills that are in high demand by tomorrow's leaders.
Vika Fransisca, Wahyu Eko Saputro
Sensitivity to Change Skills: Effective leaders must have the ability to identify
trends and changes in the business environment, as well as the ability to adjust
organizational strategies according to developments that occur. They must be proactive
and flexible agents of change (Thompson & Miller, 2018).
Inspiring and Motivating Abilities: Leaders who build the future must be able to
inspire and motivate team members. They must have expertise in effective
communication, transformational leadership, and building strong relationships with
teams (Yang, 2012).
Innovation Skills: Future leaders must promote a culture of innovation within the
organization. They should encourage teams to think creatively, take controlled risks, and
find new solutions to address business challenges.
Conflict Management Skills: Leaders must have the ability to manage conflict and
create a harmonious work environment. They must be able to identify sources of conflict,
facilitate dialogue, and reach mutually beneficial agreements.
Ability to Develop and Retain Talent: Future leaders should focus on talent
development and retention. They must be able to identify potential in team members,
provide relevant training, and create career development opportunities.
In order to shape a successful future, leaders must master management skills that
include sensitivity to change, ability to inspire and motivate, innovation, conflict
management, and talent development (Ofori, 2008).
To understand more about the management skills needed by leaders shaping the
future, research becomes an important instrument. Through research methods, we can dig
deeper into the qualities and effective strategies for leaders in achieving organizational
goals (Day et al., 2016). In this article, we will describe some research methods that can
be used to examine the management skills needed by future leaders.
Case Studies:
The case study method involves an in-depth analysis of the experiences and
practices of leaders who have successfully shaped the future of the organization (Boblin
et al., 2013). Through interviews, observation, and other data collection, case studies
allow us to understand the actions, decisions, and management skills that have been used
by leaders in real contexts.
Surveys and Questionnaires:
Surveys and questionnaires are effective methods for collecting data from leaders
and team members regarding their perceptions of the management skills needed to shape
the future. Structured questions can be asked to respondents to gain a broader
understanding of their opinion of the importance of certain skills and how they can be
Literature Analysis:
Through literature analysis, we can study past research, articles, books, and other
relevant sources to gain insight into the management skills needed by future leaders. This
analysis allows us to see trends, patterns, and important findings that have been developed
by previous researchers.
Focus Group:
The group focus method involves collecting data through directed discussion with
a group of experienced leaders or team members. These group discussions allow
participants to share experiences, views, and ideas related to management skills needed
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
by future leaders. It can provide rich and diverse perspectives in the context of developing
management skills.
Comparative Analysis:
The method of comparative analysis involves comparing the performance of
successful leaders shaping the future with less successful leaders. By comparing the
characteristics, actions, and management skills of these two groups, we can identify the
factors that differentiate and influence the success of future leaders.
In this study, we examine the management skills needed by leaders who are able to
shape the future of organizations (Ajmal et al., 2012). Research methods used include
case studies, surveys and questionnaires, literature analysis, group focus, and comparative
analysis. The following are the results and discussion of this study:
Case Studies:
Through case studies, we analyze some of the leaders who have successfully shaped
the future of the organization. The results showed that the most important management
skills were:
Strategic Vision Development Capabilities: Future leaders must be able to develop
a long-term vision that steers the organization to success. They must be able to understand
industry trends, identify new opportunities, and devise appropriate strategies.
Transformational Leadership: Leaders must be able to inspire and motivate team
members to achieve common goals. They must have expertise in building strong
relationships, providing constructive feedback, and supporting individual growth
(Goleman, 2017).
Innovation Capabilities: Future leaders must foster a culture of innovation in the
organization. They should provide support for creative thinking, taking controlled risks,
and creating an environment that supports the development of new ideas (Camisón &
Villar-López, 2014).
Surveys and Questionnaires:
In surveys and questionnaires conducted to a number of leaders and team members,
we found some significant results: 92% of respondents agreed that sensitivity to change
is an important management skill for future leaders. 87% of respondents stated that the
ability to manage conflict and reach good resolutions are important skills for leaders
shaping the future. 82% of respondents consider skills in building strong and
collaborative teams very important for future leaders.
Literature Analysis:
Through literature analysis, we found several key findings:
Self-development and continuous learning are essential skills for future leaders.
They must have a commitment to continuously improve their skills and keep abreast of
the latest developments in the field of management (Dziallas & Blind, 2019). Project
management skills are also very important for future leaders. They must be able to
manage projects efficiently, identify risks, and overcome obstacles. Future leaders must
Vika Fransisca, Wahyu Eko Saputro
have the ability to use technology and digital innovation to increase organizational
efficiency and productivity.
Focus Group:
In group discussions, we gain valuable insights into leaders' views and experiences.
Some important findings are: Effective communication is a key skill that future leaders
must possess. They must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively, both orally
and in writing. Leadership skills that are inclusive and respect for diversity are key to
success in a multicultural and global work environment. Future leaders must have the
ability to develop and maintain strong relationships with stakeholders, such as clients,
business partners, and communities (O. Nyumba et al., 2018).
Comparative Analysis (Rose & Mackenzie, 1991):
Through a comparative analysis between successful and less successful leaders, we
found some important differences: Successful leaders have a better ability to deal with
change and manage conflict effectively. Successful leaders tend to be more proactive in
creating a culture of innovation and making room for new ideas.
Based on the results and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that leaders
who shape the future must have management skills that include developing strategic
vision, transformational leadership, innovation ability, sensitivity to change, ability to
manage conflict, strong team building, as well as self-development and continuous
learning. In developing future leaders, it is important to pay attention to the results of this
research and provide support in the development of relevant management skills.
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American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 6 June 2023
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Copyright holders:
Kabya Sambad, Ashis Kumar Samal (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business