American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
Implementation Of Lean Management To Reduce Waste In The
Operational Process Of Conflict Management At PT XXX
Siti Nursyamsiah, Hatipah
Universitas Islam Indonesia. Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the application of Lean Management in order to eliminate
waste in the operational process of preventing and handling external disturbances carried
out by the External Relations Department at PT XXX, so that productivity increases,
processes are faster and the use of resources is more effective and efficient. The research
method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive qualitative
research aims to understand the phenomena that occur in the object under study. The data
collected are in the form of primary data and secondary data, secondary data in the form
of work document documents including Organizational Structure, Job Description, SOP,
and work reports, while primary data is obtained through observation and interviews. The
data analysis method used includes data reduction, data display and drawing research
conclusions until researchers feel they get what they want to research, in this case it is
waste that occurs in the operations of the External Relations Department so that it can be
investigated further. The data obtained were analyzed using the concept of Eliminate
Waste using a tool in the form of a RACI Matrix. The results of the study are portraits of
existing waste in departmental operations in the RACI diagram as well as
recommendations for workflow arrangements and the distribution of new tasks and
authorities in the RACI diagram format. The results of the study stated that the application
of lean management is still not implemented properly, where it was found that there is
waste in the form of overlapping roles and processes that are carried out repeatedly by
several functions
Keywords: lean management; eliminate waste; RACI Matrix;
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
In order to increase competitive advantage, companies must be able to carry out
operational processes more efficiently and effectively (Stock et al., 2006). One of the
important efforts that needs to be done is to formulate an adaptive and easily adapted
corporate strategy to follow the development of changes that occur suddenly in global
Siti Nursyamsiah, Hatipah
competitive conditions (Parlindungan, 2014). An adaptive strategy up to the operational
level is expected to leverage the effectiveness of the organization to be better able to
compete globally in all respects. The External Relations Department at PT XXX is one
of the functions included in the mining operational support process (Operations Support).
This department has a function to prevent operational disruptions that come from outside
the organization Raisch, (2008), with the main role being prevention, handling and
recovery of external conflicts of the organization so as not to interfere with mining
operations. Therefore, to increase competitive advantage in supporting mining operations,
the External Relations Department must be able to conduct its operations more effectively
and efficiently. The biggest challenge in effective and efficient operations is (waste)
which is not small in every process in the department (Moh & Abd Manaf, 2014; Verbano
& Crema, 2019). Lean Management is one of the solutions applied by many companies
to continue to innovate and be adaptive to changes and customer needs, with the
implementation of lean management, it is expected that activities in the company can be
carried out systematically, effectively and efficiently. Lean introduces major changes in
behavior and culture, and demands quality leadership and the ability to make sustainable
changes (Trisbiantara & Meliala, 2018). The goal of lean is to reduce waste in the
company's efforts to complete work and deliver quality work to customers in a timely,
effective and efficient manner (Rahman et al., 2013).
The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the concept of Lean
Management in the operational business of the External Relations Department. Finding
waste, according to the concept of Lean Management, which exists in existing operational
business processes Provide recommendations for corrective actions so that operational
business processes become leaner.
A qualitative approach was used in this study, with a case study type of research
and was descriptive. According to Aurbech &; Silverstein quoted by Sugiyono, (2016)
qualitative research is research by analyzing texts and interview results with the intention
of finding the meaning of a phenomenon (Musavengane, 2022; Norberg-Schulz, 2013)
Primary data were obtained by conducting interviews with sources determined by
purposive sampling. The resource persons involved in this research are structural officials
(section heads and department heads) in the External Relations Department of PT XXX,
as well as experts in charge of organizational development from the HR section of PT
XXX. Secondary data in the form of work documents include Organizational Structure,
Job Description, SOP, and work reports related to operational prevention and handling of
external disturbances carried out by the External Relations Department of PT XXX.
Data collection methods in this study are interviews, observations and document
review (documentation). Internal company documents were collected and reviewed with
the interviewees. The review of this document greatly strengthens the data obtained
through observation and interviews. The data obtained through document review,
observation and interviews are then analyzed through a data reduction process so that
researchers have a clearer picture and make it easier for researchers to collect the
necessary further data (Abdussamad & SIK, 2021). After that, researchers present data in
the form of charts or diagrams to make it easier for researchers to understand the
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
phenomena that occur and discuss with the resource persons regarding the validity and
consistency of the phenomena captured by researchers. Based on this process, then the
researcher compiles a conclusion on the problem under study.
Operational Business Process in the External Relations Department
The function of the External Relations Department in the PT XXX organization is
to prevent the company's operations from stopping due to external interference and foster
good relations with stakeholders (Simao et al., 2016). The preventive measures against
the cessation of operations implemented by the External Relations Department are further
known as "Conflict Management". Conflict management includes operational processes
related to handling and resolving conflicts sourced from external parties of the company.
The operational business process flow of conflict management carried out by the External
Relations Department, PT XXX in accordance with the PT XXX Conflict Handling
Procedure is: (1) Receipt and Verification of Conflict Information. (2) Conflict Analysis.
(3) Determine conflict resolution. (4) Review of Conflict Resolution Recommendations.
(5) Implementation of Recommendations, Monitoring and Evaluation. The External
Relations Department is one of the functions in the Operation Support & Relations
Division headed by a General Manager who reports to the Director of Operations &; HSE.
This department has two sections, namely the Community Relations section and the
Conflict Management Section, each of which is headed by a Superintendent, each of
which is in charge of several Specialists or Staff, namely Community Relations
Specialists for five mining areas, one Conflict Management Specialist, one Stakeholder
Management Specialist and one Data Management Specialist.
Lean Management Analysis on Operational Business Processes of the External
Relations Department (PT XXX)
This research begins with a review of company documents in the form of
procedures / SOPs to find out a detailed picture of what operational activities are carried
out based on the principles of operations management, namely all efforts made to convert
inputs into outputs in producing services (in this case mining operation stop prevention
services). The SOPs reviewed are two SOPs issued and used by External Relations
Department personnel in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, namely Regional
Development Procedures (P-CRL-03) and Conflict Management Procedures (P-ERL-01).
The next document reviewed is the Form Job Description document to find out the
division of duties and responsibilities carried out by the department (Simao et al., 2016).
The document is the Job Description of three key positions, namely the Manager of
External Relations to simultaneously validate the functions of the External Relations
department, as well as the Job Description of two sections in the department, namely
Superintendent Community Relations and Superintendent Conflict Handling considering
that accountability (responsibility) for the implementation of operational processes lies
with each section head officer / Super1intendent.
The result of the SOP document review is process flow data that can be further
investigated related to waste in the operational process business, namely the presence or
absence of repetitive or excessive and unnecessary processes. While the results of the
Siti Nursyamsiah, Hatipah
review of the Job Description Form document are in the form of data that can be analyzed
further about waste related to the presence or absence of overlapping duties and
responsibilities between the two sections in the External Relations Department.
Researchers use a tool in the form of RACI Martix which can describe the inter-
relationship of several aspects, in this case the flow of operational processes, the parties
involved and what their roles are and other resources used. RACI Matrix was first
introduced in the 1950s, but according to Elhady & Abushama, (2015) it is very suitable
to be applied to the business environment to date, which demands flexibility and
organizational ability to adapt. In the past, the RACI Matrix was known as the "Decision
Right Matrix". RACI stands for (R) Responsible; namely the party in charge of carrying
out a task or an operational activity, (A) Accountable; i.e. the authorized party (having
responsibility) gives approval to a task or an operational activity, also called the person
in charge, (C) Consult; namely parties who need to be asked to provide input or feedback
related to the implementation of a task or an operational activity, and (I) Inform; namely
parties who need to be given regular information related to the development of the
implementation of tasks or an operational activity (Olivier & Radun, 2017). The
disaggregated and reduced data is then plotted into the RACI Matrix as follows:
Figure 1: RACI Matrix Actual
Based on the presentation of data in the RACI Matrix Actual diagram, the author
conducted interviews and discussed with the resource persons to get validation while
finding waste in the operational processes of the External Relations Department. The
principles of an effective RACI Matrix according to Suhanda & Pratami, (2021) are; (1)
Streamline communication / make team communication easy and effective, (2) No people
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
overload / adjust to the proportion of one's workload, (3) Set clear expectations / no
duplication of roles (over processing), used as a rationale to find waste.
The results of interviews and discussions with resource persons found some waste,
including; (1) The existence of operations that do not have an accountable (A) or consult
(C) role so that reference sources and information exchange processes become non-
existent so that the quality control process by the person in charge becomes minimal and
there is the potential for defects (Scrap/Defect) in the services produced. (2) The existence
of parties / functions that have no role at all which is often accompanied by a covert
distribution of tasks to other parties so that it is very possible for overload to these parties
or even duplication of roles to several parties. (3) The existence of several responsible
roles (R) and accountable roles (A) in an operational flow which are core roles that ensure
operations are carried out so as to allow for over processing.
Furthermore, researchers tried to rearrange the division of duties and
responsibilities of each function by eliminating existing waste and paying attention to the
principles of an effective RACI Matrix and proposing a Lean RACI Matrix. Some
adjustments after waste elimination in the chart are; (1) Each operational process has only
one Responsible (R) role. (2) In each process each function can contribute (there are no
empty roles). (3) Return the function of absorbing external issues in the Regional
Development and Field Report process to the Community Relations section. (4) Return
the conflict management function to the Conflict Management section. So the RACI
Matrix chart will be as shown below :
Figure 2 : RACI Matrix Lean
Siti Nursyamsiah, Hatipah
Based on the waste findings above, it can be concluded that the concept of Lean
Management has not been applied optimally to operations in the External Relations
Department (PT XXX). The finding of quite a lot of waste with the RACI Matrix Actual
model drawing tool (Figure 1) indicates that there is room for improvement that is very
possible so that operations can be more effective and efficient and the products and
services produced are of higher quality.
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American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
Copyright holders:
Siti Nursyamsiah, Hatipah (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business