American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
From the results of data processing using EViews software, it can be seen in
Table 8 that the significant value of F of 0.0005 is smaller than the degree of
significance (α = 5%), so it can be concluded that the average variables Company Size
(CS), Market Traction (MTR), Growth Rate (GRE) and Competitive Advantage (KB)
together affect the valuation of PT Linknau using the Berkus Method. From the
regression results, an adjusted R-Square of 88.1% was obtained. This means that
88.1% of PT Linknau's valuation using the Berkus Method can be explained by
independent variables in this model, while the rest is explained by other factors.
Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the financial
performance of start-ups in logistics aggregators at PT Linknau can be explained using
company valuations calculated or measured using three methods, namely the Real option
method, The first chicago method and the Berkus Method. The results show that the
valuation of the Real Option Method (ROM) from 2019 to 2023 is seen increasing. It can
be seen that the highest value of ROM valuation in 2023 is right in executing investments
and finding the optimal value of PT Linknau itself. Furthermore, The First Chicago
Method returns a value slightly above the actual value. This is because using probabilities
such as 25%, 50%, and 25%, for successful outcomes, expected outcomes, and
pessimistic outcomes respectively, the final value is weighted among the possibilities.
Considering that The First Chicago Method consistently produces higher scores than
DCF, the authors argue that overpricing is due to overbelief in optimistic scenarios.
Overall, The First Chicago Method is quite accurate in assessing start-up companies, such
as PT Linknau, compared to DCF scores. Likewise, Valuation uses The Berkus Method.
PT Linknau is at the early stage of engagement with the funding stage in the Round seed
capital leading to the series A funding stage with a pre-money valuation value of
Rp.3,524,830,240 is the company's valuation value before getting funding at the early
stage, according to the references and interview results obtained by that amount. After
that, PT Linknau's Post Money Valuation in the early stage of Rp. 5,524,830,240 is the
basis for the company to receive investment and as a basis for an investor to provide
investment to the company, and this will have an impact on the company's stock price.
On the effect of company size, profitability, economic growth rate, market traction and
competitive advantage on company valuation calculated or measured using the real option
method, the first Chicago method and berkus method using panel data regression. Overall,
it has a significant effect on the level of significance (alpha = 5%). If there are changes in
company size, profitability, economic growth rate, market traction and competitive
advantage, it will affect PT Linknau's company valuation.
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