American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2023
participants, the survey is conducted by BPS with basic data taken from the list data of
BLT recipients in the Very Poor and Poor categories, and other supporting data and in
conducting surveys, officers consist of BPS and Supervisory elements (PKH
Implementation Guidelines 2021).
After the data is available, it is then filtered again based on the requirements for
PKH membership which must have criteria, namely in the health component of having
pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding and toddler women, having children aged 0-6 years
who have not entered basic education. Furthermore, the education component is for
children aged SD/MI/package A/SDLB (aged 7-12 years), junior high school / MTS /
Package B children (aged 12-15 years), high school / MA children (18-21 years), children
7-21 years who have not completed 12 years of education. Finally, for the social welfare
component, people with severe disabilities, and the elderly aged 70 years and over (PKH
Implementation Guidelines 2021).
If 6 consecutive months do not fulfill the commitment to attend health and
education service facilities in accordance with the protocols applicable in each service
facility, they will be permanently excluded from PKH membership, even though they still
meet the PKH criteria (PKH Implementation Guidelines 2021) (Utami et al., 2021).
PKH in 2021 is allocated to 10 million beneficiary families. Assistance is carried
out within a year. Meanwhile, assistance is carried out quarterly, namely January, April,
July, and October. MOSA limits PKH assistance if there are pregnant women, students,
the elderly, or disabilities in a family (Li & Hua, 2023). The calculation of PKH social
assistance is limited to a maximum of four people in one family. This limitation of
calculation is contained in the Decree of the Director of Family Social Security on the
Social Assistance Index. (, 2021)
Furthermore, the poor recipients of Family Hope Program (PKH) funds in
Bengkulu Province, in 2021 were 78,172 people or equivalent to a nominal value of IDR
56 billion. Of these, spread in North Bengkulu Regency as many as 14,072 people,
Bengkulu City 10,728 people, Rejang Lebong 10,668 people, Seluma 8,650 people, South
Bengkulu 6,953 people, Mukomuko 6,482 people, Kaur 5,945 people, Central Bengkulu
5,181 people, Kepahiang 5,003 people and Lebong 4,490 people. (Ewartaco, 2021).
The problem in the field of education is that there are still PKH participants who
get reprimands for the lack of activeness/participation of children in schools and the lack
of early childhood education. Educational facilities can be said to spread in almost every
village although there are still some villages that do not have educational facilities. PKH
participants are also less active in participating in monthly meetings.
Furthermore, a number of lists of PKH beneficiaries in 2019 in Talang Tinggi
Village, West Seluma District, this triggered social jealousy. This is after being judged
not right on target from a number of recipients using old data. He hopes that the Social
Service and related parties in the future can distribute PKH assistance on target with valid
data collection and involving the community. Don't just shoot and use old data, verify the
data every year so that PKH recipients are really right on target (Algo News, 2019)
(McGushin et al., 2023).
Then a similar case occurred based on data (Bengkulu Ekspres, 2019) of a number
of names of recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Napalan Village, Talo
District, according to PKH recipient residents are the village head's family, the village
secretary's family and the village apparatus family, even though there are still many
residents who really need it than them. In addition, BPS has never been involved in PKH
programs and BPS itself does not know which residents can get PKH and other social