Sayudin, Widia Ningsih, Isma Elan Maulani, Tedi Herdianto
premises. Based on Law No. 20/2008 on Small Business Criteria, a small business is a
business with a net worth of between Rp 50,000,000,00 and Rp 500,000,000,00,
excluding land and buildings of the business premises, or has annual sales between Rp
300,000,000,00 and Rp 2,500,000,000,00. Meanwhile, a medium-sized enterprise is a
business with a net worth between IDR 500,000,000,000 and IDR 10,000,000,000,
excluding land and buildings of the business premises, or has annual sales revenue
between IDR 2,500,000,000 and IDR 50,000,000,000 (Kosasi, 2022).
Small and medium-sized industries (SMIs) play an important role in the
Indonesian economy. According to data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMIs, in
2020, SMIs accounted for around 61% of the total workforce in Indonesia and
contributed around 60.3% of national GDP. In addition, SMIs are also a source of
innovation and creativity in creating unique products and services that have high added
value to the Indonesian economy. Therefore, the development and empowerment of
SMIs is one of the main focuses in efforts to increase Indonesia's economic growth
(Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, 2020).
However, SMIs often experience difficulties in marketing their products for
several reasons. First, SMIs often have limited resources, such as capital, labor,
technology, and adequate production facilities. These resource limitations can affect
product quality and quantity, as well as the ability of SMIs to meet market demand
(Wuryadani & Meilani, 2013). Second, SMIs often face limited market access. This is
due to a lack of knowledge and skills in marketing, as well as limited access to markets
and extensive distribution networks. SMIs tend to have limited markets, such as at the
local or regional level, making it difficult to expand the market to a wider area
(Sunariani et al., 2017). In addition, SMIs also often face intense competition with large
or foreign companies that have advantages in terms of technology, capital, and wider
distribution networks. This can affect the competitiveness and long-term sustainability
of SMIs (Sedyastuti, 2018).
Due to limited resources and market access, SMIs need an appropriate marketing
strategy to help them increase sales and expand their market. With an effective
marketing strategy, SMIs can identify their target audience, create an attractive brand
image, and develop a plan to promote their products or services to potential customers
(Musfar & Se, 2020). This can help them overcome the challenges of limited resources
and market access and ultimately achieve their business goals. Based on the background
description, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title "Analysis of
Product Marketing Strategy in Small and Medium Industries".
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, using case studies on three
SMIs in the Jabodetabek area. According to (Sugiyono, 2016), descriptive qualitative
method is a research approach based on the philosophy of postpositivism and is used to
observe natural objects, different from experiments. Data were obtained through
literature studies and interviews with SMI owners and managers, as well as direct
observation of products and marketing processes. Data were collected through
interviews with SMI owners and managers, as well as direct observation of products
and marketing processes. Interviews were conducted using structured interview
guidelines, while observations were made by observing the product marketing process
and its distribution channels. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis