American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
Analysis of Product Marketing Strategies in Small and Medium
Nama :
Widia Ningsih,
Isma Elan Maulani,
Tedi Herdianto
Affiliasi :
Universitas Gunung Djati,
Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon,
Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia
Small and medium industries (SMIs) are an important sector in the Indonesian
economy. However, SMIs often experience difficulties in marketing their products due
to limited resources and limited market access. Therefore, an appropriate marketing
strategy is needed to help SMIs increase sales and expand the market. This study aims
to analyze the product marketing strategy of SMIs, especially in terms of determining
the right market segment, selecting effective distribution channels, and setting
appropriate prices. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, using case
studies on three SMIs in the Jabodetabek area. Data were obtained through literature
study and interviews with owners and managers of SMIs, as well as direct observation
of products and marketing processes. Data were collected through interviews with
owners and managers of SMIs, as well as direct observation of products and marketing
processes. Interviews were conducted using structured interview guidelines, while
observations were made by observing the product marketing process and its distribution
channels. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, namely
by collecting data, reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. The results
showed that the three SMIs that became the object of research have different marketing
strategies. However, there are similarities in terms of determining the right market
segment and selecting effective distribution channels. In addition, appropriate pricing is
also an important factor in the product marketing strategy of SMIs. In conclusion, the
right marketing strategy can help SMIs increase sales and expand the market.
Keywords: Strategy, Marketing, Products, Small and Medium Industries.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Small Industrial Company is a company engaged in industry with a maximum
investment value of Rp 200,000,000,- (two hundred million rupiah), excluding land and
buildings of the business premises (Kristina, 2010). Meanwhile, an Intermediate
Industrial Company is a company engaged in industry with an investment value of more
than Rp 200,000,000,- (two hundred million rupiah) to a maximum of Rp
10,000,000,000,- (ten billion rupiah), excluding land and buildings of the business
Sayudin, Widia Ningsih, Isma Elan Maulani, Tedi Herdianto
premises. Based on Law No. 20/2008 on Small Business Criteria, a small business is a
business with a net worth of between Rp 50,000,000,00 and Rp 500,000,000,00,
excluding land and buildings of the business premises, or has annual sales between Rp
300,000,000,00 and Rp 2,500,000,000,00. Meanwhile, a medium-sized enterprise is a
business with a net worth between IDR 500,000,000,000 and IDR 10,000,000,000,
excluding land and buildings of the business premises, or has annual sales revenue
between IDR 2,500,000,000 and IDR 50,000,000,000 (Kosasi, 2022).
Small and medium-sized industries (SMIs) play an important role in the
Indonesian economy. According to data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMIs, in
2020, SMIs accounted for around 61% of the total workforce in Indonesia and
contributed around 60.3% of national GDP. In addition, SMIs are also a source of
innovation and creativity in creating unique products and services that have high added
value to the Indonesian economy. Therefore, the development and empowerment of
SMIs is one of the main focuses in efforts to increase Indonesia's economic growth
(Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, 2020).
However, SMIs often experience difficulties in marketing their products for
several reasons. First, SMIs often have limited resources, such as capital, labor,
technology, and adequate production facilities. These resource limitations can affect
product quality and quantity, as well as the ability of SMIs to meet market demand
(Wuryadani & Meilani, 2013). Second, SMIs often face limited market access. This is
due to a lack of knowledge and skills in marketing, as well as limited access to markets
and extensive distribution networks. SMIs tend to have limited markets, such as at the
local or regional level, making it difficult to expand the market to a wider area
(Sunariani et al., 2017). In addition, SMIs also often face intense competition with large
or foreign companies that have advantages in terms of technology, capital, and wider
distribution networks. This can affect the competitiveness and long-term sustainability
of SMIs (Sedyastuti, 2018).
Due to limited resources and market access, SMIs need an appropriate marketing
strategy to help them increase sales and expand their market. With an effective
marketing strategy, SMIs can identify their target audience, create an attractive brand
image, and develop a plan to promote their products or services to potential customers
(Musfar & Se, 2020). This can help them overcome the challenges of limited resources
and market access and ultimately achieve their business goals. Based on the background
description, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title "Analysis of
Product Marketing Strategy in Small and Medium Industries".
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, using case studies on three
SMIs in the Jabodetabek area. According to (Sugiyono, 2016), descriptive qualitative
method is a research approach based on the philosophy of postpositivism and is used to
observe natural objects, different from experiments. Data were obtained through
literature studies and interviews with SMI owners and managers, as well as direct
observation of products and marketing processes. Data were collected through
interviews with SMI owners and managers, as well as direct observation of products
and marketing processes. Interviews were conducted using structured interview
guidelines, while observations were made by observing the product marketing process
and its distribution channels. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
techniques, namely by collecting data, reducing data, displaying data, and drawing
conclusions (Rijali, 2019).
Product marketing strategies in small and medium industries (SMIs) are very
important to increase sales and expand the market. Marketing needs to be taken
seriously by SMIs. Especially in the process of determining the marketing strategy must
be really mature, so that the chosen marketing strategy will be able to penetrate the
market. Moreover, in the current condition of increasingly fierce competition, the ability
to capture market share will affect the survival of the SMIs themselves (Wibowo &
Zainul, 2015).
In the context of increasingly fierce global competition, SMIs need to be able to
develop the right marketing strategy in order to compete with large companies and
increase their competitiveness (Ulfah et all, 2021). With the right marketing strategy,
SMIs can determine the right market segment and recognize the needs and desires of
consumers, so that they can produce products that are more in line with market needs. In
addition, the selection of effective distribution channels can help SMIs reach a wider
market and expand market coverage..
The importance of the marketing strategy, the researcher interviewed the owners
and managers of three SMIs including Handicraft Industry, Food and Beverage Industry
and Fashion Industry in Jabodetabek area. Based on the results of the interview, the data
SMI A - Handicraft Industry
The product marketing strategy of SMI A has three important components,
namely determining the right market segment, selecting effective distribution channels,
and setting appropriate prices. First, SMI A determines the right market segment,
namely the upper middle class who care about the value of art and culture. This is done
so that the products produced can attract the desired market interest and get added value
from the artistic and cultural values packed in the product. Second, the selection of
effective distribution channels is done by selling products through online stores that are
integrated with social media. With the integration of online stores and social media,
SMI A can reach a wider market and promote its products effectively. In addition, with
an online store, consumers can easily see the products being sold and make purchases
quickly and easily. Third, pricing in accordance with product quality is an important
factor in the product marketing strategy at SMI A. The price set must take into account
product quality, production costs, and also market purchasing power. With the right
price, consumers will feel satisfied with the quality of the products they get and SMI A
can earn adequate profits to develop its business.
SMI B - Food and Beverage Industry
The product marketing strategy of SMI B includes several aspects, namely
determining the right market segment, selecting effective distribution channels, and
setting appropriate prices. In terms of determining market segments, SMI B targets the
general public who like traditional Indonesian food and beverages, which can include
various ages and backgrounds. This is in line with the characteristics of SMI B's
products, which are traditional Indonesian food and beverages that have their own
charm and uniqueness. For the selection of distribution channels, SMI B uses online
stores as the main channel to market its products, which can reach a wider market. In
addition, SMI B also establishes partnerships with traditional shops such as stalls and
Sayudin, Widia Ningsih, Isma Elan Maulani, Tedi Herdianto
markets to expand market reach and improve product accessibility. This strategy can
help SMI B expand its market and reach a wider range of potential consumers.
Finally, appropriate pricing is also an important factor in the product marketing
strategy of SMI B. The price offered must be in accordance with the quality of the
product and competitive with the market price in order to compete with similar products
on the market. In this case, SMI B can also consider its product advantage factors, such
as quality raw materials and traditional production processes to set higher prices and
position the product as a premium product.
SMI C - Fashion Industry
The marketing strategy at SMI C is done by determining the right market
segment, namely teenagers and adults who want to look fashionable with affordable
clothes. This is an effort to focus on a particular market so that marketing can be more
effective. In addition, to reach a wider market, SMI C uses effective distribution
channels such as selling products through online stores and by collaborating with local
fashion stores that have the same target market. In SMI C's marketing strategy, it is also
important to pay attention to pricing in accordance with product quality and market
prices. Prices that are too expensive can make potential buyers reluctant to buy, while
prices that are too low can make consumers doubt the quality of the product. Therefore,
proper pricing is an important factor in the marketing strategy.
Based on the research, the three SMIs have different marketing strategies,
however, there are some similarities. One of these similarities is in terms of determining
the right market segment. The three SMIs have a clear and specific target market, so
they can customize the right products and marketing strategies to meet the needs and
desires of their consumers. In addition, the three SMIs also choose effective distribution
channels. They utilize online platforms such as online stores and social media to sell
their products, thus reaching a wider market and increasing product exposure. However,
they also do not forget traditional distribution channels such as local shops that can help
them reach different markets. Lastly, pricing according to product quality and market
price is also an important factor in the product marketing strategy of the three SMIs.
They have to consider various factors such as production cost, profit margin, and market
competition to determine the right price for their products. With the right marketing
strategy, the three SMIs can increase their sales and expand their market.
Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) are an important sector in the Indonesian
economy. However, they often face challenges in marketing their products due to
limited resources and restricted market access. Therefore, an appropriate marketing
strategy is needed to help SMIs increase their sales and expand their market. Based on
the research findings, it was found that the three SMIs studied have different marketing
strategies. However, there are similarities in important aspects of the marketing strategy,
such as identifying the right target market and choosing effective distribution channels.
In addition, appropriate pricing is also an important factor in the SMIs' marketing
strategy. Based on these conclusions, it can be concluded that a proper and effective
marketing strategy can help SMIs in increasing their sales and expanding their market.
Therefore, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the marketing aspects of products in
SMIs in order to compete and survive in an increasingly competitive market.
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
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Copyright holders:
Sayudin, Widia Ningsih, Isma Elan Maulani, Tedi Herdianto (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business