American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
Ananda Tiara Khotimah, Sephia Tri Claudya, Pandya Pangestu
Pembangunan Jaya University, Indonesia
Corporate culture has a relationship with employee performance; the better the corporate
culture, the higher the level of employee performance. Furthermore, it was found that
corporate culture has a relationship with employee innovation, and if the corporate culture
is better, then employees can contribute to the growth of innovation. This is consistent
with published theory and research and has served as a foundation for the notion that
innovation and collaboration within an organization have implications for overall
organizational health. Therefore, the authors are encouraged to be more detailed about
the relationship between the cultural business community and employee motivation and
performance, which can be revealed through several general indicators that will be
discussed in this article.
Keywords: Corporate Culture, Employee Performance, and Employee Innovation.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Every business has a significant impact on employee productivity and innovation.
Corporate culture is the values, norms and behaviors that are shared in the organization
(Asbari et al., 2020). It affects the way people work, social interactions, and the amount
of money the organization has. When a company's culture is supported by strong
management and consistent implementation, it can inspire employees to work harder and
innovate. This can be seen from the increase in productivity, product quality, customer
service, and operational efficiency. In addition, businesses that encourage innovation can
create a more conducive work environment and encourage employee creativity.
Innovation is the melting or introduction of things that are different from those that exist
or are known before, renewal, new discoveries that are different from those that exist or
have been known before (Rosyiana, 2019).
Employees who step in and are given the freedom to create and develop new ideas
will be more motivated to produce innovations that benefit the organization (Sidin &
Herno Della, 2021). However, if a company's culture doesn't encourage innovation and
employee productivity, it can lead to burnout and a lack of motivation to work hard. This
can have a negative impact on organizational performance at all levels. In addition, a good
company that encourages innovation can have a positive impact on employee productivity
Ananda Tiara Khotimah, Sephia Tri Claudya, Pandya Pangestu
and innovation, whereas a bad company can have a negative impact on employee
productivity and innovation. As a result, businesses must prioritize and develop a culture
that encourages innovation and employee productivity to increase organizational
productivity and growth. According to Hari Sulaksono (2019), performance is the result
of work and work behavior that has been achieved in fulfilling the duties and
responsibilities given during a certain period of time.
In today's competitive environment, every business must be able to grow and
develop by implementing various strategies outlined in employee productivity
improvement programs. There are many factors associated with improving business
operations (Tsauri, 2014). The single most important factor that businesses must pay
attention to in order to achieve their goals is the factor that affects human capital (HR).
According to Hari Sulaksono (2019), organizational/corporate culture is the values that
become human resources in carrying out their obligations and behavior in the
organization. Humans as business owners are a major factor because business depends on
the people who live around it. Human Resources are competent in carrying out the tasks
needed to be able to achieve the goals of the company.
Human resource management aims to improve the effectiveness of human
resources in the organization, thus forming an effective work unit (Bratton et al., 2021).
To achieve these goals, companies must evaluate various aspects related to things that
can provide motivation, passion, and desire to work harder, so that it has a positive impact
on the company. Increasing employee motivation to work is both a task and a necessity.
Community resource management. This results in human resource managers executing a
Long strategy. Among the many benefits are the ability to pursue a career, build a stable
work environment, improve organizational culture, and so on (Andriani et al., 2022).
community resource management. This results in human resource managers
executing a Long strategy. Among the many benefits are the ability to pursue a career,
build a stable work environment, improve organizational culture, and so on. Employees
will be more motivated and committed if their responsibilities are aligned with those of
the company. Successful business organization is essential to increase employee
productivity. An organizational culture that violates and acts for all employees. Work
motivation is one of the important things in employee performance at work. Motivating
employees is very important for their success in their work, because motivation is the
readiness of a special person to perform or continue a series of activities aimed at
achieving some predetermined goals.
According to Sugiyono (2018), research using literature review is very important in
conducting research because scientific-based literature will not be used as a source of
research findings. This is because the study will not depart from scientific-based
literature. Data handling is carried out by explaining and linking with literature related to
the problems raised, especially literature on the role of village apparatus and village funds.
This section is considered a theoretical landing and a practical guide when analyzing a
problem. The author relies on literature research in the data collection process by
collecting information about how employee performance and innovation affect company
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
In the research journal "The Effect of Innovative Behavior and Work
Involvement on Employee Performance" written by (Hadi et al., 2020) the purpose of
the study is to examine the influence of innovative behavior variables and work
involvement on employee performance.
The results of this study show that innovative behavior affects employee
performance, and work involvement affects employee performance. The success of one
company is inseparable from the performance of its employees, and today's companies
are also increasingly dependent on the efforts of employees. The focus of a business is
how to encourage, support, and cultivate innovative ideas from its employees. Companies
are also expected to have the ability to treat their employees fairly when they are fired.
In the research journal "The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work
Environment on Organizational Commitment" written by (Musmulyadi & Sari, 2020)
the purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of organizational culture variables
and work environment on organizational commitment.
The results of this study show that organizational commitment is not optimal, as
evidenced by the existence of recapitalization data at the expense of very low paid
workers and consequently lack of worker motivation to do their jobs well. Physical work
environment that does not support is work equipment and work equipment that does not
support because some of it has been damaged. Stacking files that are not neatly organized.
There is a significant difference between work done by religious organizations and work
done by diverse linguists in relation to organizational commitment. Instead, the majority
of them cited the importance of organizational diversity to organizational commitment
among key personnel. Some people say that work environment variables affect the
organization of employee committees.
In the research journal "The influence of corporate culture on work motivation and
its impact on employee performance" written by (Safitri, 2018) has the purpose of
research to know the extent of the influence of corporate culture on work motivation and
its impact on employee performance.
The results of this study show that Corporate Culture affects work motivation. This
means that if the company's culture is improved, then work motivation will increase as
well. Work motivation affects employee performance. This means that if work motivation
is increased, then employee performance will increase as well. Company culture affects
employee performance. This means that if the company culture is improved, then
employee performance will increase as well.
Based on the results of the research Business culture is growing rapidly, with
service excellence as the leading indicator. In addition, work motivation also changes
significantly (Johanson & Vahlne, 2003). Thus, business companies know more about
their work motivation. Based on the results of very strong work motivation research, the
most important indicator is recognition. However, the work done by the Karayawan
people is still very demanding. Thus, work motivation directed at improving employee
performance will increase. On the other hand, the working day is still developing very
fast . In this way, business practices are fair to the work of employees.
In the research journal "The influence of organizational culture and achievement
motivation on employee performance through innovative behavior" written by (Muslim
et al., 2021) has a research objective to determine and analyze the influence of
Organizational Culture and Achievement Motivation on employee performance through
innovative behavior.
Ananda Tiara Khotimah, Sephia Tri Claudya, Pandya Pangestu
The result of this study is that religious organizations harm the work of employees.
Motivation affects the work of employees. Innovative innovation affects employee
performance. Organizations in the business world are committed to innovation. The
Achievement Motive is based on innovative potential. Innovative Behavior partially
mediates the relationship between organizational culture and achievement motivation to
employee performance, with a stronger direct effect alongside its mediation.
In the research journal "The influence of corporate culture on employee
performance" written by (Awiara et al., 2022) has the purpose of research describing
Corporate Culture and employee performance, as well as to analyze the Influence of
Corporate Culture on employee performance.
The results of this study Corporate Culture affect performance. To maintain and
improve the existing Corporate Culture in the company and employee performance, so
that it remains at a very high criterion and must pay attention to other factors that can be
developed again.
Corporate Culture consists of 5 indicators, namely Quality, Integrity, Teamwork,
Innovative, Responsive which overall shows very high variable achievements, while
employee performance consists of Effectiveness, Responsibility, Discipline, Initiative
showing high variable achievements. The test results prove that the Corporate Culture
variable affects Employee Performance, which is supported by the disclosure that the
ability of the Corporate Culture variable to apply the Employee Performance variable is
relatively weak.
Based on literature studies obtained from several previous studies by looking at the
variables used in accordance with the title of our article, as well as indicators and some
provisions of these studies are the same and in accordance with the title for further study.
A company is able to have various innovation factors for employees at every level or
level. Every time, employees work harder to achieve set goals if they see themselves as
part of the company. Employee performance that affects the company's culture will
improve the quality of employees with the good culture built in the company.
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Copyright holders:
Ananda Tiara Khotimah, Sephia Tri Claudya, Pandya Pangestu (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business