American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
The company has the power to influence a person's attitude, behavior and way of
thinking. The organizational structure consists of employees with various descriptions
that vary in various contexts, such as nation or ethnicity, religion or belief. When all
employees in the company are involved in ensuring that employee welfare is upheld,
everyone in the company can work together to achieve the goals set by the company. A
company needs to have a unique and independent corporate culture that can encourage
every employee to achieve business goals.
Everyday organizations are capable of having various motivational factors for
employees at every level or level. At all times, employees work harder to achieve
organizational goals if they see themselves as part of the company. The different
working days that operate in one company can also affect the employee's work path.
According to this paragraph, it can be concluded from the data that the various
types of organizational units that make up multinational corporations have cultural
units, and all these units have important components for achieving organizational
effectiveness that contribute to their success.
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