American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
Literature Study of the Effect of Corporate Culture on Work
Motivation and Employee Performance
Ayundah Riani, Vanya Raghdatul Asya, Fachrizal Satrio Putro Yuwono
Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
Corporate culture has a relationship to employee motivation, the better the corporate
culture, the higher the level of work motivation possessed by employees. Furthermore,
it was found that corporate culture also has a relationship with employee performance,
where if the corporate culture is getting better it can have an effect on improving
employee performance. This is of course in line with the theories and studies that have
been spread and form the basis that the motivation and performance of a company's
company have an influence on the company's culture. Therefore, the authors decided to
discuss further about the relationship between corporate culture and employee
motivation and performance which can be assessed through several general indicators
that will be discussed in this article.
Keywords: Company Culture, Work Motivation and Employee Performance.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Identification with specific, clear company goals can help employees feel more
connected to those goals and the company's goals (Sinambela, 2021). This can increase
employee motivation and performance because they believe their work has a greater
purpose and purpose. A more effective form of communication will encourage less
chaotic and urgent communication, which can help create a more harmonious work
environment and foster trust between employees and management (Mardiana, 2013).
This can increase employee motivation and improve their performance, as they feel
supported and valued. Increased employee engagement encourages employees to
participate as well as provides opportunities to improve business processes (Susyanto,
More effective forms of communication will lead to more chaotic and urgent
communication, which can help create a more harmonious work environment and foster
trust between employees and management (Astuti & Iverizkinawati, 2019). Employees
feel valued and ignored in their careers, and are able to absorb new information and
understanding gained at work. A healthy work environment can improve worker
performance and productivity (Ghoniyah, 2011). This applies to a physically and
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
psychologically healthy workplace. Those who are honest, ethical, and fairly
compensated tend to be more motivated and have better jobs.
The large number of employees who change places can be caused because the
company culture is lacking or not in line with these employees. Organizational culture
is defined as 'the pattern of basic assumptions that a particular group creates, discovers,
or develops in learning to deal with problems of external adaptation and internal
integration patterns of assumptions that have worked well enough to be considered
valid and, therefore, to be taught. to new members as the correct way to see, think, and
feel in relation to those problems'. And Organizational Culture can also be said as the
identity of organizational members and the social glue that unites the organization
(Yumuk & Kurgun, 2020).
According to (Supardi, 2003), corporate culture is values that are a catalyst for
human resources in advancing their obligations and behavior within the organization.
Motivation is the driving force that compels a person to perform an action should be
considered to encourage employees who are satisfied with their current job to reach the
next stage of their career path, and to achieve higher performance. Work motivation will
have a positive effect on employee performance (Kongcharoen et al., 2020). Employee
performance is the contribution made by employees to the company which can be
identified from the work of employees. the performance of individual employees is a
factor that influences the success of an organization (Safitri, 2018).
Research on employee performance and the factors that influence it is based on
the fact that employee performance is a crucial factor that must be considered by
companies, because employee performance is a determinant of overall performance.
Employees who have high performance will mobilize all their potential to complete the
work carried out in accordance with the standards set. both in terms of quality, quantity,
and time standards. Conformity of work performed by employees with predetermined
performance standards.
This research was carried out with the support of theoretical and empirical studies
as well as facts in the field which are interesting phenomena to study. In addition, from
the results of previous studies, there are several variables that influence employee
performance, which still show different results, even contradicting the results of one
study and the results of another study. This is the research gap in this study, so it is very
interesting and further research is needed related to this research gap (Sasongko et al.,
In collecting data, the authors rely on library research, namely through gathering
information about how motivation and work habits of employees affect business ethics.
According to (Sugiyono, 2017) data analysis is the process of systematically searching
and compiling data obtained from extracting data and then organizing it into several
categories so that it is easily understood by oneself and others. Artistic data is also
called qualitative because the data obtained is patterned and naturalistic in nature, as it
is (Sugiyono, 2017).
In the research journal "The influence of corporate culture on work motivation
and its impact on employee performance" written by (Safitri, 2018) has a research
Ayundah Riani, Vanya Raghdatul Asya, Fachrizal Satrio Putro Yuwono
objective, namely to determine the extent to which corporate culture influences work
motivation and its impact on employee performance.
The results of this study indicate that corporate culture influences work
motivation. This means that if the corporate culture is improved, then work motivation
will also increase. Work motivation affects employee performance. This means that if
work motivation is increased, then employee performance will also increase. Corporate
culture influences employee performance. This means that if the corporate culture
increases, then employee performance will also increase.
The results of business analysis of a company that has been very successful
recently, the main indicator is the level of excellence in their customer service. Thus,
business influences employee motivation (Hardiyansyah, 2018). Very strong work
motivation, has the most important indicator is recognition. However, the work done by
an employee is still very demanding. This positive work motivation will also increase
the level of employee satisfaction. The main indicator of increased productivity is
quantity. On the other hand, working days still matter. By following these guidelines,
the company has a positive relationship with the employee's work.
In the research journal "The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work
Motivation on Employee Performance" written by (Anggraini et al., 2020) the research
objective is to analyze the Effect of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on
Employee Performance.
The results obtained state that organizational culture and work motivation affect
employee performance. Organizational culture has a dominant influence on employee
performance (Wardani et al., 2016). Based on the results of the study, it is estimated that
over time, organizational development goals will become more realistic and able to
express themselves honestly and fully. In addition, it is necessary to conduct reward-
based training for employees, either through the provision of educational materials,
career-related performance standards, or training tailored to the unique needs of each
employee in order to increase employee motivation.
The results of the analysis and discussion regarding the impact of organizational
factors and motivation on work, organizational structure and motivation affect
employee performance. Organizational culture and motivation have a causal and
significant effect on employee performance with a positive or constructive relationship.
Organizational culture has insights regarding domination of how employees work.
In the research journal "The Influence of Organizational Culture on Work
Motivation and Employee Performance" written by (Sasongko et al., 2022) the research
objective is to examine the effect of organizational culture on employee motivation and
The results of the study concluded that organizational culture influences employee
motivation, the better the organization, the higher the level of employee motivation.
Furthermore, it was found that organizational culture and work motivation also affect
employee performance, and if organizational culture and motivation increase, they can
contribute to increased employee productivity (Jufrizen et al., 2021). Organizational
culture affects employee motivation, organizational culture influences employee
performance, work motivation influences employee performance.
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 3 March 2023
The company has the power to influence a person's attitude, behavior and way of
thinking. The organizational structure consists of employees with various descriptions
that vary in various contexts, such as nation or ethnicity, religion or belief. When all
employees in the company are involved in ensuring that employee welfare is upheld,
everyone in the company can work together to achieve the goals set by the company. A
company needs to have a unique and independent corporate culture that can encourage
every employee to achieve business goals.
Everyday organizations are capable of having various motivational factors for
employees at every level or level. At all times, employees work harder to achieve
organizational goals if they see themselves as part of the company. The different
working days that operate in one company can also affect the employee's work path.
According to this paragraph, it can be concluded from the data that the various
types of organizational units that make up multinational corporations have cultural
units, and all these units have important components for achieving organizational
effectiveness that contribute to their success.
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Copyright holders:
Ayundah Riani, Vanya Raghdatul Asya, Fachrizal Satrio Putro Yuwono (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business