American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
, Aldian Yusup
, Rudi Ferdiansah
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia
Email: sayudinsay93@gmail.com, yusufaldian895@gmail.com,
This study aims to analyze the service management system in Hajj and Umrah travel in
order to improve the quality of prospective pilgrims, including: planning, organizing,
implementing and evaluating. Providing good service or services to the congregation
will provide satisfaction to the congregation which in turn will create the loyalty of the
congregation to the manager (travel) concerned. The research was made based on its
nature using descriptive methods. The results obtained are that the service applied to
PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata is quite good because its implementation is in accordance
with theory and practice.
Keywords: Management, Services, Travel Services.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Every human being, especially Muslims, wants every human being, especially
Muslims, to want perfection in worship by carrying out all the commands of Allah SWT
and staying away from all His prohibitions. Umrah worship activities have sides that
must be considered in its implementation (Aziz, 2007). That is, the standards for
implementation when still in the homeland, there are many important aspects that must
be considered for development, such as in service services, namely: (management of
Umrah documents, medical examinations for prospective pilgrims), and manasik
guidance, namely: (guidance material, guidance methods and time), provision of
equipment and religious consultation. The standard for Umrah worship services in the
holy land includes accommodation, transportation, consumption, protection, migration
and health services (Yusni, 2015). However, the implementation of Umrah services so
far has been less effective and efficient.
This also affects the quality of service delivery and protection for pilgrims. In
order for the purpose of carrying out the Umrah pilgrimage to be successful and
achieving the targets to be achieved, it is necessary to have management, both
management in the field of service, counseling and guidance, rituals and so on. So that
what the pilgrims aspire to in performing the Umrah pilgrimage can be obtained
Sayudin, Aldian Yusup, Rudi Ferdiansah
perfectly and satisfactorily. So this opportunity is being looked at not only by the
government but also by the organizing bureaus competing to attract the sympathy of the
congregation. All of them are competing to offer coaching, service and protection with
the advantages of different facilities for popularity. This is where these institutions play
a role.
Providing good service or services to the congregation will provide satisfaction to
the congregation which will ultimately create the loyalty of the congregation to the
manager (travel) concerned (Hanim, 2020). If the service for services is perceived as
good and satisfactory, vice versa if the service or services received are lower than
expected. Then the quality will be considered bad. one of the characteristics of good
service can provide satisfaction to the congregation, namely having professional
employees, the availability of complete and high-quality facilities and infrastructure, all
wishes available and of course being able to take full responsibility until completion
(Sari, 2021).
In Law Number 13 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of the Hajj
Pilgrimage, it regulates a series of activities for managing the implementation of the
Hajj which includes coaching, service and protection of pilgrims. The purpose of
organizing the pilgrimage is to provide the best possible guidance, service and
protection for pilgrims so that pilgrims can perform their worship in accordance with
the provisions of Islamic teachings (Refenza, 2022). The implementation of the
pilgrimage is carried out based on the principles of fairness, professionalism and
accountability with non-profit principles (Ilmiyatin & Jundah, 2018). In realizing
people's welfare, optimal service is needed for the community, active participation from
the wider community also helps to achieve better services. So the government apparatus
must be more capable and responsive in providing services in various fields and sectors.
This ability and response can be obtained by simplifying service procedures and
procedures. So that people who need services feel the convenience, smoothness, and
certainty. With good and optimal service it is expected to achieve national development
goals, namely creating a law-abiding, modern civilized, democratic, just, prosperous
and highly moral civil society. who must carry out services in a fair and equitable
manner to the community based on loyalty and obedience to Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution. Public service management is the overall service management activity
carried out by the government which is operationally carried out by the technical
implementing units (UPT) of the Ministry/ Government agencies or state-owned legal
entities in accordance with their authority, both direct and indirect services through
certain policies (Revida et al., 2021).
This study aims to analyze the service management system in Hajj and Umrah
travel in order to improve the quality of prospective pilgrims, including: Planning,
organizing, implementing and evaluating.
The research was made based on its nature using the descriptive method (Syahril
Iskandar, 2020), in which the descriptive method is a method that does not look for or
explain relationships, does not test hypotheses or predictions but is used as a practical
way to explain and describe Hajj and Umrah travel services at PT. JGroup Amanah
The data sources obtained in this study were based on two methods, including
using secondary data, namely data obtained directly from respondents in the form of
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
notes, interview results and observations. The data is then obtained from written sources
using library research techniques which refer to sources available both online and
offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. Data
collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and research. This
data is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn.
Service management who must show a ready attitude in all matters of any activity,
also provide the best service to their congregation, look polite and be friendly, and be
able to communicate so as to create good relations with their congregation (Lay, 2021).
In terms of services provided by an institution or company, it cannot be separated from
the name of the service as expected by consumers as well as in the affairs of the
institution. In general, good service is service that is fast, honest, and open. The services
coveted by the community are: 1) Ease of managing interests; 2) Obtain reasonable
service; 3) Get equal treatment without favoritism; 4) Get honest and frank treatment.
To carry out all of this, of course, appropriate management is needed in the field of
service to pilgrims at these institutions or companies. Management factors must also be
carried out with predetermined conditions. As for Terry to determine and achieve
organizational goals can be done by implementing the functions of planning,
organizing, actuating and supervision (Controling).
The service that is coveted by the community is the ease of managing interests;
obtain reasonable services; get equal treatment without favoritism; get honest and frank
treatment (Ningsih & Jehadianti, 2019). To carry out all of this, of course, appropriate
management is needed in the field of service to pilgrims at these institutions or
Hajj services managed by the government through the Ministry of Religion of the
Republic of Indonesia and regulated in Law no. 17 of 1999, as well as Decree of the
Minister of Religion No. 244 of 1999 concerning the implementation of Hajj and
Umrah as well as Decree of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance and
Hajj Affairs Number D/296 of 1999 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of
Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimage. In this case the Ministry of Religion in carrying out the
services of pilgrims is to provide services needed by pilgrims starting from the
registration process to the process of departure of pilgrims to the holy land of Mecca, in
collaboration with relevant agencies appointed by the government. 37 Thus the
management of Hajj services and Umrah is a series of activities or is said to be a
management process, namely the management side regulates and controls the service
process, so that the mechanism of service activities can run orderly, smoothly, right on
target and satisfying for those who must be served.
Service Planning for Hajj and Umrah Travel PT. JGroup Amanah Wisata
Hajj planning is a thought process, both in outline and in detail, of a job to be
carried out to achieve the best and most economical certainty as an illustration of an
activity that will come within a certain time and the method to be used in connection
with the implementation of the pilgrimage. For the planning of Hajj and Umrah services
PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata certainly requires several predefined programs, including:
Pre/pre-Hajj and Umrah services, Hajj pilgrimage implementation services, and post-
Haj/caravan services (alumni association). The programs provided by KBIH Salman
ITB are as follows: a) Pre/pre haj and umrah services; Pre-/pre-haj planning relates to
the preparations that will be planned before the departure of the pilgrimage to the holy
Sayudin, Aldian Yusup, Rudi Ferdiansah
land and until returning to the homeland. This pre/pre-hajj planning is broadly related to
quotas and registration as well as preparation for prospective pilgrims to perform the
In planning the departure of the pilgrimage, PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata has
prepared a schedule for a full year. In this pre-/pre-haj activity, there are usually pre-
manic activities, rituals and activities related to the administration of hajj departure. In
the Pre-manasik activities, namely activities that certainly provide a general description
regarding the pilgrimage to the prospective pilgrims, whether they are going to depart
this year or those who will depart in the coming year or who have not registered for Hajj
at all, because this is its nature general. The Hajj ritual activities are specifically for
prospective pilgrims who will carry out the pilgrimage this year and have indeed
registered themselves to receive guidance from PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata itself. This
ritual activity is programmed for 16 meetings or approximately four months. So this
ritual activity begins about 6 months before the departure or pilgrimage season, from
the month of Rabiul Awwal to Rabiul Akhir.
In addition to the departure activities of the pre hajj rituals and hajj rituals, PT.
Jgrup Amanah Wisata provides a program, namely services for prospective pilgrims
related to preparing all important documents or departure administration, for example
one example of prospective pilgrims who do not have passports from PT. JGrup
Amanah Wisata helps with passport matters. For prospective pilgrims who already have
Hajj savings and have received a Hajj portion number then the service registers with
KEMENAG and then for mutation services or prospective pilgrims who do register in
different cities but wish to depart at PT . Jgrup Amanah Wisata, PT. Jgrup Amanah
Wisata is always ready to serve or help arrange these services as well as other services
that are of a nature to assist pilgrims in preparing for Hajj departure which are indeed
technical areas such as registration, travel documents, checking visas from pilgrims
whether they are in accordance with what is stated and related to health preparations
including guidance manaik which prepares the congregation in all aspects starting from
aspects of worship, technical aspects and non-technical aspects. b) Services for the
process of carrying out the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage, in the service process for
carrying out the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages by PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata provides
two guidance service programs to its congregation, including: 1) Guidance services for
worship in the holy land, PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata has appointed or given assignments
to supervisors to guide prospective Hajj and Umrah pilgrims, starting from Service
Management at PT. JGrup Amanah Wisata in Improving the Quality of Prospective
CongregantsTadbir departures to return to their homeland both in the guidance of the
Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, providing material and giving lectures and Islamic studies
to the pilgrims; 2) Operational guidance services in the holy land, in the implementation
of operational guidance in the holy land PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata, not only provides
guidance to prospective pilgrims, but also must create an atmosphere of a sense of
security and comfort when prospective pilgrims are carrying out the Hajj or Umrah
pilgrimages. Also provide direction to supervisors in carrying out guidance and services
to prospective pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims to the maximum in order to achieve a
quality level of prospective pilgrims.
Planning related to the implementation of the pilgrimage includes planning
regarding the determination and appointment of officers by PT. JGrup Amanah Wisata
and planning for the management of pilgrims during the pilgrimage and umrah in the
holy land to accommodation planning during the pilgrimage and umrah in the holy land
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
to achieve goals and create a vision and mission that are in accordance with PT. JGrup
Amanah Wisata set. The existence of this vision and mission also shows that there is
planning management in the implementation of Hajj and Umrah services. Planning
function at PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata can also be seen from the planned guidance
program that will be carried out in the homeland, in the holy land until after the return
of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. Based on the data obtained, it can be explained that
the services provided by PT. JGrup Amanah Wisata optimally and creates its own
satisfaction for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims so that they feel safe and comfortable while
carrying out the pilgrimage in the holy land and until they return to Indonesia. The
advisors are also patient in providing material and attention in all aspects of activities
besides the responsibilities given by PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata brings its own charm to
its pilgrims to follow the guidance of the pilgrimage at PT. JGroup Amanah Wisata. c)
Post haj/caravan services (alumni association), in fostering post hajj services PT. Jgrup
Amanah Wisata formed a caravan or alumni association of pilgrims, until now it has
been running for about 18 years or 18 batches of alumni of the pilgrimage. The form of
provision is PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata provides a forum for the alumni of the
pilgrimage and there are coaching programs that are held once a month and for each
meeting, the material presented is in accordance with the requests of the alumni of the
Organization of Services at PT. JGroup Amanah Wisata
In organizing the PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata has grouped or divided tasks among
the staff of PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata itself, and assigned to overcome the problems
that exist at PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata, whether it's a matter of guidance to prospective
pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, implementation problems during registration,
transportation, accommodation, consumption and health problems. PT. JGrup Amanah
Wisata has selected staff or workers who can truly be responsible and trusted for their
duties. So that prospective pilgrims are not confused in carrying out the pilgrimage and
umrah, besides that, so that pilgrims and umrah pilgrims are mabrur and in accordance
with the sunnah of the Prophet. Jgrup Amanah Wisata provides coaching that is oriented
towards mastery of Hajj rituals and has noble character apart from that, PT. Jgrup
Amanah Wisata involves several religious figures who are proficient and experienced so
that the pilgrimage can run in an orderly, smooth, safe and comfortable manner and
requires a competent guide in the field of Hajj and Umrah.
Meanwhile, according to government regulations, guidance for prospective
pilgrims is carried out by the government and the community with the following
conditions: a) 3 times mass guidance carried out by the Regency/City Ministry of
Religion and 7 times group guidance carried out by the District Office of Religious
Affairs (KUA) domicile of the congregation; b) For its implementation, a team was
formed which was issued by the Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office,
both for mass guidance and group guidance at the sub-district KUA; c) For Districts
with less than 1 group (less than 45 people) can be combined with other districts; d)
Guidance material refers to the guidance guidebook issued by the Ministry of Religion;
e) Guidance fees are borne by the government (Ministry of Religion); f) Karu and
Karom upgrading at the Regency/City Ministry of Religion; g) Guidance
simultaneously and continuously arriving at the Holy Land in each round, accompanied
by several haj officers including TPIH, TPIHI and TKHI whose function is to provide
guidance and guidance during the journey and implementation of the pilgrimage in the
holy land; h) Guidance is also given at the Hajj Dormitory before departure to the holy
Sayudin, Aldian Yusup, Rudi Ferdiansah
land; i) Manasik guidance curriculum implemented at the sub-district KUA and the
Regency/City Kankemenag.
Service Implementation at PT. JGroup Amanah Wisata
For the mobilization or implementation of KBIH Salman ITB has divided the
tasks among the staff of PT. As for the Amanah Wisata group, there is a pick-up section
for hajj and umrah pilgrims which applies to groups and for this pick-up it depends on
the number of prospective hajj and umrah pilgrims who will carry out worship in the
holy land. After that, prospective haj and umrah pilgrims Service Management at PT.
JGroup Amanah Wisata. In Improving the Quality of Prospective Pilgrims, Tadbir
gathers to prepare for departure and to check prospective pilgrims, which is carried out
by officers who have been given responsibility by PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata itself. And
for the system of organizing the pilgrimage which consists of institutional aspects,
management, financial management, improvement in human resource development, as
well as support for effective facilities and infrastructure in improving services to
prospective pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, at least there are problems identified such as
registration, fees, guidance, health services and so on. In this case PT. Jgrup Amanah
Wisata in carrying out guidance for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages does not remain
silent, but always pays attention to, protects and manages until everything goes well so
that the departure of prospective pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims goes as desired.
It is also stated in the regulation on the protection of pilgrims from the time they
register and are recorded in the Siskohat (Integrated Hajj Information and Computerized
System) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), which includes: a) Certainty of
departure to perform the pilgrimage; b) Guarantee of health, safety and security of
pilgrims during the pilgrimage; c) Protection against the threat of disease through
meningitis vaccination; d) Life insurance guarantees for pilgrims who experience
accidents or death; e) Pilgrims who have paid off the current BPIH are given insurance
coverage with the suggestion that the premium is a BPIH component unit determined by
the President. The validity period of life insurance starts from the time the prospective
hajj pilgrims leave their domicile to perform the Hajj leaving their domicile to perform
the Hajj until they return to their homeland before arriving home. Submission of claims
no later than 60 (sixty) days after the last flight group is left in the country. While the
Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage services are regulated by law in an institution that will
dispatch the hajj. The facilities for the pilgrimage rituals provided by PT. Jgrup Amanah
Wisata are: a) Competent and experienced presenters; b) Manasik Kit; c) Multimedia
suggestions; d) Manic practice props; e) The Manasik building is spacious and
comfortable; f) Consumption during rituals; g) Drugs that have been provided.
Service Evaluation at PT. JGroup Amanah Wisata
For supervision when the prospective pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims depart, PT.
Jgrup Amanah Wisata participates in accompanying them until they arrive at the holy
land, besides that they also supervise whether the procedure is in accordance with the
established procedures or vice versa. In implementing its services, PT. Jgrup Amanah
Wisata strives to provide the best service in order to create mabrur pilgrims. And the
service process is carried out in a planned manner so that all service processes become
easier and the explanation is relatively faster so that it makes it very easy for
prospective pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims. To find out what are the deficiencies in terms
of services that have been provided by PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata towards its
prospective pilgrims, including complaints that are felt by the pilgrims themselves. Prior
to returning to Indonesia, PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata first holds deliberations or
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
discussions together regarding any problems that have been experienced by the
congregation besides PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata directly handles and responds to all
questions asked by pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims. So the conclusion is to measure the
level of quality of service that has been provided by PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata to
prospective pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata makes every effort
to listen to the complaints of prospective Hajj and Umrah pilgrims regarding the
inconvenience before/before Hajj and post/after Hajj. Apart from that, the advantages of
PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata organizes Kafillah Alumni or Hajj alumni associations to just
stay in touch between pilgrims and other pilgrims so that good communication is
maintained, both with PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata and with other pilgrims.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the service management
applied to PT. Jgrup Amanah Wisata is quite good because its implementation is in
accordance with theory and practice. And the services provided by PT. Jgrup Amanah
Wisata starts with guidance on Hajj and Umrah rituals, departure and up to return to
Indonesia. After the author conducted direct interviews with several prospective Hajj
and Umrah pilgrims, it turned out that the pilgrims responded well and the comfort
experienced by their pilgrims and there was an increase from year to year.
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Sayudin, Aldian Yusup, Rudi Ferdiansah
Copyright holders:
Sayudin, Aldian Yusup, Rudi Ferdiansah (2022)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business