American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
Rahayu Lestari, Indah Kurnia Utami, Nur Mawaddah Islamiyah
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Email: rahayu.lestari20@mhs.uinjkt.ac.id, indahkurniautami21@mhs.uinjkt.ac.id,
This study aims to determine the Management of Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Development at the
Tahfidz Nurul Jihad Islamic Boarding School, Bima City. This research uses a
qualitative approach that is descriptive. The data collection technique is by observation,
namely to see the implementation process in the field in the form of actions, interviews,
namely to obtain information in the form of words, and documentation, namely to
obtain data in the form of photos of activities and archives of the implementation of
tahfidz Al-Qur'an coaching. The results of the research are first, planning is done by
formulating short term, medium term and long term goals. In addition, planning is also
carried out by determining the procedures and methods used in fostering tahfizh.
Second, the organization is carried out by distributing tasks to tahfizh teachers. Third,
implementation is carried out by class management and scheduling. Fourth, the
evaluation is carried out with the tahfizh exam which is held every semester.
Keywords: Management, Coaching, Tahfidz.
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Education is an effort to transform quality human resources (HR) so that
Indonesia becomes a developed country (Herwanti & Irwan, 2013). The implementation
process requires an education policy as a basis for standardizing the quality of education
in Indonesia (Ulum, 2020). The vision of Indonesian education is to create an advanced
Indonesia that is sovereign, independent, and has personality through the creation of
Pancasila students who are critically thinking, creative, independent, have faith, fear
God Almighty, have noble character, work together and have global diversity (Patilima,
2022); (Rahayuningsih, 2021).
Education in another sense is a conscious effort to shape students (APPAI PAI,
1997). Education in a broad sense is Life. This means that education is all knowledge of
learning that occurs throughout life in all places and situations that have a positive
influence on the growth of each individual being (Cecep et al., 2021). That education
lasts for a lifetime (long life education). Teaching in a broad sense is also a process of
Rahayu Lestari, Indah Kurnia Utami, Nur Mawaddah Islamiyah
teaching activities, and implementing learning can occur in any environment and at any
time (Pristiwanti et al., 2022).
Education that is held either formally or non-formally must have a good
management process. Education is an embodiment of the interrelationships between one
another that form a system. Therefore education must be managed so that it runs well.
The management process is management.
Management is: a typical process consisting of actions in the form of planning,
organizing, actuating, and controlling carried out to determine and achieve human goals
and other resources. It can also be emphasized, management is: the process of
coordinating and integrating all resources to achieve the goals set (Fatmawati, 2019).
Management aims to carry out the process of achieving the goals achieved effectively
and efficiently. The management process involves main functions that are often used
within the scope of education, namely planning, organizing, directing and controlling
(Fatmawati, 2019).
Islamic boarding schools are one of the educational institutions that are part of the
internal structure of Islamic education in Indonesia which is held traditionally which has
made Islam a way of life. As part of the internal structure of Indonesian Islamic
education, Islamic boarding schools have unique characteristics, especially in their
function as educational institutions, as well as social guidance and propaganda
institutions, and even struggle. One of them is the Al-Qur'an tahfizh program. The
presence of the tahfidz al-Qur'an program is a selling point for educational institutions
as a program that can attract students. One of them is the Tahfizh Nurul Jihad Islamic
Boarding School, Bima City. Tahfizh Nurul Jihad Islamic Boarding School, Kota Bima,
is a boarding school that specifically focuses on developing the Qur'an. The coaching is
tahfizh, tahsin and recitations of the Qur'an. Even though this pesantren is still relatively
new, improving the quality of the Al-Qur'an students has achieved very good progress.
With that, the researcher is interested in examining the process of implementing tahfizh
coaching management in the pesantren.
This research uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive. Qualitative research
is carried out to examine the conditions of natural objects, then the researcher is the key
instrument (Harahap, 2020). Meanwhile, descriptive aims to explore or clarify
symptoms, phenomena or facts. Descriptive research seeks to describe a number of
variables related to the problems and units studied. Descriptive research does not
question the relationship between existing variables, because descriptive research does
not aim to attract generations that cause a symptom, phenomenon or social reality to
occur that way (Samsu, 2021). Thus in this study the authors describe the phenomena
that occur in the management process of tahfizh coaching.
Data was collected using the first observation method, namely by making direct
observations at Islamic boarding schools regarding the process of implementing
management functions in fostering tahfizh of the Koran. The second method of
interview is that the writer collects data in the form of words to the sources, namely the
head of the Islamic boarding school and the teacher. The third method of documentation
study is to collect data in the form of photos of activities. Researchers used a purposive
sampling technique which is a way of taking samples of data sources with certain
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
There are two sources of data used in this study, namely using primary data and
secondary data. First, primary data, explored by conducting interviews with research-
related subjects, namely pesantren leaders and tahfizh teachers. Both secondary data are
extracted from various sources or official literature such as books, journals, facts, and
related sources such as data sources from documentation in the form of pictures,
writings, works or those related to research.
Management is derived from English, namely "Management" namely
management and governance. Management comes from the word "manage" in Latin
"manus" which means leadership, handling, managing, or guiding. George R. Terry in
Ruslan, defines management as a process and is typical and consists of actions such as
planning, organizing, activating and controlling which are carried out to determine and
achieve the targets set through the utilization of human resources and other resources
(Erwinsyah, 2017).
Learning management is an activity that starts from planning, organizing,
directing and evaluating the implementation of learning in order to achieve more
effective and efficient learning outcomes. Learning management includes the
interrelationships of various events not only all learning events in the learning process
but also logistical, sociological and economic factors. Because the learning management
system is related to educational technology where technology is an integrated and
complex organization of humans, machines, ideas, procedures and management.
Learning management functions are: teaching planning, teaching organizing, leadership
in teaching and learning activities and learning evaluation. In carrying out management
functions, a teacher must utilize teaching resources (learning resources) that are in the
classroom and outside the classroom (Fatmawati, 2019).
Learning planning.
The definition of planning itself is one of the initial functions of management
activities in achieving goals effectively and efficiently. While the notion of a learning
plan is a program of activities to determine a strategy that is structured to prepare targets
in the future by achieving a goal. Planning can be interpreted as the process of preparing
subject matter, using learning media, using learning approaches or methods, and
assessing in a certain time location that will be carried out at a certain time to achieve
the specified goals. The essence of lesson planning is the activity of selecting,
establishing, developing methods to achieve the desired learning outcomes (Rohmah &
Swandari, 2021).
As a first step, in implementing the planning for tahfidz development, the Tahfidz
Nurul Jihad Islamic Boarding School in Kota Bima determines the objectives,
procedures and methods used. The purpose of tahfizh development is as an effort to
produce generations of Qur'an memorizers, especially in Bima City. Goals are also
formulated in long term, medium term and short term goals. The long-term goal is to
target students memorizing 5-7 Juz for 3 years of education.
Mid-term goals are carried out by dividing memorization targets based on 3
stages. That is first year, second year, and third year. In the first year, Tahsin training
was implemented for 5 months with the aim of improving students' reading according to
proper recitation. 7 months later the tahfizh activities began with a target of 2 Juz. In the
second and third years, tahfizh coaching is carried out with a target of 2.5 Juz per year.
Rahayu Lestari, Indah Kurnia Utami, Nur Mawaddah Islamiyah
While the short term goal is to maximize the ability of students to memorize in
accordance with the ability of students.
The tahfizh method used is the independent memorization and sima'an methods.
That is, the students are given time to memorize the verses of the Qur'an after that, the
tahfizh teacher will accept the memorization deposit.
The second function of learning management is organizing learning
According to Davis, organizing in learning is the work done by a teacher in
managing and using learning resources with the intention of achieving learning goals in
an effective and efficient way). Organization in learning is an activity to divide a
process determination of educators and students in dividing work tasks to carry out the
process of learning activities. The organizing or organizing function is a regulatory
activity in the human resources and other physical resources owned by the company to
carry out the plans that have been set and achieve the company's goals (Sapitri, 2021).
In carrying out this second function, the leadership of the Islamic boarding school
divides tasks between the teaching staff of the pesantren tahfizh. Tahfizh training is
carried out by dividing students into 6 study groups or kholaqoh. Each kholaqoh is
coached by 1 teacher. The tahfizh teachers are tasked with fostering tahfizh both in
deposit and muroja'an students and also by paying attention to the quality of the
students' reading.
The third learning management function is learning leadership
Mondy and Premeaux explain that leadership is influencing others to do what the
leader wants them to do. Leadership in the context of learning is the role of a teacher
helping students to develop learning capacities, which enable management activities,
organizational structures, systems and processes needed to handle teaching activities
and students' learning opportunities to the fullest. So, the one who carries out leadership
in learning is a teacher, because the process of influencing students to want to learn
voluntarily and happily allows learning goals to be achieved properly.
At the implementation stage, human resources determine the success of an
implementation. According to Sule in that the determining factor at the implementation
stage is the extent to which the human resources or workforce that have been selected
and placed in the organization show the best performance, because the human factor is
an important key in the implementation step (Prayoga et al., 2019).
In carrying out coaching, the tahfizh teacher provides assistance to students based
on the coaching schedule set by the pesantren, namely: Memorization time is carried out
40 minutes at dawn and asyar. At this time the teacher accompanies the students to
maximize their memorizing time and also helps students who have difficulty
memorizing. Muraja'ah time is 40 minutes midday and evening. Memorizing deposit
time is 40 minutes ba'da Isya. At this time the teacher receives memorization deposits
based on the ability of the students and records them in the students' memorization book
as proof of the students' memorization achievements.
And the last learning management function is learning evaluation
Evaluation of learning is a systematic process to obtain information about the
effectiveness of the learning process in helping students achieve teaching goals
optimally. Thus the evaluation of learning determines whether the process of learning
activities is good or bad (Syafaruddin, 2005). Of the four learning functions, this can be
applied in the learning management process of Tahfidz Al-Qur'an. Because currently
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
there are many Islamic educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, that carry
out the Tahfidz Al-Qur'an program (Fatmawati, 2019).
The evaluation carried out is the tahfizh exam which is carried out every semester.
This exam is in the form of a one-sitting tasmi' Qur'an in accordance with the
memorization obtained by the students. Not all students can achieve the target of
memorization. This is of course in accordance with the ability of students. Regarding
this matter, the Islamic boarding school is not too concerned about it, the most
important thing is the quality of the Qur'an reading and the fluency of the students'
Based on this research it can be concluded that first, planning is done by
formulating short term, medium term and long term goals. In addition, planning is also
carried out by determining the procedures and methods used in fostering tahfizh.
Second, the organization is carried out by distributing tasks to tahfizh teachers. Third,
implementation is carried out by class management and scheduling. Fourth, the
evaluation is carried out with the tahfizh exam which is held every semester.
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Copyright holders:
Rahayu Lestari, Indah Kurnia Utami, Nur Mawaddah Islamiyah (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business