American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 2 February 2023
there are many Islamic educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, that carry
out the Tahfidz Al-Qur'an program (Fatmawati, 2019).
The evaluation carried out is the tahfizh exam which is carried out every semester.
This exam is in the form of a one-sitting tasmi' Qur'an in accordance with the
memorization obtained by the students. Not all students can achieve the target of
memorization. This is of course in accordance with the ability of students. Regarding
this matter, the Islamic boarding school is not too concerned about it, the most
important thing is the quality of the Qur'an reading and the fluency of the students'
Based on this research it can be concluded that first, planning is done by
formulating short term, medium term and long term goals. In addition, planning is also
carried out by determining the procedures and methods used in fostering tahfizh.
Second, the organization is carried out by distributing tasks to tahfizh teachers. Third,
implementation is carried out by class management and scheduling. Fourth, the
evaluation is carried out with the tahfizh exam which is held every semester.
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