American Journal of Economic and
Management Business
e-ISSN: 2835-5199
Vol. 2 No. 4 April 2023
Vovi Sinta B, Siti Afifah, Rafika Ramadhani
Universitas Nurul Huda,Indonesia
Email: [email protected]c.id
This study analyzes the effect of e-commerce on consumptive behavior of undergraduate
students of economics education study program at STKIP Nurul Huda Sukaraja in East
OKU. This study uses a quantitative research design and path analysis techniques.
Research data was taken through a questionnaire with a population of 32 students and
research samples with population research. The initial hypothesis of this study assumes
that there is an influence of e-commerce on student consumptive behavior. This indicates
that students are able to manage or manage existing finances so that they are able to
prioritize needs.
Keywords: e-commerce; consumer behavior; marketplace
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
The development of electronic technology is very supportive in human life.
Sophistication supported by global information both directly and indirectly can affect the
order of people's lives both in a social and economic transaction (Nikou et al., 2020).
Technology comes with various benefits and conveniences for humans in many ways,
such as the presence of the internet network. Internet (International Networking) is a
network that connects computers in the world (World Wide Network) so that it becomes
a cyberspace computer network (cyberspace) between computers one with another
computer can be connected or connected. With the existence of internet media, humans
can communicate from local to international, both social and economic. Through the
craftsmanship and convenience offered, it does not mean that there are no challenges for
its users. This will certainly bring consequences for its users, both positive and negative
so that it affects every decision taken.
E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) is part of the advancement of electronic
technology supported by internet media which is present as a method of online
transactions in doing business (Pappas et al., 2018). CNN Indonesia (2019) reported that
internet usage in Indonesia was recorded as the user who bought the most goods online
in December 2018. Internet users in Indonesia are recorded at 86% doing online shopping
through any device. Wahyuningrum & Januarita, (2014) noted on a British research
institute, Merchant Machine which reported the 10 countries with the fastest e-commerce
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 4 April 2023
growth in the world. Indonesia ranked first with 78% growth in 2018. Harahap, (2018)
suggests that online shopping or also known as e-commerce is a transaction process used
through intermediary media such as online buying and selling sites or social networks
used to buy and sell money or services. E-commerce is now a habit by most individuals
because of the convenience obtained (Zhang et al., 2019). The online shopping sites that
are quite familiar among the public such as: Shopee, Lazada, BukaLapak, Berrybenka,
Tokopedia, JD.ID and Sociolla as well as online shop websites on Instagram (Rahmat &
Suryanto, 2020).
In the era of globalization like today, information technology has experienced many
very rapid and complex developments in recent years that have an impact on various
aspects of life, including the business world. These developments gave rise to new terms
that are familiar, such as e-business, e-commerce, elearning, e-university, e-book,
ebanking, and similar terms in circulation. E-Commerce is the use of communication
networks and computers to carry out business processes. The increasing number of human
mobility requires the world trade sector to meet the needs of goods and services quickly
and in accordance with consumer demand.
Shabur Mifta Maulana in Apriadi &; Saputra, (2017) e-Commerce is an electronic
buying and selling system from producer to consumer, from consumer to producer that
functions as an intermediary. Meanwhile, according to Jony Wong in Aco &; Endang,
(2017), E-Commerce is a business media with an electronic system. Such as radio,
television and computer networks or the internet. The existence of e-commerce is a
promising alternative solution to be applied in business. E-Commerce provides many
conveniences for its users, both from the seller (merchant) and from the buyer (buyer) in
conducting trade transactions, even though both parties are in different places. With the
presence of e-commerce, it greatly facilitates the process of every transaction so that it
does not require meetings in the negotiation stage. McLeod Pearson Aco &; Endang,
(2017) The popular view of e-commerce is a digital system as a means of buying and
selling products. With this convenience, sellers and buyers simply use the internet and by
using a Web browser, transactions become effective and efficient. ECommerce is not only
for buying and selling goods, but also for customer services, collaboration with business
partners, e-learning and transactions within the company Wahyuningrum &; Januarita,
(2014). Electronicsystems are very helpful for each user in meeting the needs of both
consumers and producers. So that E-commerce is able to become a liaison between
providers of goods and services with consumers. So that with e-commerce, every person
has the same opportunity and opportunity to succeed and compete in the business world.
E-commerce is an application for online sales in stores and consumers through
electronic transactions and can help stores in maximum product marketing Susandi &;
Sukisno, (2017) E-commerce is a term that is often used or heard today related to the
internet, where no one knows clearly the meaning of e-commerce. The following will be
explained the definition of e-commerce according to experts: a.) Electronic commerce or
also called e-commerce, is the use of communication networks and computers to carry
out business processes. A popular view of e-commerce is the use of the internet and
computers with Web browsers to buy and sell products. Consumers who take advantage
of this e-commerce are not only those who are already married but from high school /
vocational age to their students have used it, because this application is fairly easy to
reach with the smart phones they have. It doesn't have to have a real store to be able to
use this application, but in an easy way, manufacturers can offer their products. I see that
many people really use this e-commerce to increase income, but many of them are only
Rudi Hartono, Mamluatun Ni’mah, Cici Widya Prasetyandari
consumers. Consumers often complain because they cannot control their consumptive
behavior. So that it affects people's consumptive behavior, the impact of consumptive
behavior is also not good because it will weaken the individual's economy.
From the explanation above, based on the researcher's observation, it applies among
female students as users of e-commerce services (Electronic Commerce) buying and
selling online. Based on information obtained from female students, especially the
economics study program of STKIP Nurul Huda, the majority are consumptive in terms
of fashion (bags, clothes, hijab, shoes, cosmetics). Where the majority is very contrary to
economic conditions and financial management literacy owned. So that it has an impact
on financial conditions, which have not been able to keep up with wants and needs.
Therefore, researchers feel that this phenomenon really needs to be solved. So that the
research title "E-commerce and Consumptive Behavior of Economics Study Program
Students of STKIP Nurul Huda" was formed.
Research on the influence of e-Commerce on consumptive behavior in the
community of Karang Panjang Village uses a quantitative method approach. Quantitative
research method is an approach that explains the value of a variable by processing existing
data into a number. While the research design provides an overview of the steps that must
be carried out systematically following the correct research rules. The research design
used in this study includes: 1) Descriptive Design This design aims to describe or describe
the characteristics of a particular phenomenon (research variable). This design can
provide an overview of the results of respondents' responses from questionnaires that have
been processed by researchers; 2) Causal Design This design aims to analyze the causal
relationship between the independent variable to the fixed variable or how the free
variable affects the fixed variable through statistical testing.
The data analysis technique that the researchers used in this study is simple linear
regression. Simple linear regression analysis is a linear relationship between one
independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). This analysis is used to
determine the direction of the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable whether positive or negative and to predict the value of the dependent
variable if the value of the independent variable increases or decreases. The data used is
usually on an interval or ratio scale.
The research was conducted at STKIP Nurul Huda Sukaraja Oku Timur, with the
unit of analysis being Economic Education Students Semester V located in the Nurul
Huda Islamic boarding school located in the East Oku Regency of South Sumatra. In
this study the authors set the sample at 25% x 472 = 117. In this study, researchers
collected data from various sources that researchers assessed in accordance with the
research material. Because this research is quantitative research, the techniques carried
out by researchers are as follows: Observation and Questionnaire
Research Results
Researchers processed data adjusted to the distribution of questionnaires and
questionnaires as follows: The study was conducted on 117 STKIP Nurul Huda students
who had used and utilized e-commerce.
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 4 April 2023
Table 1. Description of E-commerce Usage
Percentage e
26 40
10 25
Facebook, Instagram, Shopee, Whatsap p
Toko Pedia, Lazada, JD.ID
From the table above, it can be seen that the use of e-commerce that has the highest
criteria that are often used is Facebook, Instagram, Shopee and Whatsap as many as 113
students or 96.6%, while those who have less usage criteria are tokopedia, lazadadan Jd.Id
as many as 4 students or 3.4%. While 117 students who were researchers examined the
existence of consumptive influencers as follows:
Table 2. Descriptive Influence of Consumptive Society
31 40
21 30
Working Moms
From the table above, it can be seen that students who have a working profession
have high consumptive behavior, namely 109 members or 93.16%, while those who work
as students or have not worked have relatively low consumptive behavior as many as 8
members or 6.84%.
Table 3. Coefficients and Model Summary Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. error
Dependent Variable:tot.y
Table 4 Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. error
of the estimate
Predictors (Constant),tot.x1
Dobtained the regression line equation Y = α+βX namely Y = 16.890 + 0.491X and
the regression results obtained r count = 0.762 and the significance level is 5% with N =
117, while r table is 0.176 for a significant level of 5%. Or in other words that rxy or r
calculate > r table in this case 0.762 > 0.176 with N = 117 and a significant level of 5%
(0.05). This means that there is a significant relationship between e-commerce and
consumptive behavior. The value of r square is 0.580 where the variable number (x) of e-
commerce can affect consumer behavior. Thisis acceptable . "There is an influence of e-
commerce with consumptive behavior".
Rudi Hartono, Mamluatun Ni’mah, Cici Widya Prasetyandari
As a continuation in this theory and research is the existence of findings in the field
that have conformity with data analysis. In this study, the relevant theory is related to
focusing the objectives of the problem as follows: how the influence of e-commerce on
people's consumptive behavior; In doing online shopping so that you have consumptive
behavior and how to find out whether people's consumptive behavior has an influence on
The following will be explained by researchers about the findings obtained based
on data in the field. From the findings of previous research, there is an interest in cultural
industry theory in this theory critical property Patricia &; Handayani, (2014) on the
lifestyle of the Ardono and Horkheimer people criticizing the changes that occur, one of
which is the influence of the media. Ardono and Horkheimer are the ones who criticize
that the media creates standards for its audience to be able to create reality that affects
real life itself. Industrial culture theory or commonly known as industrial culture also
states that something that is of a nature can still affect other small things, in this case it
could be that great dominance will affect individuals. This research uses online shops as
a medium that exerts influence, outside television, radio, and other conventional media.
Based on the theory used in the right research and in accordance with the analysis, the
following findings have been mapped and their relevance to the theory:
1. As a Source of Information
Online shop media as a social network that can be reached by many audiences
is the choice of researchers because it is a media that is often consumed by various
people today (Mufiddah, 2019). In this study, online shops became personal and group
consumption. Online shop is a source of information that each individual as a place
that supports his hobby or favorite who likes to shop. Based on this, the influence of
e-commerce on the consumptive behavior of STKIP Nurul Huda students" online shop
consumption has a considerable intensity in students Online shop is a media that is
often used and visited by various lower or upper classes, online shops are able to
change their lifestyles to be consumptive. This lifestyle change is influenced by
exposure to media information that is not far related to existing life.
2. Hedonic Lifestyle
Based on theoretical studies, there is relevance of findings to relevant theories
based on critical theory studies, especially culture industry theory, media exposure
makes some students or the public have false needs (Susan, 2019). This is due to
exposure to the media that consumes it. In this case, this causes people to make the
need for information, entertainment media, and lifestyles that make behavior
consumptive. With the existence of online shop media can make it easier for someone
who likes to shop and people who have hedonic behavior to meet their needs who are
never satisfied with the goods they have who always want to buy continuously. Online
shop media also raises needs - needs that are new and good models that make someone
want to continue to consume it for a need and get its own satisfaction (Sudrajat & Ant,
2016). From what is displayed by the online shop media will make someone to have
consumptive behavior and have a sense of dissatisfaction in him so that he continues
to spend his money for the needs he should already have. In this study is the lifestyle
of economic education students as online shop users who continuously shop at online
shops to support their appearance in front of others. So researchers see the conditions
that occur if examined carefully, no matter how much expenditure is spent to buy a
need if the purpose that is in the individual does not arrive, it will be wasted by buying
the same item used by someone who is a reference for him to follow buying the item.
American Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 2 No. 4 April 2023
So, the needs that make individuals in consuming become hedonic and behave
The conclusion found is that working students tend to use e-commerce more often
and their consumptive behavior is higher at 109 members or 93.16%, compared to
students who have not worked. While their students are more likely to use e-commerce
less and their consumptive behavior tends to be lower by 8 members or 6.84%.
There is an influence of e-commerce on the consumptive behavior of economic
education students, this is shown by the correlation test data that has been carried out
obtained regression line equation Y = α + βX, namely Y = 16.890 + 0.491X and the
regression results obtained r count = 0.762 and the significant level is 5% with N = 117.
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Copyright holders:
Rudi Hartono, Mamluatun Ni’mah, Cici Widya Prasetyandari (2023)
First publication right:
AJEMB American Journal of Economic and Management Business