Roky Apriansyah, Hermanto, Fitria Ningsih, Abdul Hairudin, Said Afriaris
in Indonesia will reach 180 million users. And the highest e-commerce revenue in
Indonesia is fashion. With the increase in e-commerce users in Indonesia, this proves
the increasing interest in buying consumers to shop on e-commerce.
According to (Cyr et al., 2008) electronic loyalty is a consumer desire to revisit a
website and think about buying from that website in the future. For (Oliver, 1999),
service loyalty can be divided into 4 formats namely; cognitive loyalty, affective
loyalty, conative loyalty, and action loyalty. Cognitive loyalty is loyalty that comes
from trust in the brand which is the initial level of loyalty. At the cognitive fidelity
level, the brand data obtained by consumers conveys that they are more popular than
existing substitutes. Cognitive fidelity focuses on the perceived capabilities of the
product (Oliver, 1999). The second level of loyalty is affective loyalty, where loyalty is
an accumulation of happiness for using a particular brand. Affective loyalty aims at
liking the brand (Oliver, 1999). Conative loyalty is loyalty that exists because it is
influenced by clichés in a positive way towards purchasing a brand.
In conventional retail, increased satisfaction measures the results of people's
feelings towards the store's characteristics, and its image is the result of customer
evaluations and approaches (Rangkuti, 2013). Therefore, satisfaction with a website is
successful if its attributes exceed the level of satisfaction; Customer satisfaction is
obtained when the data system matches the data presented (Teerling & Huizingh, 2004).
Satisfaction influences the customer's desire to repurchase (Harris & Goode,
2004). For (E. W. Anderson & Sullivan, 1993), the intention to repurchase has an
important role in influencing the level of satisfaction (Canming & Jianjun, 2011).
E-Service Quality is basically the development of service quality that was
previously informed from conventional methods to services by electronic means using
tools such as the internet. Likewise (Santos, 2003) defines E-Service Quality as: Overall
customer evaluations and judgments of excellence e-service delivery in the virtual
marketplace. On the other hand, (Chase & Apte, 2007) stated that e-service quality is:
Services provided on the Internet network as an expansion of the expertise of a web to
facilitate shopping, purchasing and distribution activities in an efficient and efficient
manner. It can be said that e-service quality is the total assessment and evaluation of the
advantages of electronic service delivery in virtual markets.
The development of e-commerce has brought many changes to business activities
which were initially only based in the real world, then developed into virtual worlds.
The increasing number of businesses on the internet will of course result in increasingly
fierce online business competition, this requires online stores to pay attention to the
factors that can continue to make online stores survive, grow and develop. In this case,
many consumers still have questions about the security system, control over personal
information, product quality, payment methods, the site's ability to manage online
buying and selling and product prices. If the questions asked by consumers can be
answered by online traders, then consumer satisfaction will be achieved. There are
several e-commerce sites in Indonesia such as Tokopedia, Shoppee, Bukalapak, Lazada,
Blibli, JD ID, Bhinneka and several others. Tokopedia is the e-commerce with the
largest number of visitors, followed by shopee and Bukalapak (Jayani, 2019).
As time goes by, business competition in the e-commerce world is getting
tougher, so it is very important for e-commerce to pay more attention to its marketplace
to be even better at retaining its customers. To maintain or increase the number of
customers in a business, namely the company must be able and strive to present
customer loyalty, with a sense of loyalty a consumer will not be easily attracted to