
American Journal of Economic and Management Business


�e-ISSN: 2835-5199

Vol. 1 No. 2 December 2022


The Effect of Situational Leadership Style of Madrasah Principals

Against Work Motivation and Teacher Performance at MTS Riyadlul Huda and Mts Assakinah, West Bandung Regency


Mulyadi, Uus Ruswandi, Bambang Samsul Arifin, Qiqi Yulianti Zaqiah

Paccasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Dajti Bandung

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Currently the issue of the quality of education is the main topic of discussion. The quality of education is generally associated with the level of achievement achieved by the ability of students to achieve results. The purpose of this research is to identify; the influence of the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal on the work motivation and performance of teachers at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah, West Bandung Regency. This study uses a Mixed Methods Research approach, namely research that combines quantitative and qualitative methods with a sequential explanatory model (sequence of proof). Quantitative and qualitative data collection using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that; 1) The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher work motivation is positive and significant, 2) The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher performance is positive and significant, 2) The situational leadership style of the madrasah principal is no different quantitatively from qualitatively, at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah West Bandung Regency.

Keywords: Leadership Style, Situational, Motivation, Teacher Performance.

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



Today the issue of the quality of education is the main topic of discussion. The quality of education is generally associated with the level of achievement achieved with the ability of students to achieve results. The quality of education is considered important because it determines the pace of development in any country. Therefore, almost all countries in the world are always trying to improve the quality of education as an effort to improve people's quality of life (Lailatussaadah, 2015).

The quality of education is often meaningless if it is not supported by qualified teachers who have a strategic role in creating quality education. Thus, teachers and education personnel are the main key in improving the quality of education services. Therefore the role of the teacher is a very vital part in improving the quality of educational services (Supardi, 2013).

Teachers are professionals who carry out basic tasks and functions to increase knowledge and insight, skills, mentality and morals of students as national assets. This is stated in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers which states that teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal education, primary education, and secondary education (Kemenkumham, 2005).

Teacher competency standards are stated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competency, namely teachers must have academic qualification standards and teacher competencies that apply nationally (Depdiknas, 2008). The competence in question is a set of knowledge, skills, behaviors that must be owned, internalized, and mastered by teachers/lecturers to carry out their professional duties. The competencies that must be possessed by teachers include (1) pedagogical competence; (2) Personal competence; (3) social competence; and (4) professional competence (Kemenkumham, 2005).

The teacher's ability and success in carrying out learning tasks at school and being responsible for students under his guidance by increasing student learning achievement is called teacher performance. As stated by Glasman, good performance can be seen from the results obtained in assessing student achievement, meaning that the better the teacher's performance, the better student achievement will be (Supardi, 2013).

The success of implementing education in schools is inseparable from the performance of teachers and the work motivation of teachers who teach in these educational institutions. The better the teacher's work motivation and performance, the more opportunities there will be for achieving optimal educational goals in schools (Utami et al., 2019). The performance achieved by the teacher is the result of achieving the demands desired by the madrasa head (Paizal et al., 2019). Teacher performance in carrying out duties and responsibilities will have a major impact on achieving the goals of an educational institution (Janah et al., 2019).

Teacher performance is the teacher's ability to carry out his duties as a teacher in terms of coaching figures for students based on skills and abilities to achieve learning goals (Depdiknas, 2008). Teacher performance is a manifestation of ability in the form of real work, results of work and responsibility in carrying out the mandate, the profession carried out and the morals it has. The behavioral form of his ability to carry out tasks is his activity in managing learning, which starts from how a teacher plans learning, carries out learning activities, evaluates learning, and analyzes and follows up on the results of the learning evaluation.

One of the efforts to overcome the problem of teacher performance is by increasing the teacher's work motivation. According to Mulyasa, there are ten factors that can improve teacher performance, namely, (1) motivation to work; (2) responsibility for the task; (3) interest in the task; (4) reward for assignments; (5) opportunities to develop; (6) attention from the principal; (7) interpersonal relationships among teachers; (8) subject teacher deliberations and teacher working groups; (9) guided discussion groups; and (10) library services (Mulyasa, 2012). While other factors that affect teacher performance are work ethic, work motivation, work satisfaction, school culture, climate or work atmosphere, regulations at school or education, organizational climate, principal leadership style or style, teacher confidence, principal leadership factors , and others (Sulfemi & Minati, 2018).

According to Barnawi, teacher performance is strongly influenced by several factors, both internal factors (which come from within) and external factors (which come from outside). Internal factors are something that arises from within the teacher himself, such as performance, skill, attitude, mindset, motivation to be a good teacher, learning experience, and family background. Furthermore, the second meaning is that external factors are something that comes from outside the teacher himself, for example the teacher's payroll costs, the facilities obtained, the teacher's work habit or environment, both physically and the last one is leadership (Arifin, 2017).

Work motivation is one of the factors that also determines teacher performance, how big or small the influence of motivation on teacher performance depends on how much intensity the motivation is given. The difference in work motivation for a teacher is usually reflected in the various activities and even the achievements he has achieved. Motivation is a force, both from within and from outside that encourages a person to achieve certain predetermined goals. Motivation is a driving force from within the subject to carry out certain activities to achieve a goal. Motivation can also be seen as a mental impulse in moving and directing one's behavior. If the work motivation is high, the performance will also be high and vice versa if the motivation is low, the performance will also be low (Lensufiie, 2010).

Another factor that can affect the results of teacher performance is the style or style of the school leader. School as an institution or organization that exists in the community will certainly have a leader or chairman who is called the Principal. The head of this madrasah is given the mandate, duties and responsibilities to lead the progress of the school as an organization that will represent the aspirations of its members, namely all school members, one of whom is the teacher in fighting for his interests. According to (Wahjosumidjo, 2013) to meet the expectations of its members, especially members of the school community, school leaders must use all their potential and abilities, with all their potential and intelligence in utilizing the existing environment. Furthermore, Zuryati & Nasir, (2015) explained that changes in the school's organizational environment require a responsive, critical, responsive, and courageous madrasa principal to make strategic and appropriate decisions without causing conflict in achieving educational goals.

The role of the madrasa head as a leader is the key to improving or developing the school. Improved performance can be achieved if the principal as a leader shifts the focus of responsibility from operational managerial to teachers. There is one factor that determines the low and high quality of education is a teacher. Therefore, the head of the madrasa as the highest leader in the school, in improving the quality of learning must provide support and intense attention during his time for the development of teacher competence. If the teacher has been given more attention in learning activities from the school principal, then this can provide an increase in the teacher's performance (Susanto, 2016).

The head of the madrasa as an educational leader in the madrasa must be a motivator in mobilizing all the potential of the teacher and all school stakeholders in order to achieve goals by helping teachers cooperatively to increase their work productivity, because the teacher wants the head of the madrasa not only to have theoretical leadership requirements in general, but the most important thing is the implementation through leadership that is truly felt and influences teacher motivation and performance.

The situational leadership style possessed by the madrasah head can influence a school organization, especially it will greatly affect teacher performance. Thoha defines a situational leadership style as a norm/rule in the form of behavior that a person uses when that person tries to influence the behavior of others (Mulyasa, 2012). This means that the situational leadership style is a way that a leader uses in influencing his subordinates.

Based on the results of initial observations at MTs Riyadlul Huda in January 2020, researchers found problems, namely work motivation and teacher performance that were not optimal. Judging from the teacher attendance data for the past six months, the average teacher attendance has reached 82% per month, meaning that teachers who are absent per month have reached an average of 18%. teacher attendance is at intervals of 90% to 95% per month (Source, administrative data, 2020).


Figure 1. Data on Teachers Who Are Absent in Odd Semesters for the 2019-2020 Academic Year


Paying attention to the teacher attendance data, regardless of the reason for teacher absence from school, at first glance it doesn't seem like a problem, but actually in the current education system, this will have a bad impact if it is not corrected immediately. Student activities are not organized and supervised so that they have the potential to disrupt other student activities.

Furthermore, seen from the aspect of the results of the National Examination in the past three years, it shows unsatisfactory results because the average national exam score has decreased every year, namely in 2017 the average score was 62.06, in 2018 the average score was 50.60 and in 2019 average value of 50.19 (Data source Waka Curriculum, 2020). One of the factors that influence student learning outcomes is the teacher. Although the teacher is not the only factor that determines student learning outcomes, they have a responsibility in evaluating, improving and improving student learning outcomes. Thus the teacher's performance must be improved in order to achieve satisfactory results.

Subsequent observations were made at MTs Assakinah West Bandung. Based on the results of an interview with the deputy head of the curriculum field at MTs Assakinah, West Bandung on January 23, 2020, that MTs Assakinah has a Vision of Realizing a Generation of MTs Assakinah that is Strong, Smart, Independent, Broad-minded and Characteristic, while one of its missions is to produce graduates who have good character. , have the ability to read and memorize the Koran, have skills in Arabic and English and be able to compete in the implementation of the National Examination or the National Standard Madrasah Final Examination. To achieve this vision and mission, madrasas must be supported by professional teacher performance and high work motivation so that the output produced is in line with the expectations of the madrasa. But the facts on the ground, based on researchers' observations of the academic achievement of students in the last four years, have experienced a decrease in the acquisition of the average National Examination score.


Figure 2. Data on the Average Value of the MTs Assakinah National Examination from 2016 � 2019

(source from https://hasilun.puspendik.kemdikbud.go.id/)


Data on the average National Examination score for the last four years shows that there is a problem at MTs Assakinah. Based on interviews with MTs heads, this happened especially in 2018-2019 allegedly due to an impact from the leadership transition, which at that time the situation and conditions were not yet conducive. (Interview with the Head of MTs, 2022). On the other hand, in 2020 MTs Assakinah has won achievements in the non-academic field, namely 3rd place in West Java in the Al Irsyad Championship futsal competition, 3rd place in the archery competition in the Bandung mayor's cup activity, 2nd place winner LKBB paskibra throughout West Java (student data, 2022). Based on these data, student achievement in the academic aspect is not satisfactory, while the non-academic aspects are quite satisfactory. One of the factors that is directly involved with students is the teacher, both in terms of teacher competence that needs to be improved, proficiency in using learning methods and media or other factors. These results become material for thought and improvement for madrasa heads to determine a leadership model in increasing teacher motivation and teacher performance so that the vision and mission that have been set can be achieved properly.

Based on this phenomenon, the madrasa head should take strategic steps to increase teacher motivation and performance. As Gibson (in Mundarti, 2007) states that one of the factors that can influence teacher work motivation and performance is the situational leadership style of the school principal. Therefore in this study the focus of the research was the effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher work motivation and performance. The reason that became the basis of this study was that teachers have an important role in the world of school education. Teachers who have high work motivation and good performance will help schools improve the quality of education. The situational leadership style of the madrasa head functions as a guide, guide, adviser, supervisor and motivational worker for teachers to achieve educational goals.



This study uses a Mixed Methods Research approach, namely research that combines quantitative and qualitative methods with a sequential explanatory model (sequence of proof). This includes a philosophical basis, using quantitative and qualitative approaches and combining the two approaches in one study (Creswell (2009). Quantitative and qualitative data collection uses questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation studies. Quantitative analysis uses SPSS while qualitative analysis uses descriptive qualitative.



A.  Overview of Research Locations

1.    MTs Riyadlul Huda, West Bandung Regency

Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Riyadlul Huda is an educational institution organized by the West Bandung Riyadlul Huda Foundation. Previously Riyadlul Huda was a salafi Islamic boarding school whose studies were mostly turos books written by salaf scholars. Until now, Islamic boarding school education is still going well, even the number of students who are boarding is increasing along with the holding of formal education, namely MTs Riyadlul Huda.

MTs Riyadlul Huda was established in 2014 on the basis of the demands of the needs and desires of khodimul ma'had at the Riyadlul Huda Islamic boarding school, with the aim of providing service facilities for students in adding and deepening knowledge. MTs Riyadlul Huda is expected to be able to give birth to the nation's intellectual successors by upholding knowledge and charity.

2.    MTs Assakinah, West Bandung Regency

Madrasah Tsanawiyah is the basic level of education in Indonesia which is equivalent to Junior High School, its management is carried out by the Ministry of Religion. MTs Assakinah was established in 2009, which was originally a madrasah diniyah. MTs Assakinah Santri are educated to reflect the soul, spirit and superior values with SATF characters (Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh and Fatonah).

MTs Assakinah aims to create students who have advanced achievements with a system and culture based on law, social ethics and religion. Fostering personal productivity and integrity within organizational commitment so that with this learning system and habituation, students are able to get material and examples of good behavior from teachers and the MTs Assakinah environment (Interview with the Madrasah Principal, 2022).

B.  Research results and discussion

1.    The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasa head on the work motivation of teachers at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah

The madrasa head as the driving force and determinant of school policy direction can choose the right way to influence his subordinates in realizing educational goals effectively. Madrasah heads have a central role in improving the quality of education. Therefore, the madrasa head must have good leadership skills, namely the madrasa head who is able to manage all educational resources to achieve educational goals.

Hersey and Blanchard (in Robbin, 2000) have developed a leadership model called situational leadership theory. Situational leadership style departs from the assumption that there is no best leadership style, but depends on the situation and conditions. These situations and conditions include the maturity level of subordinates which can be seen from two dimensions, namely the capability dimension (awareness and understanding) and the willingness dimension (responsibility, concern and commitment).

Teacher work motivation is encouragement from within and outside a person to do something that can be seen from the internal and external dimensions. The internal dimension includes the teacher's responsibility in carrying out tasks, carrying out tasks with clear targets, there is feedback on work results, having a feeling of pleasure at work, prioritizing performance achievements. While the external dimension includes trying to meet the needs of life and work, happy to get praise, work with the hope of getting incentives and getting attention from friends and superiors (Uno & Lamatenggo, 2014).

Teacher work motivation is nothing but a process carried out to move teachers so that their behavior can be directed towards real efforts to achieve the goals that have been set. In this study, teacher motivation appears through (1) responsibility for doing work, (2) achievements achieved, (3) self-development, and (4) independence in acting. These four things are important indicators for tracking teacher work motivation (Uno & Lamatenggo, 2014).

Based on the results of the path analysis (Path Analysis), it is proven that there is a positive and significant influence between the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal on teacher motivation. This is shown by the results of path analysis testing, as follows;

a.    MTs Riyadlul Huda with a standardized beta value = 0.734 At a significance level of 0.000 which means that there is a relative contribution of the madrasa principal's situational leadership style to teacher work motivation, and the value of R = 0.734. If this value is confirmed by the interpretation value of the closeness of the relationship, it indicates that the relationship is in the strong category. Furthermore, the determination (R2) is 0.539, which means that 53.9% of the situational leadership style of the madrasa head affects the teacher's work motivation,

b.    MTs Assakinah standardized beta value = 0.823 at a significance level of 0.000, which means that there is a relative contribution of the madrasa principal's situational leadership style to teacher work motivation and the value of R = 0.832. If this value is confirmed by the interpretation value of the closeness of the relationship, it indicates that the relationship is in the very strong category. Furthermore, the determination (R2) is 0.678, which means that 67.8% of the madrasa principal's situational leadership style influences the teacher's work motivation.

Based on the data above it can be concluded that the situational leadership style of the madrasa principals of MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah is good, a situational leadership style that can understand and adapt to the competencies of each teacher. With a situational leadership style, the teacher feels a different approach according to the teacher's level of maturity so that the teacher can carry out tasks calmly and responsibly.

The results of the study show that situational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on teachers' work motivation. This means that if the situational leadership style is more appropriate and effective, the teacher's work motivation will increase. Conversely, if the leadership style is situational, the teacher's work motivation will decrease. The results of this study have relevance to research conducted by Syaiyid (2013) with the title The Influence of Situational Leadership Style on Work Motivation (Study on Employees of Radar Malang PT. Malang Intermedia Pers). The results of the study show that leadership style has a significant effect on employee motivation. The contribution of the independent variables included in the regression equation to the fixed variable is 80.9%, while the other 19.1% is contributed by other variables not included in the equation.

According to (Thoha, 2010) the relationship between situational leadership style and work motivation is very close, namely the situational leadership style of a leader can influence the work motivation of his subordinates. Therefore, a situational leadership style is needed in an organization. Meanwhile (Malayu, 2007) states that a situational leadership style applied by a leader in an organization can create harmonious integrity and encourage work passion to achieve maximum goals. It can be said that a person's motivation at work is very dependent on the ability of the leader through his situational leadership style. Thus, it is proven in this study that situational leadership style has a positive effect on employee motivation, which means that the leadership style in leading subordinates is able to encourage employees to work better.

The context of organizational success is the existence of a good relationship between leaders and employees. Where the relationship is influenced by the situational leadership style. According to Ghopal & Chowdhury (2014) in their journal, it is revealed that situational leadership style will affect employee motivation at work. Employees in carrying out their work will not always run smoothly, one day employees will definitely experience boredom and problems that reduce their morale.

Situational leadership style is one of the factors that shape and help others to work together to achieve the goals and success of the madrasa. According to Prasetia (2016) that the situational leadership of the madrasa head can provide an achievement desired by the organization. This shows that the situational leadership style has a very important role in achieving work effectiveness. If a leader is able to apply a situational leadership style that is appropriate and in accordance with the existing situation and conditions, then the teacher will be able to work comfortably and with high enthusiasm so that the desired goals can be achieved properly.

Situational leadership style contains the following main ideas, (1) The duties of leaders are influenced by situational factors, namely the type of work, organizational environment, and characteristics of the individuals involved in the organization; (2) Effective leadership behavior that is adjusted to the level of maturity of subordinates; (3) An effective leader is a leader who is ready to assist subordinates in developing themselves; (4) Leadership behavior tends to vary from one situation to another. Therefore, in situational leadership every leader is very important to make a good diagnosis of the situation; (5) The pattern of leadership behavior varies according to the situation (Wahjosumidjo, 2013).

2.    The influence of the madrasa principal's situational leadership style on teacher performance at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah

Leadership style is the way leaders use to influence their followers. Every leader in an organization must have a different leadership style, including the leadership of the school principal. The principal of the madrasah can choose the style used to influence the teacher and all of his employees.

Performance is the level of success a person achieves in accordance with the responsibilities he receives. (Mangkunegara, 2011) states that there are two factors that affect employee performance, namely, the ability factor which consists of potential abilities and reality abilities (knowledge and skills), and motivation is formed from attitudes. Therefore, it can be concluded that teacher performance is closely related to the motivation given to teachers

Teacher performance is a behavior or response that gives results that refer to what they do when they face a task. The performance of teaching staff or teachers concerns all activities or behaviors experienced by teaching staff, the answers they make, to give results (Martinis, 2010).

Teacher performance is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2007 concerning academic qualification standards and teacher competence. It was explained that the Teacher Competency Standards were developed as a whole from four main competencies, namely Pedagogic, Personality, Social, and Professional Competences. These four competencies are integrated into teacher performance.

Based on the results of the path analysis (Path Analysis), it is proven that there is a positive and significant influence between the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal on teacher performance. This is shown by the results of path analysis testing, as follows;

a.    Situational leadership style of the head of MTs Riyadlul Huda with a standardized beta value = 0.343 At a significance level of 0.000 which means that there is a relative contribution of the madrasa principal's situational leadership style to teacher performance, and the value of R = 0.343. If this value is confirmed by the interpretation value of the closeness of the relationship, it indicates that the relationship is in the low category. Furthermore, the determination (R2) is 0.117, which means that 11.7% of the madrasa principal's situational leadership style influences teacher performance,

b.    The situational leadership style of the head of MTs Assakinah standardized beta = 0.561 at a significance level of 0.000, which means that there is a relative contribution of the situational leadership style of the madrasah head to teacher performance and the value of R = 0.561. If this value is confirmed by the interpretation value of the closeness of the relationship, it indicates that the relationship is in a fairly strong category. Furthermore, the determination (R2) is 0.315, which means that 31.50% of the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal has an effect on teacher performance.

The results showed that the situational leadership style of the madrasa head had a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. This means that if the situational leadership style is more appropriate and effective, the teacher's performance will increase. Conversely, if the leadership style is situational, the teacher's work motivation will decrease. The results of this study are relevant to the theory of Thoha (2010) that situational leadership style is a behavioral norm used by someone when that person tries to influence the behavior of other people or subordinates. This is in accordance with the theory put forward by Mulyasa, that the principal's leadership style influences teacher performance, in order to increase work productivity (Mulyasa, 2013).

Good teacher performance does not suddenly appear suddenly from each individual teacher, there must be certain factors that can affect the teacher's performance. According to Dekawati (2011) the factors that influence teacher performance are the teacher's education level, teaching supervision, upgrading programs, conducive climate, facilities and infrastructure, physical and mental conditions of teachers, situational leadership style of the madrasa head, guarantee of welfare, managerial abilities of the madrasa head and others.

As the results of research by (Ruslan et al., 2020) through their case studies, revealed that the success or failure of a madrasa in building teacher readiness and professionalism depends on how the performance of the teacher and the leadership style used by the head of the madrasa. Increasing teacher readiness and maturity is supported by the teacher's performance itself which is formed through ability, commitment and motivation which are inseparable from the situational leadership behavior of the school principal. The level of readiness is defined as the ability and willingness of followers/teachers and educational staff to be responsible in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. There are two types of readiness, namely work readiness and psychological readiness. Teachers and education staff who have a high level of job readiness where their abilities and knowledge are quite good, they can do work without being regulated and directed by the school principal. Meanwhile, teachers and education staff who have high psychological readiness will have high motivation in doing quality work, so they only need a little direct supervision (Agustin, 2018).

According to Cambel (in Burhanudin, 2007), the factors that influence teacher performance are:

a.    Personal factors, including knowledge, skills, abilities, self-confidence, motivation and commitment possessed by each individual.

b.    Leadership factors, including quality leadership styles in providing encouragement, enthusiasm, direction and support that provide managers and team leaders.

c.    Team factors, including the quality of support and enthusiasm given by colleagues in a team, trust in fellow team members, cohesiveness and closeness of team members.

d.   System factors, including work systems, work facilities or infrastructure provided by the organization, organizational processes, and performance culture within the organization.

e.    Contextual (situational) factors, including pressures and changes in the external and internal environment.

Leadership style is one of the factors that shape and help others to be able to work together to achieve school goals and success. In line with Prasetia stated that "the leadership of the principal can provide an achievement desired by the organization". This shows that leadership style has a very important role in achieving work effectiveness. If a leader is able to apply the right leadership style and according to the existing situation and conditions, then the teacher will be able to work comfortably and with high enthusiasm so that the desired goals can be achieved properly (Prasetia, 2020).

According to Patricia (2004), the leader, in this case the principal of the madrasa must have special abilities in developing this situational leadership style, namely:

a.    Analytical skills, namely the ability to assess the level of experience and motivation of subordinates in carrying out tasks.

b.    Flexible ability (flexibility or adaptability skills), namely the ability to apply the most appropriate leadership style based on an analysis of the situation.

c.    Communication skills, namely the ability to explain to subordinates about the changes in the leadership style that we apply.

The three abilities above are needed for a leader, because a leader must be able to carry out his three main roles, namely the interpersonal role, the information processing role, and the decision making role.

Through a situational leadership approach, the implementation of educational activities in madrasas is determined by the strength of the madrasa head in adjusting actions based on the teacher's situation, as well as the suitability of combining leadership styles with the level of teacher maturity. This confirms that the style in carrying out leadership varies greatly so that the flexibility of the madrasa head in giving treatment to teachers determines the success or failure of the implementation of education in the madrasa itself.

Madrasah heads continue to work to improve teacher performance through activities that can convey thoughts, give and receive information by implementing participatory modern management, providing understanding, and providing motivation to teachers which are conveyed directly and non-directly so that teachers improve performance (Rohmah and Karwanto, 2014) . This is in line with the role of the madrasa head who acts as a manager or administrator who controls madrasah resources to achieve organizational goals. Madrasah heads can implement effective leadership in madrasas, thereby increasing teacher performance (Adeyemi, 2011). Effective leadership depends on the interaction between the situation and the behavior of the leader. This refers to the conclusion that situational leadership style is an effective leadership style that school principals can apply to improve teacher performance, because situational leadership style is a leadership style that is adjusted to the maturity level of followers in relation to certain tasks (Wahyudi, 2015).

The situational leadership style of madrasah leaders functions as a determinant of teacher competence and performance. Situational leadership style is an act, gesture or behavior chosen by a leader in carrying out his situational leadership duties. On the other hand, situational leadership style is defined as a way that leaders use to influence their followers. Situational leadership style is a norm of behavior used by someone when that person tries to influence the behavior of others as he sees it. In this case, efforts to align perceptions between people who will influence behavior and those who will be influenced become very important. An effective madrasa principal's situational leadership style can optimize teacher performance. An effective situational leadership style is a situational leadership style that is successful in carrying out its role as a leader. This success can be measured from various aspects, namely increased production results, increased work productivity, increased service, and increased job satisfaction.

Based on the findings above, it also indicates that the success of an organization or educational institution is highly dependent on the ability of madrasah leaders to anticipate changes in the internal and external environment as seen in their situational leadership style. The challenge for an educational leader in madrasas is to become a driver or pioneer of the changes that occur in the institution they lead. To create madrasas that are effective in meeting customer expectations, it is necessary to create new things in educational organizations both in the choice of teaching methods, finances, the use of new teaching technologies, high quality teaching materials, and the ability to create and offer graduates. The leader of a madrasah organization needs to understand the dynamics of change and manage that change.

3.    The Situational Leadership Style of Madrasah Principals is Qualitatively Not Different from Qualitative Data at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah, West Bandung Regency

Situational leadership style is the method used by a leader in directing, influencing, encouraging and controlling subordinates according to their level of maturity in doing some work to achieve a certain goal. The success of a leader is determined by the characteristics of leadership with certain behaviors that are adapted to the demands of the leadership situation and the organizational situation one is facing by taking into account the factors of space and time.

Wahjosumidjo (2013) states that situational leadership style contains the following main ideas, (1) The duties of leaders are influenced by situational factors, namely the type of work, organizational environment, and characteristics of the individuals involved in the organization; (2) Effective leadership behavior that is adjusted to the level of maturity of subordinates; (3) An effective leader is a leader who is ready to assist subordinates in developing themselves; (4) Leadership behavior tends to vary from one situation to another. Therefore, in situational leadership every leader is very important to make a good diagnosis of the situation; (5) The pattern of leadership behavior varies according to the situation.

Based on the analysis of qualitative research data conducted in the second stage, it can produce qualitative data that expands and deepens the quantitative data on the situational leadership style variable of the madrasa principal. As an illustration of the consultative indicator, the aspect of providing work examples with systematic steps scores 93%. The quantitative data is expanded and deepened with qualitative data, namely the madrasa head completes the job well, sets an example for teachers so that they can become role models. Furthermore, there is data that obtains a value of 64%, namely the aspect of giving punishment. This is reinforced by qualitative data, namely, according to the majority of respondents, madrasah heads rarely give punishments because overall teachers have worked as expected. Thus there is no difference between the quantitative data and the qualitative data regarding the situational leadership style of the madrasa head at MTs Riyadlul Huda, West Bandung Regency.

Based on the analysis of qualitative research data conducted in the second stage, it can produce qualitative data that expands and deepens the quantitative data on the situational leadership style variable of the madrasa principal. As an illustration of the participatory aspect indicators of responding to criticism and suggestions, with a score of 91%. The quantitative data is expanded and deepened with qualitative data, namely the head of the madrasa responds to input, criticism and suggestions from all parties for the progress of the madrasa. Furthermore, there is data that obtains a value of 76%, namely the decision-making aspect, namely the head of the madrasa does not entrust decisions to the teacher much. This is reinforced by qualitative data, namely, according to the majority of respondents, madrasah heads rarely give teachers the freedom to make decisions. Thus there is no difference between the quantitative data and the qualitative data regarding the situational leadership style of the madrasa head at MTs Assakinah, West Bandung Regency.

The situational leadership style helps the principal in overcoming problems that occur according to the circumstances experienced by the teacher. The success of this situational leadership depends on the principal's ability to determine attitudes based on the readiness of his followers. (Arsman & Concern, 2021). The principal's attitude can also be influenced by the complexity and urgency of a situation. This was conveyed by Raza & Sikandar (2018) that the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal depends on the nature, complexity, and urgency of a situation, so that the principal can show the same or different behavior depending on the situation at hand. Paul Hersey & Ken Blanchard's situational leadership model describes a flexible leader and provides mechanisms for when to tell, when to support, when to participate or delegate, and how a leader acts directively or supportively.

. Measuring the situational leadership style of madrasa principals through four leader behaviors in the Situational Contingency Model according to Hersey and Blanchard (in Wahyudi, 2015) as follows:

a.    Telling/Instruction, the leader's ability to define the roles needed to perform tasks and instruct subordinates regarding the work to be completed.

b.    Alternate/Consultative, leader's ability to communicate with subordinates, provide coaching and training.

c.    Participating / participatory, the ability of leaders to interact with subordinates,

d.   Delegating / delegating, the ability of leaders to hand over responsibility for carrying out work to subordinates so that they can carry out work effectiveness.



The conclusion about the analysis of the effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasa principal on work motivation and teacher performance at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah, West Bandung Regency, shows that; 1) The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher work motivation is positive and significant, 2) The effect of the situational leadership style of the madrasah principal on teacher performance is positive and significant, 2) The situational leadership style of the madrasah principal is no different quantitatively from qualitatively, at MTs Riyadlul Huda and MTs Assakinah West Bandung Regency.




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Copyright holders:

Mulyadi, Uus Ruswandi, Bambang Samsul Arifin, Qiqi Yulianti Zaqiah (2023)

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AJEMB � American Journal of Economic and Management Business