
American Journal of Economic and Management Business


�e-ISSN: 2835-5199

Vol. 2 No. 1 January 2023




Fahrurrozi1, Sara Yulis2

Institut Kh. Abdul Chalim1��������

Institut Agama Islam Al-Aziziyah Samalanga2

Email: [email protected][email protected]


Quality of Education is a conscious effort and aims to improve the quality of education. Quality education is the creation of an educated society that can create something creatively and innovatively. In fact, the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, is still lacking in the quality of education. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to optimize the role of the committee towards improving the quality of Islamic education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, what are the obstacles to the optimal role of the school committee on the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, and what is the influence of optimization the role of the committee on the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireue Regency. The purpose of the research is to find out how the quality of education is at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, to find out what are the constraints of the school committee in optimizing the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, and to find out how the effect of optimizing the role of the committee on quality education at Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Middle School, Samalanga, Bireuen Regency. The research method used is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The results of his research are the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, which means that the quality of education has reached 8 criteria for National Education Standards according to the BSNP. The optimal role of the School Committee for Quality of Education is that it has fulfilled the 7 roles in accordance with the RKTS to help improve the smooth running of teaching and learning activities in schools both in terms of facilities, infrastructure and technical education such as fostering students' attitudes and behavior, assisting efforts to stabilize schools, seeking sources of funding to help students who are unable to afford it, conduct school assessments, give awards for the success of school management, conduct discussions on the proposed School Income and Expenditure Draft Budget (RAPBS) and request schools to hold meetings for certain interests.

Keywords: School Committee, Quality of Education, SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga.

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



Education is an important element in a country because education is the core thing for developing human resources in organizing activities in the country (Sugiyono, 2010). In the current era of reform, special attention must be given to the world of education. Because education must be used as a tool or goal in the struggle to realize the ideals of a dynamic nation (Alfian, 2011). Therefore, all educational programs must be carried out fundamentally and optimally in terms of character development, knowledge transfer and student support. To meet these needs, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the government continues to strive to improve the quality of education and as stated in the Indonesian National Education System Law, which is pious, intelligent, qualified and wants to produce people who are physically and spiritually healthy. inhabitant. No. 20 of 2003 Article 3 reads:


"National education is to shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating the life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of students so that they become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic citizenship and responsibility.�


One of the educational problems faced by the Indonesian nation is the low quality of education at all levels and units of education, especially primary and secondary education (Na�im, 2018). Various efforts have been made to improve the quality of education in the country, such as various trainings, improving teacher skills, procuring books and teaching materials, improving educational facilities and infrastructure, and improving the quality of schools (Budimansyah, 2008).

However, various indicators of education quality have not shown significant improvement. While some schools, especially in urban areas, show promising improvements in the quality of education, I am concerned about most of them. Departing from this problem, various stakeholders have questioned what is wrong with our education, it is very dependent on bureaucratic decisions, waiting times are very long, and sometimes issuing policies that do not reflect the condition of local schools, so far this is very low. Community involvement is generally limited to financial support, with little attention paid to other supports such as ideas, morals, and goods/services (Mulyasa, 2012).

In connection with the above, optimizing school committees requires improvement efforts. One of them is that schools need to work together with various stakeholders (families, communities) to actively participate in various educational programs. Its implementation will require community participation and support both in the management and implementation of education in the world of education, an organization is formed for the school board (Suparlan, 2008); (Suparlan, 2007).

The existence of the Education Council is related to the National Development Planning Law (Propenas) No. 25 of 2000 of 2004, in order to strengthen and increase community participation, the Board of Education needs to establish an Education Council. Education unit level. According to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education, the School Board is an independent body responsible for early childhood education, school education pathways, and extra-curricular education pathways. The naming is adapted to regional conditions and the needs of each educational unit. School Council, Madrasah Council, School Council, Kindergarten Council, or other mutually agreed names. An appropriate education system management model is needed to achieve educational goals. One of them is increasing local human resources and optimizing the role of the school committee. This is because natural resources play a very important role in determining the progress of a country or nation. The country has abundant natural resources (SDA), but is not supported by quality human resources (Rahman, 2017). The country is neither developed nor developed. disappears over time.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that community participation is needed to improve the quality of education, not only to provide material assistance, but also to provide assistance in the form of thoughts, ideas, and innovative ideas for the progress of a school (Mustakim & Farid, 2013). Community participation in education is felt very necessary, and now expected not only in the form of concepts and discourse, but more in action on the ground (Siswanto, 2013). But in reality so far community participation in education is more at the level of concepts, discourse and is still far from what is expected (Sukmadinata & Jami�at, 2008).

From various experiences and realities in the field, it turns out that implementing committee optimization is not easy. The difficulty is not at the level of the unclear concept of optimizing committees, but that the existence of school committees is not widely known by the community. This happens because there is still community understanding of the old pattern where all programs are always top-down, regardless of the wishes of the surrounding community. There is often a misunderstanding that education is only the task of the teacher and the government, while the community never feels that they belong. joint responsibility that must be shared together (Tomasila & Rumtutuly, 2021).

As a follow-up to the Decree of the Minister of National Education regarding the School Committee, socialization activities have been carried out as well as the preparation of various operational guidelines for its implementation. However, in reality, such organizations are truly successful in carrying out their roles and functions properly, the number is very small (Renani, 2008).

Problems in research, education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency is still lacking in quality of education, it is necessary to optimize the school committee to help improve the quality of education function, so as to achieve the goals that have been set. The school committee is expected to be more than just a name tag, an organizational complement, or just a fundraising tool for the community.

Optimizing the role of the school board in the form of planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating all school programs. The involvement of the KPU in terms of school facilities and infrastructure to improve the quality of education is highly expected by the school, including optimal quality of education and infrastructure, considering that SMP Naisr Ulm still lacks the quality of education. achieve the set goals.



This type of research is qualitative research, namely research that is or has the characteristics that the data is stated in a natural state or as it is (natural setting) without changing it in the form of symbols or numbers (Nawawi & Martini, 2005). So that in this study the researcher describes events and events in the field without turning them into numbers or symbols. In this case the basic theory used is a phenomenological approach which is to understand symptoms from the subjective aspect of people's behavior.

Data collection technique

In order to obtain accurate data and its validity can be accounted for, it is necessary to use relevant data collection techniques. The following data collection techniques are carried out through (Sugiyono, 2018).

1.    Observation

That is the method used to obtain data by directly observing the space to obtain information or about in increasing student motivation. Observations made at Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Middle School, Bireuen Regency, to see how optimal the role of the school committee is in improving the quality of Islamic education.

2.    Interview

Interview is a question and answer research process in which two or more people meet face to face and hear information or statements directly orally. Data collection from this interview was carried out by the author with the school principal, committee chair, three committee members, and three education teachers at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga in Biruen Province. This interview technique was used to obtain data from the principal about the general condition of the school, optimizing the school board and how the school board improves the quality of Islamic education.

3.    Documentation

Documentation looks for data about things and variables in the form of notes, books, newspapers, magazines, diaries, and others. This method was used by the author to obtain data related to SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency regarding the role of the council in optimizing schools in improving the quality of Islamic education.

Data analysis technique

Analytical descriptive technique is a method that functions to describe or give an overview of the object under study through data or samples that have been collected as they are without conducting analysis and making general conclusions. As for descriptive data analytical techniques during the field include:

1.    Data reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the things that are important, looking for themes and patterns and removing unnecessary ones.

The data reduction process carried out by researchers in data analysis includes summarizing or summarizing and coding data. The researcher at this stage carried out the process of selecting the data obtained during the research which included the results of interviews, photos, field notes, documents that were closely related to the teacher's efforts in optimizing the school committee.

The next stage is coding or classification. In this study, after data collection, the data was classified based on categories or groups related to the role of the school board in improving the quality of Islamic religious education.

2.    Presentation of data

Presentation of data in this study Data is presented in the form of narrative text or story-like descriptions after being collected and grouped according to category.

3.    Data conclusion

The next step in data analysis by Miles and Huberman in Sugishirono is drawing and validating conclusions. The conclusions that were originally reported are still tentative and may change if they are strong, no supporting evidence is found at the next data collection stage. .

Therefore, in qualitative research, the formulated problem statement may or may not lead to a conclusion. As already explained, the problem of qualitative research is still temporary and evolving even after the researcher is in the field.



A.  The Role of the School Committee in Optimizing the Quality of Education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency

The government is very aggressive in conveying through the media and increasing the education budget, but in reality many (Indonesian) people are struggling and confused. The role of the school board is expected to carry out its role and ultimately benefit society, especially the world of education.

As the researchers found in the field from the results of interviews with the school committee, which illustrates the involvement of the school committee starting from the smallest program, namely when the school presents a draft of rules that will serve as regulations for the school community, discussions are held to seek inputs for improving these regulations.


"According to Marzuki, a concrete form of the role of the Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Middle School school committee in Bireuen Regency in improving the quality of education, the school committee has helped improve the smooth running of teaching and learning activities both in terms of facilities, infrastructure and technical education (interview results: Marzuki, M. Sos, Chairman of the Committee for Middle School Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah interview results).


Regarding the role of the school committee, the school principal expressed the same thing regarding the role played by the school committee above:


"The role of the committee at this school has been carried out well, the committee has helped and improved the quality of education in accordance with the RKTS (School Level Activity Plan) (result of interview: Muhammad Reza, Principal of SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyahhasil).


This is in line with what Karlina said:


"School committees are involved in a number of ways, for example in making evaluations and making decisions about school programs, as well as in developing and adding school facilities. The school committee also plays a large role in improving the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, such as working together (result of interview: Karlina, Teacher of SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah).


As stated by Mr. Iqbal Juliar namely:


�The role of the committee here is to guide the attitudes and behavior of the students. Realizing leadership and cultivating piety to God Almighty, democracy education from an early age (state and state, state defense preparation exercises, citizenship, organization and leadership), skills and entrepreneurship. Support efforts to stabilize schools in its implementation. , physical fitness and sports, creativity and ingenuity, a sense of art and culture (result of interview: Iqbal Juliar, teacher at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah).


This, in line with what was expressed by Mr. Badruddin, namely:


"The role of the committee, I seek sources of funding to help students who can't afford it and I also carry out school assessments for the development of curriculum implementation, both intra and extracurricular (interview results: Badruddin, Advisor to the Committee for SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah).


From the results of the interviews above, the authors have found various roles for the school committee in optimizing the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, having fulfilled 7 roles according to the RKTS. such as, coaching students' attitudes and behavior, helping school stabilization efforts, seeking sources of funding to help students who can't afford it, conducting school assessments, giving awards for the success of school management, conducting discussions on the proposed School Income and Expenditure Draft (RAPBS) and requesting school to hold a meeting for a particular interest. So according to the author, it is good to improve the role of optimizing the school committee at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga.

B.  Obstacles in Optimizing the Role of the Committee on the Quality of Education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency

Among the obstacles to optimizing the committee's role in improving the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency according to one school committee gave the following statement:


"According to Mr. Marzuki, the obstacle in optimizing the committee's role in improving the quality of education is that there is still a lack of collaboration with the community and parents of students, such as conducting various MTQ events, being skilled in inter-school competitions and getting very satisfactory grades when taking report cards (results interview: Marzuki, Chairman of the Committee for SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah).


Also expressed by Mr. Badruddin:


"According to Mr. Badruddin, the problems that become obstacles in optimizing the role of the committee towards improving the quality of education are still lacking in providing input, considerations and recommendations to education units such as school committees holding meetings in making student evaluations, school programs, adding school facilities and improve teacher quality. In order to optimize future children's education in a better direction (result of interview: Badruddin, Advisor to the Committee for SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah).


From the results of the interview above found obstacles in optimizing the role of the committee towards improving the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, which is very influential: first, collaboration with the community and parents of students such as conducting various MTQ events, being skilled in inter-school competitions and providing input, considerations, and recommendations to education units such as school committees holding meetings in making student evaluations, school programs, adding school facilities and improving teacher quality.

C.  Author Analysis

Optimizing the role of school committees or boards is very important for community participation as a controlling force in the implementation of various government programs. In the field of education, this participation is even more strategic, because it can become a kind of control force. For the implementation and quality of education in schools, especially now that the Ministry of National Education has begun to apply the concept of school-based management, the idea that school committees or boards should act as a kind of school partner institution. a real and unavoidable need. The existence of a school board makes principals, administrators, and school organizers basically responsible to the board. So far, if the responsibility of school leaders and school education providers lies with the government, in this case the Directorate General of Education, then in the concept of school-based management the responsibility lies with the Education Committee.

The following are the Eight National Education Standards by BSNP: 1). graduate competency standards, 2). Standard content, 3). Process standards, 4). Education standards and educational staff, 5). Facilities and infrastructure standards, 6). Management standards, 7). education financing standards, 8). Education assessment standards.

The role of the School Committee has seven roles.

1.    Help improve the smoothness of teaching and learning activities in schools, both in terms of facilities, infrastructure and technical education.

2.    Guiding the attitude and behavior of students. Support efforts to stabilize schools in realizing leadership and cultivating devotion to God Almighty, educating democracy from an early age (national and state life, pre-defense education, citizenship, organization and leadership), Skills & Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Physical Training, Creativity & Creativity Endurance , Art & Culture Appreciation.

3.    Looking for sources of funding to help underprivileged students.

4.    Conduct school assessments to develop curriculum implementation both inside and outside the curriculum and implementation by the principal, principal/deputy principal, teachers, students and staff.

5.    Give awards for the success of school leadership.

6.    Discuss the proposed School Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBS).

7.    Ask the school to hold a meeting on a particular issue.

Meanwhile, the obstacles to optimizing the role of school committees in improving the quality of education include:

1.    There is still a lack of cooperation with the community (individuals/organizations/business/industry) and the government in providing quality education. Like a school board meeting for final exams.

2.    Consider and analyze the aspirations, ideas, demands and various educational needs raised by the community.

3.    Provide input, observations, and recommendations to education units regarding: from. Education policies and programs, Kenkana School Education and Expenditure Budget (RAPBS), Education Unit Performance Criteria, namely education staff standards, Institutional Standards and Other Educational Matters.

From the discussion above, the authors found the results of research at Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Middle School, Bireuen Regency, namely: the quality of education at Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Middle School, Bireuen Regency, the quality of education at the school has reached 8 criteria for National Education Standards According to the BSNP, such as: 1 ). graduate competency standards, 2). Standard content, 3). Process standards, 4). Education standards and educational staff, 5). Facilities and infrastructure standards, 6). Management standards, 7). education financing standards, 8). Education assessment standards

Meanwhile, the role of the school committee in optimizing the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Samalanga District of Bireuen has fulfilled 7 roles in accordance with the RKTS Help improve the smooth implementation of teaching and learning activities in schools both in terms of facilities, infrastructure and technical education such as fostering student attitudes and behavior , assisting school stabilization efforts, seeking sources of funding to help underprivileged students, conducting school assessments, giving awards for successful school management, conducting discussions on the proposed School Revenue and Expenditure Draft (RAPBS) and asking schools to hold meetings for certain purposes.

Meanwhile, the effect of optimizing the role of school committees on improving the quality of education that the authors found at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, was collaboration with the community and parents of students such as conducting various MTQ events, being skilled in inter-school competitions and providing input, considerations and recommendations to educational units such as school committees hold meetings in making student evaluations, school programs, adding school facilities and improving teacher quality.



The quality of education at Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Middle School Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, has produced students according to the school's vision and mission, of good quality physically and spiritually so that the students become better both in terms of faith, piety, morals, intelligence, skill and independently and quality to its customers.

The optimal role of the school committee for the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga, Bireuen Regency, namely as a giver of consideration, driver, controller and mediator in various activities such as holding meetings with student guardians related to programs planned by the school.

Obstacles in optimizing the role of school committees in improving the quality of education at SMP Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Samalanga Bireuen Regency, namely first, still lacking in providing input, considerations and recommendations to educational units such as school committees holding meetings in making student evaluations, school programs, adding facilities schools and improve teacher quality. In order to optimize children's education in the future towards a better direction.




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Copyright holders:

Fahrurrozi, Sara Yulis (2023)

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AJEMB � American Journal of Economic and Management Business