Journal of Economic and Management Business
Vol. 1 No. 2 December 2022
Diana Maghfiroh, Vika Fransisca, Aldian Yusup, Febri Syawaludin,
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia1
Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa INVADA Cirebon,
Universitas Catur Insan
Cendikia Cirebon, Indonesia4,5
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Conflicts between adults often affect children who are involved in the
separation of their parents. On the one hand, parental conflict is a difficult
and troublesome experience for the whole family, especially for children whose
daily lives are used to the presence of both parents. This study aims to find
out how post-divorce communication in families with children. This research
method uses scoping review using two articles originating from national
articles and international articles. The results from the first article show
that there is a lack of communication or agreement on a common strategy for
risk mitigation, remote schools are often a site of disagreement when one
parent feels that they are doing more than their fair share of coordination and
oversight, and different perspectives on science this is expected to lead to
future bickering when making a joint decision about whether to vaccinate
children. While other articles explain the application of three communication
patterns from single mothers to their children, namely permissive (freeing),
authoritarian (controlling) and democratic (directing) communication patterns.
Keywords: Communication; Divorce; Children.
This article is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Humans are
social creatures who have the instinct to communicate with each other, so they
need other people in their lives to carry out social interactions either by
individuals with individuals or individuals with groups (Azmi, 2016). One of the
social processes that involve social interaction in it is marriage (Sudariyanto, 2020). Everyone who
carries out a marriage certainly wants happiness in the household (Pratama, 2022). This can
happen and last for a long time if both parties carry out roles in the
household (Matondang, 2014).
If one or both
parties do not carry out their roles according to the rules, then the marriage
will not run smoothly and can end in divorce (Khakim, 2014). Divorce is an
event that no one wants when they are getting married. However, due to various
factors that affect a marriage, a divorce occurs (Yuliana & Rofiatul, 2020). These factors
include poor communication, presence of a third person, social and cultural
factors, and economics (Manna et al., 2021).
From the existence
of divorce, apart from husband and wife who are victims, children are also
victims of their parents' divorce. With a divorce, the child will usually go
with one of their parents, be it mother or father (Ariani, 2019). In some cases,
children of divorce victims live with grandmothers or other relatives who are
not biological parents. This creates various impacts on the child that
influences social interaction in society in the future (Siswanto, 2020).
between adults often affect children who are involved in the separation of
their parents (Oktora, 2021). If on the one hand parental conflict is a heavy and troublesome
experience for the whole family, on the other hand this situation becomes even
more complicated if a child gets a serious illness (Abreu-Afonso et al., 2022). Based on the background above, the authors will conduct research on
how to communicate post-divorce in families that already have children.
research method used is scoping review. Scoping review is an overview that is
used to map the concepts underlying the research area, sources of evidence, and
types of evidence available (Tricco et al., 2016).
review is guided by the question "How is post-divorce communication in
families with children". To conduct this study, a literature review was
defined as a research synthesis that aims to map the literature on the topic of
how to communicate post-divorce and identify key concepts, gaps in research,
and as a source of evidence to inform practice, policy, and research on
post-divorce communication ( Pham et al, 2014). The
sample of this research is 186 research articles from national journals and
international journals, some of which have been extracted through the year of
publication. After that the data is extracted through a three-step process.
searches on electronic databases such as pubmed and
science direct using the keywords, and divorce AND communication AND child,
while searches on gray literature such as Google
scholar use the keywords post-divorce communication in families who already
have children.
filtering through titles and abstracts related to post-divorce communication
articles in families with children using databases, articles published
2018-2023, original research articles, full text research articles, articles in
English and Indonesian, and filtering through the author keywords you are
looking for by researchers (divorce, communication, child).
the third stage, filtering was carried out based on exclusion criteria, namely
incompatibility between the title of the article and the abstract, inaccessible
full articles, inaccessible articles, and duplicated articles with other
following are the results of an analysis of five articles related to the focus
of the review "How to communicate post-divorce in families with
children" which have previously been extracted and presented in the
following table.
Table 1. Relevant Research
No |
Title, Year, Researcher |
Research purposes |
Interventions/Methods of
Measurement/Analysis |
Results |
1 |
Divorced and separated parents
during the COVID-19 pandemic (Goldberg et al., 2021) |
Describes the legal, financial, and co-parenting
challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic |
This mixed methods study explored this challenge among
296 divorced and separated parents: namely 204 female ex-partners, 34 male
ex-partners, and 58 female ex-partners, surveyed during Summer/Fall 2020 |
Participants outlined the specific challenges of
COVID-19, revealing that (a) the lack of communication or agreement on shared
strategies for risk mitigation reflects and exacerbates the dynamics of
challenges between co-parents, (b) remote schools are often a venue for
disagreement when one parent feels that they do more than their fair share of
coordination and oversight, and (c) different perspectives on science are
expected to lead to future fights when making joint decisions about whether
to vaccinate children |
2 |
Dampak Pernikahan Dini terhadap Pola Asuh Orang Tua
dan Anak (Nuthayati et al., 2023). |
Investigate communication
patterns between parents and children, and investigate the impact of early
marriage on communication patterns used by parents and children |
This research method was carried out by direct
observation, face-to-face interviews and online interviews via WhatsApp
social media. |
There are three communication patterns used by parents
who married early to their children in Bojong Indah Village, namely:
permissive (freeing) communication patterns, authoritarian (repressing)
communication patterns, and democratic (directing) communication patterns. |
on the articles reviewed, one of the articles comes from international articles
while the other is from national articles. Both apply qualitative research
methods. The number of respondents to the first article was 12 people, while
the second article was 296 people.
first article has a research objective to explain the challenges of divorced
couples during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the second article has a
research objective to identify communication patterns between parents and
children, as well as the influence of early marriage on parenting patterns.
In the
first article, measurements were made through an exploration of 296 divorced
and separated parents: namely 204 female ex-partners, 34 male ex-partners, and
58 female ex-partners, who were surveyed during summer/fall 2020. Meanwhile, the second article conducting face-to-face interview
methods directly and indirectly through whatsapp
electronic messaging media.
first article yielded results, namely the participants experienced various
obstacles in undergoing a divorce during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely legal,
financial, and joint parenting issues. While the second article shows the
communication patterns applied by parents to their children including
permissive (freeing) communication patterns, authoritarian (repressing)
communication patterns, and democratic (directing) communication patterns.
Based on the results of the research
above, it can be concluded that divorce will create new problems, for example
legal problems, namely where we have to conduct a divorce trial. Financial problems
where we have to pay for a divorce, apart from that for the father he has to
spend money to support his child if custody is given to his mother. The problem
of parenting, namely that both parents must work together in providing care for
their child. In addition, the pattern of parenting of children must be
addressed wisely. From the results of other research articles, it shows that
parents apply three communication patterns to their children, namely permissive
(freeing) communication patterns, authoritarian (repressing) communication
patterns, and democratic (directing) communication patterns.
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Copyright holders:
Diana Maghfiroh, Vika Fransisca, Aldian Yusup, Febri
Syawaludin, Komarudin (2022)
First publication
AJEMB � American Journal of Economic
and Management Business