American Journal of Economic and Management Business



Vol. 1 No. 1 November 2022



Aris Yulianto

IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


This thesis discusses marketing strategies in increasing consumer buying interest which is applied to paint products avian brands during the Covid 19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the marketing strategy in increasing consumer buying interest which is applied to avian brand paint products during the Covid pandemic. This study uses a qualitative methodology. With primary and secondary data sources as a reference in data collection at PT Avia Avain Brands Cirebon branch PT Tirtakencana Tatawarna Cirebon. The results of the study state that the marketing strategy in increasing consumer buying interest is conventional and digital marketing for the pandemic period so that consumers can choose PT Avia Avian Brand paint products online, the principle also applies an Islamic strategy. second, the application of Islamic business ethics; third, imitating the marketing practices of the Prophet Muhammad. The characteristics of Islamic marketing implemented by PT Avia Avian Brands are divinity (monotheism), moral, realistic, humanistic. Advantages and cheap price of paint products, discounted products that do not have many conditions, easy access to sending paint products, various paint products offered, national and local company regulations, even international, the climate of society changes. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the marketing strategy during the pandemic is conventional and digital for the pandemic period so that consumers can choose the paint product they want online. And apply the principle of excess according to the perspective of Islamic economics.

Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Mint Beli, Islamic Economic Perspective

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



In general, one of the goals of establishing a company is to obtain the desired profit in accordance with the wishes of the company. The realization of the company's goals can be achieved through marketing activities in the form of sales and marketing of its products. Marketing activities have a very important meaning in the company, it can even be said as a pioneer of the company. In companies, especially in the business world, intense competition is very common. Intense business competition requires every existing company to compete with each other. Therefore, every company needs to focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of resource utilization to achieve its goals. Set by the company. For this reason, companies must have the right marketing strategy and human resource capabilities to achieve these goals. Today's industrial enterprises are progressing and developing, and their future prospects are getting better. Among industrial companies that are developing, companies are very dependent on the income derived from their operations, namely the cost of manufacturing and product development. This contribution can be seen from the existing profits and the ability to absorb labor. Profit-seeking companies must be able to estimate the production strategy of these goods or products and all marketing costs of these products, and increase profits to obtain satisfactory profits. .

The understanding of consumer buying interest itself is part of the component of consumer behavior in consuming attitudes, the tendency of respondents to act before making a decision to buy a new product and then just implement it. Individuals may look at the same thing but perceive or describe it differently. This buying interest process arises because of external stimulation that will affect a person through the five senses, namely sight, hearing, smell, feeling and touch. These stimuli will be selected, organized, and interpreted by each person in their own way. Competition that occurs in the paint product industry is also fierce competition. This can be seen from the number of companies that set up the same company in strategic areas. To control the right market share so that the company can position itself in the competition, the company must carry out a marketing strategy policy, sales and consumer interest because of the demands from consumers to get quality service at the right selling price because it can indirectly affect consumer interest.

At the company PT.Avia Avian (Avian Brands) is an integrated and leading paint company in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, this company creates, provides, and produces a variety of quality and trusted paint products with a sophisticated and efficient manufacturing system. The company which was founded November 1, 1978 was founded by Tan Tek Swie (Sutikno Tanoko) in Sidoarjo to start his work in the wall paint industry as well as wood and metal paint. The addition of several products such as automotive paint, spray paint, wood paint and rattan paint as well as several paints for industrial needs which are mass produced according to needs. Then in 1955 founded PT. Mitra Mulia Makmur (MMM) to make plastic packaging and in 1966 the PT Factory The second Avian Avian in Serang-Banten started operating. In 2000, it established PT. Panca Kalsiumindo Karbonat in Tuban as a producer of calcium carbonate. Then in 2001, it established PT. Tirta Kencana Tatawarna as a distributor of building materials and furniture.

Apart from selling its main products, Avian Brands wall paint and wood paint, this company also produces and markets Gian Mortar instant cement and built a PVC product factory with the Power brand in 2015 and continues to grow with sales increasing in the range of 30% from year to year. In this industry, PT.Avia Avian competes with similar foreign products but still has good business growth. However, in 2020, which has only been running for 4 months, the economic shock has been so great. The economy suddenly collapsed in an instant due to the spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19) throughout the world and even in Indonesia. Since the WHO (World Health Organization) announced that Covid-19 was a world pandemic, consumer behavior in various business sectors has changed. Consumers are very careful to consume and try to protect themselves and their families to survive in this situation.

This also makes researchers interested in conducting an analysis of the impact of this outbreak on the product marketing strategy at PT.Avia Avian in a branch with the name PT. Tirtakencana Tatawarna Cirebon itself, especially at the Building Materials shop in the area where the researcher was assigned, namely the Districts of Lemahwungkuk, Mundu, Astanajapura and Beber. Seeing that consumer behavior is starting to change, when this pandemic threatens basic human needs, namely personal health, consumers are starting to sort out the needs they will buy. Moreover, the need for building materials (wall paint, etc.) is not a very urgent primary need. And also the implementation of PSBB (Large-Scale Restrictions) which has an impact on work or activities outside the home directly now forced to be done inside the house. As well as many companies that have stopped operating and the increase in the number of unemployment rates can hamper the economy. This also makes people's purchasing power decline in all business sectors. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing strategy in increasing consumer buying interest that was applied to avian brands' paint products during the covid 19 pandemic and to find out the advantages and disadvantages of marketing strategies from an Islamic economic perspective on avian brand products.



�� In this research examination, the sources of information and information as people in research in general (respondents). The situation of information sources as people (assets) is very important as people who have data. Analysts and asset people here have the same position, so that the individual asset does not only react to what the expert asks, but he can lean towards and tastes in introducing the data he has (Sutopo, 2006:57-58). As shown by Lofland and Lofland (1984:47) the main sources of information in subjective exploration are words and activities, the rest is additional information such as archives and others. In the activities of individuals who are observed or met are a source of basic information that must be carried out to obtain data from witnesses directly in places and areas that have been controlled by the analyst. Fundamental sources of information are recorded through structured notes or through PDA video recordings, recordings/voice tapes, taking photos, or films (Moleong, 2007:157).

Sources of information are sources obtained from direct information from exploration sites (research sites) and are information obtained from meetings and perceptions as articulations from related meetings such as pioneers at certain times, especially Branch Managers, Branch Heads, and Shopkeepers and Buyers. Sources of information are very useful for extracting information from researchers in retrieving data, for that the data that has been taken will be processed using the concept of data triangulation.

The main data (primary) is the source of research data information obtained directly from the original source by:

a.      Primary data sources are data sources obtained from the field, namely through structured interviews and unstructured interviews. Determination of research subjects who will be the sample of this research is done by using purposive sampling technique, where this technique is used if the sample members are specially selected or there are certain considerations so that they are considered to be able to provide maximum data. It is considered to be able to provide maximum data. The subjects or resource persons who can provide information on this research are managers and employees of PT Avian Brand.

b.     Secondary Data

Secondary sources of information are sources of information obtained from related books and articles, related web information, journals and official sites related to this research.


A.    Data Collection Techniques

�� Information data collection methods are the most important stages and steps in research, considering the main reason for research is to obtain information. Information disaggregation should be possible in different settings, different sources, and in different ways. In subjective exploration, information sorting is done in an orderly setting (normal conditions), important information sources, and information sorting procedures are more on participatory perception, inside and outside meetings, and documentation (Sugiyono, 2006:224).

a.   Interview

Interview is a process of gathering information by asking questions directly to the

parties related to the motivation behind obtaining the data. Interviews in the opinion of Andi Prastowo (2011: 212) are a way of obtaining data for research purposes through question and answer while dealing with the questioner and the witnesses or individuals encountered, with or without using the rules of questions during interviews. The procedure for meeting in the interview used in this case uses semi-organized meetings, namely special meetings to find problems more straightforwardly, where these meetings are welcome at the time of the interview to be asked for their opinions and thoughts (Sugiyono, 2008: 233). ). Interviews were directed in an organized manner according to the description of exploratory questions. From the exploratory questions described, there will be a more explicit examination according to the main concern in this investigation that will make it easier for analysts to get intricacies and complex data on advertising procedures in increasing buyer purchase income at PT Avian during the pandemic, especially in areas. Cirebon.

b.   Observation

According to Hasan (2002: 86), observation in the field is appointment. Selection

of places and locations, changing, recording, and marking (coding) a series of behaviors and situations related to the organization, according to empirical objectives. Meanwhile, according to Riduwan (2010: 30), internal observation is carried out directly to the object under study to take a close look at the process of activities carried out to find the information needed. That all applies, if the object of research is human behavior and actions, natural phenomena, work processes, and specifically the use of small respondents or groups within a limited scope.

c.   Documentation

In the opinion of Djam'an Satori and Aan Komariah (2011: 149), documentation

is a series of collecting documents and data needed in research processes and problems, then reviewed continuously (intensely) so that it can support and add to the trust and evidence of events according to with the original. This documentation is a unification technique, and data collection using papers, notes or documents that are at the research location as well as other sources that are the same (relevant) as the object of research. Documentation can be in the form of e-books, books, journals, as well as opinions of competent experts who have expertise in accordance with references to the problem to be studied. From this it can be concluded that in unification, and data collection is done in three ways, namely interviews, initial observation, and documenting the results of observations, then by processing the data in accordance with the initial objectives of this study.

B.    Data Validity Check

���� SWOT analysis is based on the opinion (Richard 2010) which includes efforts to find information related to strengths, weaknesses or deficiencies, opportunities and (danger) threats as the most important thing in determining company performance. Information from the outside (external) regarding opportunities and threats (dangers) can be obtained from many ways, including customers or consumers, documents, local or central government, distribution suppliers, banking, business partners of other companies. There are several companies using the services of scanning agencies to obtain information by means of paper clips or certificates, research on ebooks on the internet.

The purpose of implementing SWOT in a company is to convey guidelines so that the company can place more emphasis, as a result by placing the SWOT analysis later it can be used as a comparison of thoughts from various points of view, both from the point of view of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that might occur in the company. time to come. Another purpose of using a SWOT analysis is that every product that is spread on the market will definitely experience ups and downs in sales or what is known as the product's biological cycle. The concept of the product life cycle is referred to based on the reality that occurs in the market, that consumers have a level of saturation in using a product (Fahmi, 2014).

C.    Data analysis techniques

�� Data analysis according to Bogdan and Biklen in Moleong (2007: 248) means efforts are made by working with data, organizing data, sorting them into manageable units, synthesizing them, looking for and finding patterns, finding what is important and what is learned. , and decide what to tell others. The data analysis technique used in this study uses steps similar to those proposed by Miles and Huberman (in his book Sugiyono, 2008: 91), namely:

a.   Data Collection

Data was collected beginning with making observations in the research area. Furthermore, interviews, observations and documentation were carried out using research informants. The researcher recorded all the data obtained into field notes which contained what was heard, seen, experienced, felt, and findings about what was found during the research. all of which are data collection materials for the next stage. The collection of research data in question is the result of interviews, observations and documentation regarding marketing strategies in increasing consumer buying interest.

b.   Reduction

Data reduction data is defined as a selection process, focusing on simplifying and transforming raw data that arises from written records in the field. Reduction is carried out since data collection begins with making summaries, coding, tracing themes, making clusters, writing memos, and so on with the intention of setting aside irrelevant data/issues until the final report is completely compiled. at the time of the interview, the researcher formed a note. The records were collected until they were saturated, then the records that were considered the most relevant were selected related to using marketing strategies to increase consumer buying interest.

c.   Data Presentation

Presentation of data or data examples means presenting a set of structured information that conveys the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. Presentation of qualitative data is presented in the form of narrative text. Presentation can also be in the form of matrices, diagrams, tables and charts to describe the processes that occur in PT Avian Brands for the art of marketing management to increase consumer buying interest Presentation of data begins by providing a description of research results that have been previously classified. The origin of the data that has been presented is then discussed and interpreted according to the theories chosen by the researcher to obtain a clear illustration of how the efforts are being made to increase consumer buying interest at PT Avian Brands.

d.   Conclusion Drawing

In drawing conclusions, it means that the final activity is the origin of data analysis. This withdrawal aims for interpretation activities, namely finding the meaning of the data that has been presented. Between displaying data and drawing conclusions, there are data analysis activities involved. In this sense, qualitative analysis means continuing efforts, and continuously. Then in the problem of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/verification becomes an illustration of success in succession as a series of related analytical activities. In data processing the researcher conveys meaning, interpretation, arguments/opinions in the data that has been collected and looks for meaning from the explanation to be structured into patterns of direct relationships that are easy to understand and interpret. then the data is linked and compared with one another so that conclusions are practically drawn to be the correct answer to each research dispute, which is related to using a marketing strategy to increase consumer buying interest in PT Avian Brands paint products.



A.  Profile of PT Avia Avian Brands

PT Avia Avian is a company engaged in the paint and thinner processing industry. The location of the factory is located between Jalan Raya Surabaya�Sidoarjo KM 19, Wadungasih Village, Buduran, Sidoarjo, East Java Province. Its main marketing areas are Surabaya and major cities on the island of Java and outside Java. PT Avia Avian is engaged in paint processing, both industrial paint, synthetic paint, emulsion paint, spray paint and thinner. With a high-tech manufacturing process, supported by raw materials and packaged goods, which are fully automated, PT Avia Avian has established itself as a leading paint company in Indonesia. With his slogans; "Rich in Variety, Rich in Color", "The Most Important is the Ability". PT Avi Logo.

Figure 1. Logo of PT Avia Avian

On November 1, 1978, Mr. Soetikno Tanoko owned UD Avian which is now PT Avia Avian. In early 1983, Mr. Soetikno Tanoko's second son, Hermanto Tanoko, who originally led Apotek Airlangga, joined PT Avia Avian, who at that time was working with the Thai paint company "TOA" for duco and spray paint technology. In this year, the production capacity of PT Avia Avian increased significantly and grew rapidly. In 1984, the first son of Mr. Soetikno Tanoko, Wijono Tanoko, joined to strengthen the marketing department of PT Avia Avian. 1988 PT Avia Avian built PT Kasakata Kimia which produces resins and additives for production purposes and expanded its business to metal printing and cans production in 1993. Avian Group purchased land in Cikande-Serang, West Java to build a paint factory PT Tropic Tiara Texindo which aims to serve marketing in the West Indonesia region. To anticipate customer demand and to meet the market for quality products, the Avian Group cooperates with one of the largest paint manufacturers in America The Sherwin Williams Company to manufacture and market the Acrylic Urethane system automotive paint. PT Avia Avian continues to improve its production and marketing by developing a calcium carbonate factory, PT Panca Calciumindo Perkasa in Tuban in 2000, building a paint factory in Medan in 2007, and building a mortar factory in Sidoarjo. Then in the Cirebon area, PT Avia Avian Brands taxes/branches under the name PT. Tirtakencana Tatawarna Cirebon address Jl Pilang Raya, No. 86, Kedung Jaya, Cirebon, Pilangsari, Kedawung, West Java 45153, Tel (0231) 246333.


B.  Vision, Mission and Values ​​of the Company

The company's vision is to become the market leader in the paint industry that is loved by everyone. With the motto Creating Rich Value, the company's mission includes the following:

a.      Improving service quality and innovation based on customer satisfaction.

b.     Improving competence and competitiveness through empowering Human Resources.

c.      Strengthen the distribution network to increase competitive value.

d.     Running efficiency in all production lines consistently.

PT Avia Avian also implements several corporate work culture values ​​which include:

a.      Togetherness : Relying on a sense of togetherness among all parties involved.

b.     There always is : Always trying to expand market reach and product range.

c.      Toughness : Have a very strong competitive ability to synergize with changes in the business world.

d.     Planned : All activities are based on strategies and careful calculations.

e.      Innovate: Innovate to adapt to the development of trends and technology.

f.      Benefits: Continuously creating and providing added value for all parties.

C.  Location of PT Avia Avian Brands

Company Center Location : :

       Road: Jalan Raya Surabaya-Sidoarjo KM 19

       Kelurahan : Wadungasih

       District: Buduran

       City: Sidoarjo

       Province: East Java

Cirebon Branch Location with the name PT. Tirtakencana Tatawarna Cirebon address Jl Pilang Raya, No. 86, Kedung Jaya, Cirebon, Pilangsari, Kedawung, West Java 45153, Tel (0231) 246333. Each building contained in PT. Avia Avian produces a variety of products. A description of the types of products produced can be seen in Table 1

Table 1. Description of Production Locations

Building Name

Type of Products Produced


Automotive paint, water base paint, solvent base paint


Wall paint, plamir, water proof paint, tile paint


Solvent base paint


Automotive paint, glue, white paint



Bromo Emulsion

wall paint

Bromo Sintetik

Cat solvent base


Paint cans


Latex, resin


cement mortar

For the placement of the Installation in Waste Treatment (IPAL) it is to the south of the Rinjani Building, while the TPS for B3 waste is in the eastern part of the return building. The utility at PT Avia Avian is located north of the Rinjani Building. The history of the location of the PT Avia Avian factory center in the Sidoarjo area is based on several considerations as follows

a.      Sidoarjo is one of the access roads to East Java Province so that the distribution of raw materials to factories and products to suppliers can be more easily affordable.

b.     Labor costs in Sidoarjo are lower than labor costs in Surabaya and other big cities.

c.      The price of land is relatively cheap and it is possible if a factory expansion is needed.


D.  Business and Marketing Activities

PT Avia Avian is the only paint manufacturer that implements an integrated system in every stage of its production and is one of the leading paint manufacturers in Indonesia. PT Avia Avian produces various types of paint such as wall paint, wood and metal paint, automotive paint, and leak-proof coating paint. In addition, PT Avia Avian has also developed its production by building a resin factory and a can factory to support paint production needs and establishing a mortar factory to expand the types of products produced. PT Avia Avian also collaborates with world-class companies to obtain the latest technology in the paint industry, including:

a.      Lenkote Paints

For the manufacture of leak-proof coating paint and premium wall paint.

b.     E.I. DuPont De Nemours and Company

To provide technical assistance in the formulation of the first and only wall paint in Indonesia with DuPontTM Teflon� surface protector technology.

c.      CPS Color Finland

To provide tinting system solutions in order to create millions of paint colors to meet all customer needs in accordance with the times.

d.     Indonesian Clairant

To support the establishment of a microbiology laboratory so that the microbiological control system and production sanitation can be achieved optimally.

e.      Troy Corporation Asia Pacific

For the development of wall paint with anti-bacterial technology.

Along with the demand for goods that are many and quite rapid, the development of the company PT Avia Avian builds a distribution network through 67 marketing offices in Indonesia. This step is one of the company's efforts so that the needs of the community related to paint in all parts of Indonesia can be met.

E.  Marketing strategy to increase consumer buying interest in PT Avian Brands paint products during the covid 19 pandemic

In carrying out its business activities, PT Avia Avian Brands establishes a marketing strategy by adjusting the potential in the target market of the area. The marketing strategy undertaken is as follows:

a.      Carrying out promotional activities, carried out with billboard and banner advertisements as well as online and print media, giving monthly/annual prizes and social services such as: donations and other social activities.

b.     Excellent service, in this case the salesperson is friendly and ready to provide the best service with the 7S concept, namely: greeting, smiling, greeting, polite, courteous, ready and alert.

c.      Competitive selling prices, where the products sold determine a cheaper price compared to paint products at other PTs and provide discounts for certain purchases and certain products.

d.     Quality HR, in recruiting sales assistants, training is held for one month before becoming permanent employees

All companies/organizations, whether in the form of private business entities, public bodies or social institutions, of course have their own goals which are the motivation for their establishment, as well as PT Avian Brands of course have goals, strategies and management. Management processes, including sharia management, are basically planning in everything steadily to give birth to beliefs that have an impact on doing things according to the rules and having benefits. Regulatory capacity includes systems, for this situation procedures are an integral part of the business or organization. Moreover, in advertising, a system is needed, especially in a serious business world, a very important procedure which is then called a promotion technique

At the level of the contest in the business world requires every advertiser to have the option to complete the exercise of presenting them better, more successful and productive. This promotional exercise requires important advertising ideas according to the interests of the advertiser and the needs and wants of the client. For this situation, Islamic advertising has a very important position, because Islamic broadcasting is one of the promotion procedures that relies on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic promotion is an important business discipline that coordinates how to create, offer and change qualities from one (initiator) to its partner, which in all interactions conforms to Islamic agreements and standards and muamalah in Islam.

In general, marketing strategy is very important for companies where marketing strategy is a way to achieve the goals of a company. This is also supported by the opinion of Sondang P. Siagan that today the term strategy has been used by all types of organizations and the main ideas contained in the original meaning are still maintained, only that their application is adapted to the type of organization that implements them, because in a real sense, management the peak is indeed involved in a certain form of "war". According to James A.F. Stoner argues that strategy can be defined from at least two different perspectives: from the perspective of what an organization will do, and also from the perspective of what an organization ultimately does, whether its actions were originally planned or not. From the first perspective, strategy is "the broad software for defining and achieving organizational goals and carrying out its mission".

The word "application" in this definition implies an active, conscious and rational role played by managers in formulating corporate/organizational strategy. From the second perspective, strategy is "the pattern of responses an organization makes to its environment over time." In this definition, every organization has a strategy, although it does not always have to be effective, even though the strategy has never been formulated explicitly. That is, every organization has a relationship with its environment that can be observed and explained. This view includes organizations where the behavior of managers is reactive, meaning that managers respond to and adapt to the environment only when they feel it is necessary to do so.

Every company, be it PT Avia Avian Brands, has a marketing strategy to optimize it in achieving its goals. This complex marketing strategy is always changing as a consequence of social change. For companies, changing the environment can be a new challenge for business marketing, so this requires new responses and solutions or vice versa, it can turn into an opportunity or opportunity to develop a business. Thus the marketing strategy in a company cannot be done in just one process, but it takes a long process to create a marketing strategy that suits the company.

The most important and necessary thing in a marketing strategy is ways and efforts to attract the public/potential consumers to want to shop in order to survive or increase the number of buyers/consumers at that place. In accordance with the marketing strategy described in this study, it will be studied in segmenting, targeting and positioning. In addition, PT Avian Brands' location selection will also be studied in an effort to develop the business and retain existing customers (win mind-share, heart-share and market-share).

Table 2.

CAT Avian Brand Product Sales Data Report

Period 2018-2020





In Rp.

In %


2017 (previous data)





















Wait for data until the end of the year



Based on the table above, it can be seen that the sales results of paint products at PT Avian from an average of 2018-2019 have increased 2.2%. This increase occurred due to relatively cheap prices compared to paint products at other PTs. This is a good sign for marketing at PT. Avia Avian Brands, however, in 2020 it decreased by -2.20% of sales of paint products at PT. Avia Avian Brands due to the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic which affected sales of paint products.

Segmenting (market segmentation) is behavior, the act of conducting and identifying, forming segments of groups of buyers or consumers separately. Each consumer is distinguished according to the characteristics of the product needs and its own marketing mix, while targeting (target market) is the act of choosing one or more market segments to enter, for the target market of PT.Avia Avian in the Cirebon Branch itself, especially at Building Materials stores in the area the researchers on duty are the Districts of Lemahwungkuk, Mundu, Astanajapura and Beber.

Positioning (market positioning) aims to build and communicate the competitive advantages of existing products in the market to the minds of consumers (win mind-share). The market positioning strategy consists of: basic attributes (low price or high price) Responding and observing the description above and the results of the interviews, the marketing strategy for paint products at PT Avia Avian Brand is viewed from the perspective of Islamic marketing strategy, then applying conventional marketing strategy concepts and theories, but in fact it also applies an Islamic marketing strategy which consists of first, Islamic marketing characteristics ; second, Islamic business ethics; third, imitating the marketing practices of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

First. Islamic marketing characteristics that are applied are

a.      Deity

Mr. David Chandra, Branch Head of PT Avia Avian Brand Cirebon Brand Office PT Tirtakencana Tatawarna � Cirebon Jl. Raya Pilang No. 86, Kedung Jaya, Pilang Cirebon, West Java explained to the researcher: �PT Avia Avian Brands in running its business has the characteristics of an Islamic application as well, this is evident in our daily work not only looking at the worldly aspect, but also we always remember God that everyone who runs their business is legal to use various marketing strategies. but it must be remembered that God's rules should not be ignored." The explanation from Mr. David, shows that divinity or rabbaniyah is a unanimous belief, that all human movements are always under the supervision of Allah SWT. Therefore, all human beings must behave as well as possible, not behave cunningly, like to cheat, steal other people's property, like to eat other people's property in a vanity way and so on. This condition is strongly believed by Muslims, so that it becomes a guide for life, not to be shaken. The Rabbaniyah value is inherent or becomes the flesh and blood of every Muslim, so that it can put the brakes on despicable acts in the business world.

b.     Ethical

Pinkan Rizky Amelia (an employee of PT Avia Avian Brands said that: "The establishment of PT Avia Avian Brands may be useful, for me personally and all my friends, employees here must instill alkarimah moral values". Ethical or akhlaqiah means that all behavior goes above generally accepted ethical norms. Ethics is conscience, and this conscience is the true word, "the will of God", can not be lied to. A swindler who steals things, hoards things, takes other people's property in a false way, his little heart must say differently, but because of the devil's seduction he is tempted to cheat, this means he violates ethics, he does not obey what his true heart tells him. Therefore, this is a guide for Islamic marketers to always maintain every word, behavior in business dealings with anyone, consumers, distributors, shops, suppliers or competitors.

c.      Realistic

The researcher in this case also interviewed Rose's mother as a consumer, the answer was as follows: �As far as I know from several products at PT Avia Avian Brands, in terms of service and satisfaction, I am a consumer that the employees talk about the quality of paint products, promotions and prices as they are. In accordance with reality, do not make it up so that the goods sell. They are all very friendly to buyers, and yes, you can say honestly.� And in accordance with Islamic law Realistic or al-waqiiyyah which means according to reality, don't make it up, especially those that lead to lies. All transactions made must be based on reality, not discriminating against people, ethnicity, skin color. All actions are full of honesty. Even the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. about this realistic nature, if you sell an item with a defect, then tell the prospective buyer that this item has a slight defect. If the buyer after being told still wants to have the item, that's even better. You must not swear that the item is really good and perfect, even though there are defects. Wet food items should not be stored under, but raised to the top so that buyers can see. Such is the noble teaching of the Prophet Muhammad. very realistic, never trick people, this must be followed by the people

d. Humanistic

The conversation from Mr. Arie as part of the SPV (Supervisor) at PT. Tirta Kencana Tatawarna is as follows: "All employees and stakeholders who are involved in activities at PT Avia Avian Brands Cirebon branch must hold on to humanistic beliefs and firmness, which means being humane, respecting each other, and most importantly the buyer is the king". Humanistic or al-insaniyah which means being humane, respecting others. Marketing is trying to make life better. Do not let marketing activities on the contrary destroy the order of life in the community, make social life disrupted, such as the life of a herd of animals, there are no rules and the strong are in power.


F.   Strengths and weaknesses

a.      Analysis of strengths and weaknesses (S-W)

PT Avia Avian Brand has several advantages, namely cheap paint product prices, easy access to send paint products, a variety of paint products offered, national and local company regulations, even internationally, the climate of society changes. However, from these advantages there are also disadvantages/weaknesses, namely, among other things, capital problems for developing businesses are constrained in technical terms, sometimes the distribution of goods is hampered by slow production due to paint raw materials, color mixing that uses a lot of mixtures of other colors, sometimes the promotional website is down due to a virus websites with lots of advertisements, company dynamics are rigid and bound, sometimes the climate of society changes.

b.     Opportunity and threat analysis (O-T)

Opportunity factors can be defined as opportunities, namely various favorable environmental situations for a business unit. What is meant by these various situations include:

1.     important trends that occur among product users,

2.     identification of a market segment that has not received attention,

3.     changes in competitive conditions,

4.     changes in laws and regulations that open up new opportunities in business activities,

5.     relationships with buyers who are "familiar," and

6.     relationships with suppliers that are "harmonious."

It is also important to realize that various critical strengths and weaknesses factors with solutions play a very important role in limiting the search for various alternatives and the choice of strategies to use. In other words, by using a "SWOT" analysis, the specific competencies possessed and outstanding weaknesses can be assessed and linked to various determining factors for the success of a business unit.



Berdasarkan temuan-temuan di atas sebagaimana penulis sampikan diatas, maka bisa menarik beberapa kesimpulan yaitu ditinjau dari strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkanminat beli konsumen di PT Avia Avian Brands cabang Cirebon PT Avia Avian Brandsselain menerapkan teori dan konsep strategi pemasaran konvensional dan digital untuk masa pandemic sehingga para konsumen bisa memilih produk cat PT Avia Avian Brand dengan cara online, juga menerapkan strategi pemasaran Islami yang terdiri atas tiga hal pokok pertama, penerapan karakteristik pemasaran Islami; kedua, penerapan etika bisnis Islami; ketiga, mencontoh praktik pemasaran Nabi Muhammad SAW. Karakteristik pemasaran Islami yang diterapkan PT Avia Avian Brandsadalah ketuhanan (tauhid), akhlak, realistis, humanistis. etika bisnis Islami yang diterapkan PT Avia Avian Brandsyaitu produk yang halal dan thoyyib, produk yang berguna dan dibutuhkan, produk yang berpotensi ekonomi atau benefit, produk yang bernilai tambah yang tinggi, dalam jumlah yang berskala ekonomi dan sosial, produk yang dapat memuaskan masyarakat. PT Avia Avian Brandsmencontoh praktik pemasaran Nabi Muhammad SAW mulai dari segmentasi dan targeting, positioning, sampai bauran pemasaran (marketing mix).

Kelebihan yaitu harga produk cat yang murah, diskon produk yang tidak banyak syarat, kemudahan dalam akses mengirim barang produk cat, produk cat yang ditawarkan beragam, peraturan perusahaan nasional maupun lokal,bahkan internasional, iklim masyarakat berubah ubah. Namun dari kelebihan tersebut juga ada kekurangan/kelemahan yaitu antara lain permasalahan modal untuk mengambangkan usaha terkendala dalam hal teknis terkadang penyaluran distribusi barang terhambat oleh lambatnya produksi karena bahan baku cat, terkendalanya percampuran warna yang banyak menggunakan campuran warna lain, terkadang website promosi down terkena virus website dengan banyak iklan, dinamika perusahaan kaku dan terikat terkadang iklim masyarakat berubah ubah, dan Para konsumen Indonesia yang membutuhkan cat yang berkualitas, mudah mendapatkan karyawan baru, kemudahan dalam mencari produk cat, jenis dan harga, Sangat mudah bagi konsumen untuk memilik produk tinggal memilih sesuai dengan warna yang di inginkan melalui website PT Avia Aviian Brands, makin sedikitnya pelanggaran usaha, sewaktu iklim mendukung usaha laba meningkat. Namun ada juga kelemahan dari analisis SWOT pada (S-W), (O-T) permsalahan modal untuk mengambangkan usaha terkendala dalam hal teknis terkadang penyaluran distribusi barang terhambat oleh lambatnya produksi karena bahan baku cat, terkendalanya percampuran warna yang banyak menggunakan campuran warna lain, terkadang website promosi down terkena virus website dengan banyak iklan, dinamika perusahaan kaku dan terikat terkadang iklim masyarakat berubah ubah dan pemilihan cat yang tidak tetap selalu berubah ubah sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen, tenaga SDM masih kurang berkualitas terutam dalam pemasaran, kurangnya pasokan dalam bahan baku pembuatan cat dan pembatasan kebijakan pemerinitah dalam distribusi bahan cat, pemilik PT Avian Avian Brands jika inovatif dan kreatif maka akan ditingalkan konsumen/pelanggan, bila melakukan kesalahan sedikit saja izin usaha bisa di cabut, iklim lebih banyak mendukung daripada menghambat.



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Aris Yulianto (2022)

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AJEMB � American Journal of Economic and Management Business